- Количество слайдов: 19
Tips, Tricks and Tasty Tidbits IWLA Conference 2013 Stephanie Prine Spanish Teacher World Language Content Leader Dubuque Senior High School Dubuque, Iowa
Contact Information http: //www. senior. dubuque. k 12. ia. us/ Stephanie Prine Sprine@dbqschools. org www. sraprine. wikispaces. com
Tips Many of these tips and tricks are really gimmicks that help build your classroom community. They build rapport between you and your students. Really, these are just some classroom management strategies.
Tips and Tricks ¡Listos, listos!-- ¡Sí estamos listos! (Noah Geisel) ¡Prrrrrrróximo!– r rolling contest first (Noah Geisel) Lávate las manos (Noah Geisel) Olé ¡Qué lástima! No me digas
Tips and Tricks Gimme an ooooo…. . ahhhhh Repeating vocab words with funny inflections: Surprise, question, feeling sick, tired, excited, British accent, etc. . Russian accent for incorrect grammar ie) You go to house white? Fake bad words Sacapuntas Caracas Bufanda Pick whatever words are funny to YOU Kids buy what YOU sell
Tips and Tricks Aplausos De golf Suaves Fuertes Lentos Con los pies En un circulo De fuegos artificiales
Tips and Tricks Da tu compañero… 5 21 Un codo Una rodilla Un 5 arriba y abajo Un puño con una explosión Etc…
Tricks—Random Grammar Tips Para mi, para ti Ven di sal haz ten ve pon se (Vin Disel has ten weapons) Or Di Haz Ve Pon Sal Se Ten Ven– To the tune of “She’ll Be Comin’ ‘Round the Mountain Move Ud. And Uds. Up in the chart so all the “yous” are together Yo Nosotros Tú Vosotros Ud. El Ella Uds. Ellos Ellas
Tricks– El preterito Preterit Rhymes P-Snaps and Ripples Fantastic Prezi for preterit grouping---by Sarah Ruiz http: //prezi. com/f_wayvxelvwb/? utm_ca mpaign=share&utm_medium=copy
Tasty Tidbits
Kahoot– my newest obession • Super fun trivia game– it’s like a high tech whiteboard review game • Create questions with multiple choice questions that students answer on smart devices. (They LOVE it!) • www. getkahoot. com • Example: https: //play. kahoot. it/#/k/041443 da 6023 -4975 -a 9 cf-f 756309 e 14 ed
Tasty tidbits are what spice up your classroom! Games are a great way to reinforce topics from class, particularly those that have to do with vocabulary and grammar Here’s a list of what we do to spice it up at Dubuque Senior Crazy Fly Swatter Game Go Fish Memory Habla la palabra Tic tac toe Ladders Chispas Craneo Toilet Charades Bluff Tira un seis Snail Game Examples of these can all be found under the IWLA tab at www. sraprine. wikispaces. com
More Tasty Tidbits Some awesome and super tasty tidbits from IWLAs past Verb Squares (Regina Schantz) Marcas (Lisa Sobotka) Roommate Game (Regina Schantz) Piggy Bank (Lisa Sobotka) Mastermind (Lisa Sobotka)
Are you on Pinterest? - If not, get on it ASAP - There are TONS of amazing ideas to keep things extra spicy in your classroom! - http: //www. pinterest. com
Make your classroom “Pintresting” This is my “low tech” pintrest board in my classroom. (Idea stolen from Jason Noble)
Questions? Things to share?
Contact Information http: //www. senior. dubuque. k 12. ia. us/ Stephanie Prine Sprine@dbqschools. org www. sraprine. wikispaces. com