- Количество слайдов: 36
THUNDERBIRD Welcome to Global MBA 2007 Global MBA Finance & Accounting Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD 2007 Financial Guidelines Main Objective To submit a completed Statement of Tuition and Fees packet prior to the end of this session. Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD 2007 Thunderbird payment options Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD Welcome to Global MBA Wire Transfers 2007 The wire should be in U. S. Dollars and should include the following: HSBC Bank USA, N. A. ABA Number: 021001088 SWIFT: MRDMUS 33 For credit to: Thunderbird, The Garvin School of International Management Account Number: 134764471 Include Student Name & I. D. Number • Consider wire transfer transaction fees • Fax or E-mail a copy of your wire transfer confirmation • Wire Payments made to Thunderbird must be in USD currency. Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD Welcome to Global MBA 2007 Credit Card Visa, Master. Card, Discover, American Express Credit Card information is maintained in a secure environment and receipts are filed under lock and key for your financial protection. Contact your Credit Card Company and request a note be placed on your account that each month a specific amount around the 1 st of each month will be charged by Thunderbird located in Glendale, Arizona for tuition purposes. This step can help you avoid the credit card Declined response. Tec de Monterrey
2007 THUNDERBIRD Welcome to Global MBA Personal and Business Checks • Checks will be accepted in USD currency only • Make Checks Payable to: Thunderbird, The Garvin School of International Management • Must Include Student I. D. # and Full Name on check • Check Payment mailing address: Thunderbird, The Garvin School of International Management Attn: Finance and Accounting 15249 N. 59 th Ave. Glendale, Arizona 85306 Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD 2007 Electronic Receipts & Invoices Receipts and optional Invoices generated for each payment will be processed and distributed to the student by e-mail in a PDF file (available for printing) on Official School Letterhead. Receipts are made out with the students name and address while Invoices can be customized to include the Name, Address and R. F. C. of the sponsoring company. Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD 2007 Tec de Monterrey Payment options Tec de Monterrey
2007 THUNDERBIRD Welcome to Global MBA Credit Card Visa, Master. Card, American Express Credit Card information is maintained in a secure environment and receipts are filed under lock and key for your financial protection. The charges are made in Mexican Pesos considering the exchange rate of the due date. Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD 2007 Bank Deposit in Mexico Mexican pesos Name on Bank Account: Bank Name: CIE Covenant: CIE Reference: Concept: ITESM BBVA Bancomer 078846 ITESM ID + Verifier Digit Global MBA Note: Students must consider the exchange rate of the due date, consulting it at www. tecvirtual. itesm. mx/tesoreria/global/ and the verifier digit as well. US Dollars Name on Bank Account: Bank Name: CIE Covenant: CIE Reference: Concept: ITESM BBVA Bancomer 086436 ITESM ID + Verifier Digit Global MBA Note: Students must e-mail a copy of the bank deposit confirmation to pagosglobal. uv@itesm. mx Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD 2007 Wire Transfer Mexican pesos Name on Bank Account: Bank Name: Bank Account: CLABE: ITESM BBVA Bancomer 0444106938 012 580 00444106938 9 US Dollars Name on Bank Account: Bank Name: Bank Account: CLABE: ITESM BBVA Bancomer 0447957033 012 580 00447957033 2 Note: Students must e-mail a copy of the wire transfer confirmation to pagosglobal. uv@itesm. mx Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD 2007 Deposit bank in USA US Dollars Name on Bank Account: Bank Name: Bank Account: ABA: Concept: • • ITESM Wells Fargo Bank Laredo Texas 523 -0750383 111900659 GMBA-Matrícula Students must e-mail a copy of the bank deposit confirmation to pagosglobal. uv@itesm. mx Consider wire transfer transaction fees Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD 2007 Invoices Optional Invoices generated for each payment will be processed in Monterrey and distributed to the student by the coordinator in the campus or site. It includes Student/Company’s data and Tec de Monterrey’s as well in accordance with the Mexican Laws. IMPORTANT: If you need an invoice you should ask for it during this session, or any change to the invoice info should be submitted during next working day after the payment, at the latest. Tec de Monterrey
2007 THUNDERBIRD Contract of Educational Services • Establishes the responsibilities between the Institute and the students. • Students have to sign it once: the contract starts at the moment of signing and ends at the conclusion of the program • It includes the support of a co-signer • It should be signed and turned in to your campus coordinator on the first day of class at the latest. Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD Policies 2007 • Penalty for overdue payments: US $68. 00 each occurrance • Interest: If tuition payment is made after the due date, the student will pay an interest amount equal in proportion to the overdue time period. The interest rate will be determined monthly by Sistema de Administración Tributaria (SAT): 1. 13% in July 05 • http: //www. sat. gob. mx/sitio_internet/asistencia_contribuyente/informacion _frecuente/tasa_recargos/ Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD 2007 Student Medical Insurance • Students must have Medical Insurance which is not included in the tuition • If you have one, just send a copy of your policy • If you don’t have one, we will buy one for you: $750. 00 per term (Mexican pesos) • It covers Mexico and overseas trips • Ask for the medical insurance at pagosglobal. uv@itesm. mx, before August 24 th, 2005 Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD Welcome to Global MBA 2007 Company Sponsored Students It is the responsibility of the GMBA student to satisfy the financial requirements outlined in this session not that of the students sponsor or employer. Communicate with your Human Resources dept. your payment amount, scheduled due dates and specific invoice requirements. Tec de Monterrey
2007 THUNDERBIRD 1 st You must have a completed The Statement of Tuition and Fees packet and have it ready to turn in to our staff for review at this time. How 2 nd FAQ and detailed information about how the payment process functions with helpful hints to help keep your student account current will be explained. Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD FAQ’s 2007 Q. Can I and how do I change or update any of the information I have submitted on the statement of tuition and fees form? A. Yes, you may change if your account is up to date and if approved by the GMBA office. Updates and Changes can be submitted via e-mail or fax on a new statement of Tuition and Fees form, as well as a Tuition Transfer/Payment Plan Change form available on the GMBA website. Gabriela Trujillo: trujillg@t-bird. edu Tere Elizondo: telizondo@itesm. mx Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD 2007 What happens if your payments are not current? Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD 1 st Month 2007 2 nd Month OUT “Students whose payments are delinquent for two consecutive months will be removed from the program. ” Tec de Monterrey
2007 THUNDERBIRD FAQ’s Q. How will Finance & Accounting stay in contact with you the student? A. student@global. t-bird. edu A 00 XXXXXX@itesm. mx Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD 2007 FAQ’s Q. What if I need to make special arrangements and/or make a request for special consideration regarding my Financial Obligation. A. All special requests must be made through the GMBA office and the Program Directors for approval prior to being put into affect by Finance & Accounting Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD 2007 Websites • www. tecvirtual. itesm. mx/tesoreria/global/ • www. Thunderbird. edu/Global. MBA Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD 2007 How will you stay in contact with us? Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD Welcome to Global MBA 2007 Roberta Duy Controller duyr@t-bird. edu (602) 978 -7533 Socorro Ibarra Treasurer mibarra@itesm. mx (81) 8358 -1400 Ext 6532 Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD Welcome to Global MBA 2007 Penny Stinsman Senior Accountant stinsmap@t-bird. edu (602) 978 -7798 Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD 2007 Rose Alvarez Senior Accountant rose. alvarez@itesm. mx o, pagosglobal. uv@itesm. mx (81) 8358 -1400 Ext. 6555 Fax: 01 -800 -7191 -270 Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD Welcome to Global MBA 2007 Veronica Gudakova Accountant gudakovv@t-bird. edu (602) 978 -7141 Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD Welcome to Global MBA 2007 Diane Weible Business Office Cashier weibled@t-bird. edu (602) 978 -7140 Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD 2007 Teresa Elizondo Administrative Coordinator Global MBA telizondo@itesm. mx (81) 8358 -1400 Ext. 6178 Tec de Monterrey
THUNDERBIRD Welcome to Global MBA 2007 For students receiving scholarships, we will hold a meeting on Sunday at 1: 30 pm in the Commons. Finance and Accounting staff will be available to meet with you during your scheduled lunch breaks on Monday and Tuesday in the COMMONS. Tec de Monterrey