Three Questions
What characteristics If it is a project or Is it a distinguish this then who are operation? endeavor stakeholders? Project? Some work to do
Project vs Operation
Project Vs Operation There is no one-time operation. It’s always keep in running. Project Completes whet Brings about a product, service and Have Start met and a goals are Date or Temporary in nature result that did not objectives are End Date accomplished exist before Why (Intangibleproducts) Concept Car Project –Ex: one-time set of unique Ex: (Tangible operation are running? Project is (Service) “НЛС”activities brings something Ex: project andproducts) Brand Image Operation Purpose is to keep No End-date Ongoing, Repetitive organizational (Continuous) function
Designing a new car Assembling the new car model recently designed
Project Stakeholders
Project Stakeholders Project Resources Activity Resources Could have Actively involve Something gain conflicting in the lose or project interests Stakeholders have vested interests Objectives / Goals
Project Sponsor Project Manager Customers Other Manager Suppliers Team Members Board of Directors PM Office
Identify stakeholders early in the project Meet with stakeholder to understand needs and constraints Resolve conflicts Manage expectation of stakeholders
Project Characteristics
Project Resources Activity Project completes when 1)Goals are unique Project achieved 2)Goals are no longer needed Objectives / Goals Activity Resources Project is successful when expectations are met or exceeded Start Date Project are temporary End Date