Thousands of users Remote login, file transfer Interconnect mainframe computers Applications capitalize on underlying technology
Millions of users Web, email, low-quality audio & video Interconnect personal computers and servers Applications adapt to underlying technology
Provide reliable end-to-end performance Encourage cooperation on new capabilities Allow testing of new technologies Support development of revolutionary applications
Billions of users and devices Convergence of today’s applications with multimedia (telephony, videoconference, HDTV) Interconnect personal computers, servers, and embedded computers New technologies enable unanticipated applications (and create new challenges)
The Internet came from the academic community
Internet 2 universities are recreating the partnerships that fostered the Internet in its infancy
10 Gigabits per second backbone Optical transport capability (Lambda) using DWDM Flexible provisioning to support point to point optical connection Native IPv 6 deployment concurrent with IPv 4
Internet 2 backbone networks have no non-US infrastructure Primarily, our partners’ networks pay to get to the US NSF provides some funding for 3 international network projects
Ana Preston apreston@internet 2. edu Heather Boyles heather@internet 2. edu