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THORNBURG MIDDLE SCHOOL Business Day 2014 Thursday, August 28, 2014 Session 1 @ 9 -11 am Session 2 @ 4 -7: 30 pm Athletic Meeting @ 7 -7: 30 in Forum This is a time to meet your child’s teachers, purchase PE uniforms, purchase a yearbook, see your child’s class schedule, purchase Jaguar Gear, meet our PTO, meet administration, prepay lunch account and tour TMS.
THORNBURG MIDDLE SCHOOL Contact your child’s counselor if you have any questions or concerns at 582 -7603 or the TMS main office at 582 -7600. Ext: 6626 – Mr. Green 7 th grade & 6 th grace K-Z Ext. 6625 - Mrs. O’Bannon 8 th grade & 6 th grade A-J
THORNBURG MIDDLE SCHOOL September 2, 2014 First Day of School 8: 05 to 2: 45 pm Fall Sports Tryouts Football, Girls Basketball, Girls Soccer
THORNBURG MIDDLE SCHOOL note to 6 th grader parents State Law requires all rising 6 th grade students to receive a current Tdap vaccination BEFORE entering 6 th grade. Please email, fax, or hand deliver your child’s immunization record to TMS attention Mara King, school nurse BEFORE the first day of school.
THORNBURG MIDDLE SCHOOL note to 6 th grader parents 6 th grade students who DO NOT meet this state immunization requirement will NOT be able to attend school on 9 -2 -14, the first day of school. THANK YOU in advance for your cooperation.
THORNBURG MIDDLE SCHOOL 2014 TMS Achievements Latin News…. National Latin Exam Chance Nicholas received a certificate on the Intro to Latin Exam. Taylor White placed magna cum laude, and Hannah Pond placed cum laude on the National Latin Exam. Congratulations Ms. Chenault and students!
THORNBURG MIDDLE SCHOOL 2014 TMS Achievements --Designated. Blue Ribbon Music School, second time since 2008 -09 --Destination Imagination Team competed at the international level after qualifying at regionals and state competition --24 Game District Champions two consecutive years --3 rd place overall in MS county debate tournament --Giving back to our community totaled more than 3000. 00 to various local and state agencies, SECA (operation bus elves-27 gifts), SEA, Fredericksburg Food bank (over 200 pounds of food), Salvation Army (167 cans of food), Hope House Project and other community outreach
THORNBURG MIDDLE SCHOOL 2014 TMS Achievements --local middle school chapters of FBLA and FCCLA, vocational service middle school groups --Boys track county champions --hosted a successful 8 th grade semi-formal, field day and awards ceremony --STEM club met after-school --SCOPE teacher received a grant from UMW to equip a STEM lab with 3 D printer and other STEM technologies --1 st year of PBIS and the 3 R's --1 st summer promoting summer math program through Tenmarks math program-recommended by VDOE; over sixty TMS students are enrolled to participate this summer
THORNBURG MIDDLE SCHOOL 2014 TMS Achievements --Expanded use of Jaguar Bucks to reward students for various school accomplishments with a school store to redeem Jaguar Bucks called Jaguar General Store --7 th and 8 th grade students operated our Jaguar General Store --Successful Veteran's Day Ceremony and recognition of other groups such as Autism Awareness, Disability Awareness, Red Ribbon (Drug Abuse Prevention), Blue Ribbon (Child Abuse Prevention), and Math Education Month to name a few --2 nd year TMS sent students to the Richmond Piedmont Science Fair. Four students entered and three placed in 2013 and fifteen students entered and seven placed in 2014
THORNBURG MIDDLE SCHOOL 2014 TMS Achievements --English (reading) SOL performance increased by nearly 10% points meeting all FAMO subgroups --Science SOL performance increased 4% points --Algebra SOL performance increased by nearly 20% points --Writing SOL performance increased by 5% points --8 th grade math SOL performance increased nearly 10% points