Скачать презентацию Thomas Stearns Eliot 1888 1965 a poet Скачать презентацию Thomas Stearns Eliot 1888 1965 a poet


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Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888 – 1965) a poet, dramatist, and literary critic received the Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888 – 1965) a poet, dramatist, and literary critic received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948. He’s an American poet moved to the UK and was a hard worker i. e. he didn't wait for inspiration to come but he looked for words and spent much efforts to write his poems. During his life, his wife became mad and that really touched him a lot thus he couldn't live a peaceful life so he decided to travel around the world and this journey was a source for this poem. .

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He was born for a king and a queen A prophecy tells that he He was born for a king and a queen A prophecy tells that he will kill his father and marry his mother. . As a result, his father gave him to a high point. . A servant tied him and let him wander alone. . A shepherd found him. . He told him the prophecy “destiny” He ran away meeting a caravan and killed his father. . 2 sins are committed accidently. . Many results and hard scarifies. .

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Fisher King is the one who made 15 lines and a circle. . “A Fisher King is the one who made 15 lines and a circle. . “A Democratic city. . ” During wars, he managed to find the Holy Grail he kept in Chapel Arthur used the Grail to put wine on it, so it is a symbol of “fertility” Fisher brought it and assigned knights to guard it. . The guardians are drunk and the Holy Grail is stolen. . More than one sin are committed especially drinking and stealing Fisher sent 15 knights to give the Grail back. . Fisher’s wife fills in love with the only knight that comes back. . So the bad consequences of this love Led to barren and sterile life

Ezekiel He is an Israeli prophet with 2 prophecies to the son of Israel Ezekiel He is an Israeli prophet with 2 prophecies to the son of Israel “Son of man, stand upon thy feet and I will speak to thee, your alters shall be desolate, and your finaglers shall be broken, and I will cut down your slain men before your idols” “Your land shall be waste and the grasshopper shall be burden and desire shall frail and dust shall remain on the land as it was” Why. . Because they worship idols Redemption occurs in the book of Isaiah “ 333”. It talks about the waste land saying that “Masiah will be a river in a dry land the shadow of a great rock in a weary land”

Waste Lands Therefore, our land needs salvation because of the overwhelming sins we live Waste Lands Therefore, our land needs salvation because of the overwhelming sins we live in but we are not ware of our sins or even our redemption.

In the Roman mythology, she asks Apollo to live as many years as grain In the Roman mythology, she asks Apollo to live as many years as grain of sands. . Her stupidity led her to forget asking about ‘’everlasting physical youth” Accordingly, she became ugly, old, and small like a finger in a bottle wishing to reach the 5 -letter word, “DEATH”. Today, the western civilization is like Sybil. It will end up like her in a way that people will ask for death but 3 “NOs” will appear “NO rebirth. . NO death. . And No redemption”. .

Time will come when we dearly wish to die. No one can imagine how Time will come when we dearly wish to die. No one can imagine how horrible life might be then to the extent that the most frequently desired wish is death. The mere thought of this gives me a violent shudder!