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THIS WEEK AT RICHARDSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – February 26 – March 2, 2018 Mr. Henry Linker, Principal 6901 N. Camino de la Tierra Tucson AZ 85741 Office Hours: 7: 30 AM-4: 00 PM Office: 520. 696. 8500 Report Absences: 520. 696. 4809 Kathy Hupp: 520. 696. 8501 FAX: 520. 690. 5617 Skills for Success: 520. 442. 8921 2018 -2019 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION March 19 -23 2018 Students must turn 5 years old by August 31, 2018 Please bring this documentation with you to register your child: IMPORTANT DATES THIS WEEK Tues. 2/27 Thurs. 3/1 Fri. 3/2 DAP TESTING THIS WEEK 3 -6 2: 45 PM Girls B Team Centennial @ Richardson 6: 00 PM Governing Board Meeting 2: 45 PM Girls A Team @ Centennial 6: 00 PM Father/Daughter Dance 7: 30 AM –Student Wellness Council Meeting 5: 30 PM-Festival Under the Stars @ High School GRANDPARENT’S WEEK March 12 – Grades 4, 5, 6 March 13 – Grades 2, 3 March 14 – K, 1 State Certified Birth Certificate (must be an original) Immunization Records Proof of Residency (current utility bill/lease agreement) Call Ms. Sabrina – 696 -8500 for details. Photo Identification (parent) YOU ARE INVITED OPEN ENROLLMENT STUDENTS WELCOME! We are happy to schedule a tour of our campus. Please contact the office @ 696 -8501. SPRING TITLE 1 MEETING Monday, March 19, 2018 – 2: 30 PM Attend this meeting to learn information about the Title 1 Reading Lab Program at Richardson.