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American Patriot Friends Network 2005 12 TH ANNIVERSARY OF WACO Remember Waco April 19, 1993 Music by Carl Klang- 17 Little Children
Waco, Texas ~ April 19, 1993
February 28, 1993
"In January 1993, approximately two months before the attack against the Mt. Carmel property, the BATF had set up what is now generally known as the surveillance house. ….
The surveillance house was located opposite the Mt. Carmel center. The agents posed as students attending a local college.
Some of the men from Mt. Carmel had on an occasion visited the house, as a welcome gesture to the new neighbors. . .
In late February 1993, after preliminary investigations, the ATF began preparing for what would be its biggest raid in history.
On the day of the raid, February 28, 1993, an ambulance company hired by the ATF agents leaked word of "Operation Trojan Horse" to a local TV station, which then sent a cameraman to check on the situation.
"When the cattle trailers, which were filled with fully-armed agents arrived,
David Koresh opened the front door unarmed to meet with these agents. He stated there women and children in the building and we needed to talk about this….
It was then Koresh sustained gunshot wounds to the hand side.
Much was happening at this time. The helicopters were round the back of the building firing. There was a team on the roof trying to break in. Inside, the residents of Mt. Carmel were orientating themselves to what was happening. ….
After Koresh being wounded, the front door was slammed shut. The sounds of gunfire increased in intensity. … http: //www. apfn. org/apfn/mtcarmel. htm
Interestingly, the BATF via the media, would have the public believe, David opened the door snickered, shut the door and the residents of Mt. Carmel began firing. To use an English phrase, this is poppycock!" http: //www. apfn. org/apfn/mtcarmel. htm
Through the testimony of their own witnesses we are informed that the planners of this attack relied heavily on the element of surprise being present for any reasonable expectation of success.
To know that the element of surprise was lost, yet proceed regardless, cannot be excused as an accident.
It can either be seen as a deliberate intention to commit murder, or a flagrant display of arrogance at the expense of people's lives.
The fact that they are here dealing with human lives, the executing of such an attack, with or without this element of surprise, should never have occurred in the first place.
The real truth is, they were attacked by a bunch of hoodlums under the cover of bogus laws.
Through the surrender of their conscientious judgment for monetary gain, these agents became instrumental in bringing about this murderous conspiracy. "
This was not a fictitious movie you watch on television, sitting in the comfort of your living room, it was reality. April 19, 1993…. 95 of the occupants died, including many women and children.
51 – DAY STANDOFF Feb. 28, 1993 – Apr. 19, 1993 On February 28, 1993, a team of agents of the U. S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) launched an assault on the premises of a religious community called Mount Carmel, outside Waco, Texas, occupied by a sect called the Branch Davidians, led by a man named Vernon Howell, who had assumed the name David Koresh. http: //www. constitution. org/waco/mtcarmel. htm
On day 51 of the standoff, federal forces tore holes in the compound with armored vehicles and poured in tear gas in an effort to force the approximately 95 men, women, and children to give up. http: //www. thenewamerican. com/tna/1993/vo 09 no 10_waco. htm
Some of the victims murdered at the Waco Massacre
Mount Carmel A Day of Information Videos http: //www. apfn. org/apfn/wacoinfo 4 -19 -94. htm Inside Mount Carmel 03/08/93 http: //www. apfn. org/Movies/Inside_Mt_Carmel. WMV The Waco Incident http: //www. apfn. org/Movies/incident. WMV Dick De. Guerin, Koresh's Attorney (on 60 Minutes) http: //www. apfn. org/Movies/waco 7. wmv
Why was it necessary for the ATF to mount a paramilitary assault using automatic weapons and grenades to serve an arrest and search warrant?
There are NO Statutes of Limitations on the Crimes of Genocide!
Why was 9: 30 on a Sunday morning chosen as the time of the raid, a time when all adults who worked away from Mt. Carmel were at home, as were the school-age children?
Janet Reno gave her approval and admitted responsibility http: //www. apfn. org/Movies/WACO_RENO_04_19_93. WMV
Why didn't they arrest Koresh on one of his frequent trips to jog or go into town?
Why did the AFT shoot five Malamute dogs and let them whine and cry within sight and hearing of the children until their pets eventually died?
Why did the FBI use psychological warfare "torture" techniques such as blaring at night sounds of rabbits being slaughtered or a phone off the hook, at a building containing over two dozen children?
Why as the children watched were their bicycles and tricycles crushed by the FBI armored vehicles?
Why did the FBI publicly announce that they had all the time that was necessary to resolve the matter peacefully, but then launch a physical assault by armored tracked vehicles tearing away huge portions of the building?
Why did the FBI deliver typewriter ribbons on Sunday afternoon so the Seven Seals could be typed, then attack twelve hours later with five minutes warning?
Why did the FBI use debilitating CS gas, banned for use by military combatants against enemy soldiers, knowing there were 17 young children inside who were too small to have gas masks that could fit?
Why did the FBI need to smash the structural integrity of the clapboard building, collapsing walls, ceilings, and roofs in order to insert CS gas?
Did the FBI forget that they had cut off the electricity for over a month, and the light sources inside the building were Coleman camping lanterns burning fuel?
Did the FBI not know that the weight of a multi-ton armored vehicle would shake the earth, the flimsy foundation, and the structure of the building itself especially once it penetrated the building?
Did the FBI forget that there were dozens of one-gallon cans of lantern fuel, a generator with stored fuel, and other flammable liquids and propane gas inside?
Did the FBI not calculate that a spark from the armored vehicle crushing metal inside the building, or knocking over a lighted lantern, would immediately start fires wherever the sparks flew?
Did the FBI forget to calculate the effect on a small flame of 30 mile per hour winds whipping through gaping holes in the structure?
Did the FBI forget that bales of hay which were extremely flammable were placed at most windows to protect the inhabitants from cold, rain, and wind?
Did the FBI, which had placed the hospitals, the neighbors, and the media encampment on alert, forget to bring the fire department up before running the risk of fire?
Why was the fire completely out of control before fire trucks arrived?
Once the stair wells collapsed, and people were trapped in the upstairs interior rooms, how were they supposed to exit to avoid the CS gas, even if they wanted to and no fire existed?
Why was the building destroyed?
Why did the children die?
Was there enough danger to society posed by the Branch Davidians to justify a military assault, or did their "offbeat" religious voices subject them to a different test by the authorities?
Why did the Justice Department feel compelled to put a cover-your -ass spin on every development before the facts were known?
Was it Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation? http: //www. apfn. org/apfn/ciamedia. htm Was it Mind Control in America ?
"All the problems in America are the result of people being led to believe things that are not true, " says Steven Jacobson author and producer of the audio cassettes Mind Control in America
The spin experts succeeded: "Child abuse: Kill the bastards. Go get 'em! Why did you wait so long? "
The children were not being beaten, and they were well-fed, well-clothed, and clean.
The spin was: "By God, we destroyed the children to save them. They're better off now. "
At 6: 00 AM on April 19 th the kids were alive and physically well, although I'm sure they were emotionally scarred by their experience of being sprayed by thousands of rounds of ATF ammunition on February 28 th
By 1: 00 PM they had been burned alive.
Only battered shells of the children remained. . after the "rescuers" left. . . at Waco
CS gas was banned for use against foreign enemies by an international agreement in 1969. But our government is free to use it on their own citizen ….
Usage of CS gas, is considered a "crime against humanity" and is punishable by prison and severe penalties.
Inside Mount Carmel A one hour and 58 minute Windows Media Video http: //www. apfn. org/apfn/inside. htm Texas Rangers Investigative Report Branch Davidian Evidence September 1999 http: //www. txdps. state. tx. us/director_staff/public_information/bra nch_davidian/index. htm
REMEMBER WACO! O. J. SIMPSON: DIVERSION FROM WACO/SUMMER OF 1993 O. J. Simpson was never indicted!! by Harmon L. Taylor, TX Attorney http: //www. apfn. org/apfn/OJ. htm
REMEMBER WACO! You do NOT USE military force against your own citizens! See APFN Waco Page http: //www. apfn. org/apfn/wacopg. htm
WHO WACO Connect the dots http: //www. apfn. org/apfn/whowaco. htm
Visit http: //www. apfn. org/apfn/wacopg. htm If you have any comments or complaints email apfn@apfn. org. To make a gift-donation to APFN Mail to: APFN, PMB 107, 6630 WEST CACTUS #B 107, GLENDALE, ARIZONA 85304 Have a nice day!