- Количество слайдов: 44
This comercial was created by Alejandro Guzman, should be shown in theaters. At the movies, the screen should go all white And the narration says the following:
This comercial has no girl in a bikini,
Doesn’t have pupies,
Doesn’t have kids,
Nor a baby.
This comercial has no couple,
No kiss,
No family having coffee in the morning.
This comercial doesn’t have a musical hit,
Has no special efects.
This comercial doesn’t have famous celebrities,
Nor advertisement models.
Cause this comercial is to sell a product
that you love to have
And that, maby,
You have allready bought
Only it hasn’t been delivered to you.
It’s a product with no brand,
nor slogan,
nor packaging,
No promotional “take 3, pay for 2”.
This comercial is all white,
And, in this way de esta manera,
Can be understood here and in the whole world.
And also, it would be fantastic if this comercial
Could be shown to the whole world.
Because the product this comercial wants to sell is
And while the people that need to buy peace do not purchase it,
Do like this:
Take a little of the PEACE you still have at home,
And use it in the road,
Use it at the bank line,
Use it at the elevator,
Use it at the stadium.
¡PEACE is interesting!
Becaus the more you use it,
More PEACE you get.
And if everybody uses it,
Maby the day will come,
In which no body else
Would need to make a comercial
to sell PEACE.
www. costaricafacilitator s. com