- Количество слайдов: 19
Third Year Parents’ Meeting 2. JUNIOR CERTIFICATE
Planning the year … n Where are we now academically? q q Four major academic reports (Christmas & Summer) Strengths / Weaknesses should be clear n n n Where do we want to be? q q n Group subject types together: Languages? Logic? Creative? Set Goals for Junior Cert – LT goal 10 months away – Wednesday June 5 th 2013 Specific goal for each subject Agreed between pupil & parents Realistic – capable of being achieved How to get there? q q q Plan to get there Interim Major exams: Christmas, Mocks = Interim goals Hard to improve everything all at once – be selective
Third Years Parents’ Meeting 3. THIRD YEAR WORK
Work in Third Year n Minimum 2 hours each night q n n n = 10 hours per week Parental expectations are extremely important Monitor Homework Journal and quality of homework Study q Revise within 1 day of what was learnt in class n q 75% of material will be recalled in 9 weeks If no revision within 1 day of new material: n n < 50% recalled after 2 nd day < 20% recalled after 9 weeks
Homework (learning & written) n n Not a punishment, but an integral part of learning Consolidates and reinforces a pupil’s skills & understanding from the classroom Develops skills outside the classroom Encourages pupil confidence
Homework Credits n n Every pupil began 3 rd year with 100 credits Credits are lost for: q q n Credits are gained for: q q n Extra academic work Agreed in advance with any of their subject teachers If below 30 credits, then liable to be put in Detention (Saturdays 8. 45 – 10. 45 am) q q n No homework presented (on time) = -10 credits Incomplete / poorly attempted = -5 credits At the very least … must stop losing credits Then must gain credits to rise above 30 to avoid Detention Homework credit report emailed home weekly (Tuesday) q Sent last week (make sure correct email address)
Supervised Study - Details n n Forms already given to the pupils and emailed out to parents Students contact Ms. C Mcguire Study group no larger than 30 pupils Times: q q 4. 15 – 6. 15 pm OR 7 - 9 pm Wednesdays: 1. 30 – 3. 30 pm, Fridays: no 7 pm session
Supervised Study n n Complete silence & work atmosphere maintained at all times. Students must manage their time. q n n Bring enough work for homework & revision No music. No mobile phone usage. No bathroom breaks* Arriving late, leaving early … very exceptional please.
Third Year Parents’ Meeting 4. STUDY SKILLS
I’ll never get all this work done in time ! I’ve got so much work to do that I don’t know where to start ! How am I going to learn all this for the exams? I have ready this page twice and still can’t remember a thing !
Study conditions n Research shows it takes 15 min on average for a person to get to peak concentration levels. q n Make sure study area does not have: q q q n n If you are being interrupted then you will never be at your most efficient at studying a distracting view of other activities a mobile phone a TV a family member who wants to talk a lot … Facebook, Twitter, etc Bedrooms are probably not a good location …(parental supervision very important) Issue of music ?
Taking breaks… n n Regular breaks are required to prevent too great a drop in your concentration and bring you back to a new peak Maximum length of time = 45 min Ideally change every 30 -40 min Break must be short ! (e. g. 10 mins)
Study Plans for pupils n n A guideline revision plan from today to Christmas (parental involvement/supervision is key!) Only spend 1 evening preparing this information! q 1. Weekly study timetable n q 2. Topics to be studied n n q Will probably include 1 day of the weekend Get a list of all topics/chapter done so far Cross them off as they are studied = control 3. Study Schedule n n Allocate each topic to the Revision Schedule Avoids wasting time
Study Sessions n Develop realistic, small short-range goals e. g. Not “I am going to spend all day Saturday studying!” e. g. Instead: “Finish reading 3 sections of chapter 7”, “I will complete 1 maths problem” n Decide the order to complete tasks q n Begin with boring/difficult subjects. Your ability to concentrate is highest when you begin studying. Plan a reward for the end of study! q q T. V. , phone, movie, Facebook, … Probably when you turn on TV, etc. you won’t go back to study again that night.
Your mind wanders … n n n If your mind wanders, stand up and face away from your books. Don’t sit at your desk staring into a book & mumbling about your poor willpower. Don’t leave the room. Just stand by your desk and allow some day-dreaming.
Remembering … n n The MOST important thing is to understand what is to be remembered & memorised. Spot what is to be memorised verbatim, “off by heart” q q Use a special marking symbol in text Go over / repeat at odd times (e. g. on way to school)
Key words & phrases n n n Underline important points once, and very important points twice. Use CAPITAL LETTERS Put the key words in boxes Draw an asterisk next to the main idea* Going over the important points with a highlighter pen Use a different colour pen
Studying is not the same as reading a novel! n n n Some people read textbooks as if they were novels. They begin with the first page of the chapter and read to the end of the chapter, without stopping. This is not the way to study most textbooks. “Pretend” learning … just turning pages.
Stress Busters n n n Get organised Positive attitude Exercise Caffeine levels – drink water Diet and rest Fight or flight