Скачать презентацию Third Grade 2016 -2017 Ashley Falls Скачать презентацию Third Grade 2016 -2017 Ashley Falls


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Third Grade • 2016 -2017 Ashley Falls • Room 407 Mrs. Johnson Third Grade • 2016 -2017 Ashley Falls • Room 407 Mrs. Johnson

Class Information Homework folders: Homework will be sent home every Monday. Your child will Class Information Homework folders: Homework will be sent home every Monday. Your child will receive the week’s assignments on the homework calendar sheet, and it will be posted on the website. Homework should take about 30 -45 minutes, including reading. Please make sure your child brings his or her folder to school each day with their completed assignments. A missing homework slip will be given when homework is not returned. Parents must sign this slip. Behavior: Students will be expected to follow class and school rules. If they choose to break a rule(s), the following will happen: 1. 2. 3. 4. Apology Letter- requires parent signature Lose recess & conference with teacher Conference with parents Conference with principal Class money, key notes, and AF’s Eagle Tender are used for incentives. We will have a class store once a month. Communication: -Weekly website updates via email- typically on Thursday or Friday -Important messages? Please send to office!!

Birthdays: Parents are welcome to bring in a nonfood item for your child’s birthday Birthdays: Parents are welcome to bring in a nonfood item for your child’s birthday or half birthday either at recess, before lunch or before end of the school day. Nonedible items are also rewarding- or perhaps donate a book to the class library in your child’s name. Please aim to follow the district’s wellness policy. I will honor your child’s birthday or half birthday (if in the summer) with a pencil and certificate, which they can use any time during the year. Book Orders: Ordering books helps earn points! With those points, I can “buy” books, teaching resources and other items for our class auction. Volunteers: Lunch Games, Everyone A Reader, Book Ordering, Friday Math Games, Quick Read Tutors, Wednesday Folders, and Copy/Clerical. Field trips will be done as needed.

8: 00 -8: 30 -9: 45 -10: 00 -10: 15 -11: 45 -12: 30 8: 00 -8: 30 -9: 45 -10: 00 -10: 15 -11: 45 -12: 30 -1: 20 -1: 45 -2: 20 -2: 30 Daily Schedule Opening/Morning Journals Math Read Aloud/Snack Recess Language Arts Lunch/Recess Social Studies/Science/Poetry & Art Rotations Third Grade PE (M, T & TH) Language Arts Workshop/Engineering Closing & Dismissal Every Tuesday: STEAM+ 10: 15 -10: 45 Library e/o Thursday: 9: 10 -10: 00 Art/Music Every Friday : 12: 30 -1: 10 -1: 50 -2: 30 Science Technology P. E.

Third Grade Curriculum Overview Language Arts: • Houghton Mifflin, Write Source, Nancy Fetzer Writing Third Grade Curriculum Overview Language Arts: • Houghton Mifflin, Write Source, Nancy Fetzer Writing • Rebecca Sitton’s Spelling Program & Wordly Wise- vocabulary • District toolkit • Zaner Bloser Traditional Handwriting; Raz Kids; News. ELA; Scholastic Magazines • Class novels, literature circles, student-selected books; teacherassigned books at students’ reading level Concepts taught: • Literature (50%) (classic literature, author studies, fables, folktales, fairytales, drama, poetry) • Informational Text (50%) (nonfiction, comprehension of main idea, text features, compare/contrast 2 texts) • Writing (summaries, literature responses; narrative, opinion, and explanatory using correct grammar, conventions, & spelling) • Oral Presentations (all curricular areas ie: science fair; wax museum; current events)

Math: • • • Third Grade Curriculum Overview Standards of Mathematical Practices: how and Math: • • • Third Grade Curriculum Overview Standards of Mathematical Practices: how and why of learning math Cognitive Guided Instruction (CGI) Questioning District provided materials: Investigations & toolkit Problem Solving, Critical Thinking and Class Discussions Dice & Card Games to Enhance Skills Concepts taught: • • Operations/Algebraic Thinking (fluent multiplication & division within 100; solve multi-step word problems using all four operations; finding patterns in math) • Number and Operations (place value understanding with base 10; fluently add & subtract within 1000 using a variety of strategies; know the properties of operations ) • Fractions (part of a whole; number line work; comparing fractions & equivalency) • Measurement/Data (time, volume, mass, perimeter, area, represent/interpret data) • Geometry (reason with shapes and attributes; partition shapes into equal parts)

Third Grade Curriculum Overview Social Studies Concepts- taught by Mrs. Sheffield: • Geographical Regions Third Grade Curriculum Overview Social Studies Concepts- taught by Mrs. Sheffield: • Geographical Regions /Map Skills • Community/Native Americans (Kumeyaay) • Government/Economy • Scholastic News Art/Poetry Concepts- taught by Ms. Lee: • Different genres of art and poetry; stanzas & rhythm structure • Listening, writing and reciting poetry • • Science Concepts- taught by me: Biomes/Adaptations Solar System Energy and Light Life, Physical & Earth Science Engineering Design & Planning Chrome Books: All of third grade across the district have Chrome Books. Students use them for Dreambox, Raz Kids, News. ELA, Ten Marks and writing. We also plan to use them for keyboarding practice and research of content areas such as science and social studies themes.

Thank you for your support! Please write a quick letter to your child and Thank you for your support! Please write a quick letter to your child and sign up for a parent conference in November. Contact Information: • Mrs. Johnson: (858)259 -7812, ext. 3047 email: sjohnson@dmusd. org web site: www. dmusd. org • Ashley Falls • Class Pages • 3 rd grade • Johnson Please fill out “New Family Form” on my web site! Thanks!