Скачать презентацию Third CALL for PROPOSALS Ref EUROPEAID 135 -001 M ACT MU Скачать презентацию Third CALL for PROPOSALS Ref EUROPEAID 135 -001 M ACT MU


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Third CALL for PROPOSALS Ref: EUROPEAID/ 135 -001/M/ACT/MU under the DECENTRALISED COOPERATION PROGRAMME II Third CALL for PROPOSALS Ref: EUROPEAID/ 135 -001/M/ACT/MU under the DECENTRALISED COOPERATION PROGRAMME II Programme Coordination Unit for DCP Ministry of Finance & Economic Development November 2013

Outline of presentation n Important notification 1. Open approach (Concept Note and Full Application Outline of presentation n Important notification 1. Open approach (Concept Note and Full Application submitted at one go, USE ONLY THE FORMS IN THIS GUIDELINES ) 2. Two lots : (a) Mauritius (b) Rodrigues & Others n Call for Proposals no. 3 Application (Parts A and B submitted together) Part A : concept note Part B : full application Evaluation (done by EC in two steps) Step 1 : evaluation of concept note only Step 2 : evaluation of full application § Award of grant § § § n Award / Implementation

Grants - Call for Proposals n Direct support (up to MUR 800, 000) for Grants - Call for Proposals n Direct support (up to MUR 800, 000) for poverty alleviation using microprojects (Cf. P) Launch date : November 2013 Budget : MUR 25. 6 M (19. 2 M + 6. 4 M) Deadline for application : 21 st January 2014 @ 14. 00 p. m. Expected award : April 2014

What is DCP II’s Third Call about? n General Objective and focus of this What is DCP II’s Third Call about? n General Objective and focus of this first Call for Proposals (Cf. P) is: “ direct support to micro projects for poverty alleviation through improved delivery of social services and through the provision of complementary resources ”

What is DCP II’s third Call about? Specific objectives : v education, health and What is DCP II’s third Call about? Specific objectives : v education, health and social welfare of the poor, vulnerable and marginalised. v creation of opportunities for social inclusion of the disabled and the stigmatised; v women’s empowerment and gender issues.

Who will be the final beneficiaries? n Priority will be given to proposals that Who will be the final beneficiaries? n Priority will be given to proposals that maximise direct impact on targeted, vulnerable groups. n Cf. P 3 targets women, children and men identified as poor and / or vulnerable n The target group is the entities who will be directly positively affected by the action at the action purpose level. n The final beneficiaries are defined as those who will benefit from the project in the long term at the level of society at large.

Possible final beneficiaries… v Individuals living in precarious or dangerous conditions (in particular women Possible final beneficiaries… v Individuals living in precarious or dangerous conditions (in particular women and children) v School drop outs and other youth marginalized through lack of skills and illiteracy, lack of care. . v The unskilled or semi-skilled, unemployed, under-employed and those in the informal sector living below the poverty line

Final beneficiaries (continued)… v Those in stigmatised groups v Those with Special Needs v Final beneficiaries (continued)… v Those in stigmatised groups v Those with Special Needs v The elderly v Asset poor groups living in urban, periurban and rural areas unable to sustain an adequate livelihood.

What types of actions can be funded? Any activity that will – v Directly What types of actions can be funded? Any activity that will – v Directly alleviate poverty on sustainable basis v Effectively integrate marginalised groups into the economic mainstream Actions may involve, for example: v remedial education; adult literacy; v responsible parenthood; sensitisation on social issues; v prevention of substance abuse and social ills; v training for employability, creation of opportunities for improved livelihood and social inclusion.

Other action requirements… v Activities may involve infrastructure (but less than 30% of Total Other action requirements… v Activities may involve infrastructure (but less than 30% of Total eligible cost) or process interventions such as training or other capacity building v Applicants must be able to demonstrate that their proposals are demand-driven, and meet a clearly defined priority need, as articulated by the target group /ultimate beneficiaries v Themes excluded : (addressed elsewhere) internal capacity building of NGOs; n networking of civil society organisations; n advocacy and policy dialogue. n

What actions cannot be financed? n Actions concerned only or mainly with sponsorships for What actions cannot be financed? n Actions concerned only or mainly with sponsorships for workshops/conferences/ training courses; v support to political parties /religion v involving capital expenditure exceeding 30% of Total Eligible Cost (e. g land, buildings, equipment. . . ) v involving discrimination against minorities v n Micro-finance, sub-granting, housing n General operations of an organisation n Actions involving land unless lease or letter of intent already granted by authorities n Actions formal education or health sector unless prior approval of authorities obtained

Who may apply? To be eligible for a grant under this Cf. P, applicants Who may apply? To be eligible for a grant under this Cf. P, applicants must: n Be legal, non-profit organisations Be registered in the Republic of Mauritius for more than 2 years n Operate in the public interest n Adhere to democratic structures and exhibit high levels of participation, transparency and accountability n Emphasise empowerment of their beneficiaries n

Applicant eligibility (continued)… n Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the Applicant eligibility (continued)… n Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action n Have demonstrable competences and a strong track record of success in working at grass roots level with vulnerable groups n Fall within the meaning of the term of Non State Actor (NSA)

What is an NSA? n According to Article 6 of the Cotonou agreement, NSAs What is an NSA? n According to Article 6 of the Cotonou agreement, NSAs are deemed to include: “the private sector, economic and social partners, including trade union organisations; and civil society in all its forms according to national characteristics. ”

Eligible organisations… In Mauritius, the types of organisations that will be considered eligible for Eligible organisations… In Mauritius, the types of organisations that will be considered eligible for grant assistance will include the following: n local associations and organisations (such as community-based organisations [CBOs], associations representing women, youth, and vulnerable groups); n development-promotion entities (such as associations, non-governmental organisations [NGOs], research institutions);

Eligible organisations (cont. ) n federative entities and networks (such as labour unions, trade Eligible organisations (cont. ) n federative entities and networks (such as labour unions, trade unions, federations, institutions protecting human rights); n private sector groupings, business support organisations, as well as representative organisations and networks.

Other requirements for eligibility Applicants may not participate or be awarded a grant if: Other requirements for eligibility Applicants may not participate or be awarded a grant if: n they are bankrupt; guilty of professional misconduct, fraud, corruption, or have been in breach of contract, etc. n they are subject to a conflict of interests; are found guilty of misrepresentation in supplying information; or have attempted to obtain confidential information or to influence the evaluation process

Can applicants have Co-Applicants? n Applicants can implement projects singly or with one or Can applicants have Co-Applicants? n Applicants can implement projects singly or with one or more Co-Applicant (New) [partnerships are encouraged] n Co-Applicant must satisfy the same eligibility criteria as applicants. n Co-Applicant can benefit from the grant in return for their role in the formulation and implementation of the action same as the Applicant. n Co-Applicant must sign the Mandate (Part B-Section 4) in the Application Form

What other orgn’s can be involved? (1) n Other entities may be involved as What other orgn’s can be involved? (1) n Other entities may be involved as ‘affiliated entities’ n What can considered as an affiliated entity(ies) n 1. must be a legal entity specially established for the purpose of implementing the action; in this case the entity may apply as an applicant or coapplicant whereas the other entity as its affiliated entiy(ies). n 2. legal entities having a link with the applicants, notably a legal or capital link, which is neither limited to the action nor established for the sole purpose of implementation on the condition that they satisfy the eligibilty and non-exclusion criteria of the applicant.

What other orgn’s can be involved? (2) n affiliated entities cannot benefit from the What other orgn’s can be involved? (2) n affiliated entities cannot benefit from the grant n affiliated entities must satisfy the same n affiliated entities must sign the affiliated in return for their role in the formulation and implementation of the action, but the cost they incur in the design can be accepted as eligible eligibility criteria as applicants and co-applicants entity(ies) statement (Part B-Section 5) in the Application Form

What other orgn’s can be involved? (3) n Other entities may be involved as What other orgn’s can be involved? (3) n Other entities may be involved as ‘Associate’ n Associates can play a useful role in projects, eg. sponsorship, technical support, etc. but they cannot benefit directly from the grant except per diem or travel costs n Associates do not have to meet the same eligibility criteria as grant applicants or their partners, but must be mentioned in Part B, section 6 of the Application Form n Grant beneficiaries may also use Contractors to implement the action (subject to EDF rules on procurement– Annex IV of grant contract)

Where should projects take place? Actions must take place in : Lot 1 : Where should projects take place? Actions must take place in : Lot 1 : Island of Mauritius Lot 2 : Islands of Rodrigues, Agalega or St Brandon. What size of grants can be obtained? §Total available for Cf. P 3 is Rs 25. 6 million §Grant between Rs 400, 000 and Rs 800, 000 What is the duration of projects? • Projects must last between 6 (min) and 12 months (max)

How many applications can be submitted by an applicant? n Not limited, but no How many applications can be submitted by an applicant? n Not limited, but no more than one grant may be awarded per applicant n An applicant may also be a co-applicant or an affiliated entity in another application n Co-applicant may not take part in more than 1 application, but will not be awarded more than two grants under this Cf. P n Applicants are encouraged to concentrate on one or a few good proposals

What types of costs are eligible? Those that: n are necessary for carrying out What types of costs are eligible? Those that: n are necessary for carrying out the action, are provided for in the contract and comply with the principles of sound financial management n have actually been incurred during the agreed implementation period n are recorded in the beneficiaries accounts and are identifiable and verifiable, backed by original supporting documentation n have been incurred whilst respecting EU procurement procedures

Examples of Eligible Costs… n costs of staff assigned to the action (including travel) Examples of Eligible Costs… n costs of staff assigned to the action (including travel) n purchase of equipment and supplies n services and sub-contracting n costs arising from the requirements of the contract (eg. visibility, financial services, printing, etc) n a contingency reserve (up to 5%) of direct cash costs – used only after DCP approval n administrative overheads (up to 7% of overall eligible cash costs) – to be justified upfront

Note: Only Eligible costs can be covered by a grant n n n Eligible Note: Only Eligible costs can be covered by a grant n n n Eligible costs can be reimbursed on any or a combination of the following forms: 1. actual costs incurred 2. simplified cost options as shown: – Unit costs – Lump sums – Flat-rate financing (see pg 6 of 15 in the Guidelines) and examples are explained in Annex K

What are ineligible costs? n Debts and losses n Interest owed n Items already What are ineligible costs? n Debts and losses n Interest owed n Items already financed from other sources or other retroactive expenses n Currency exchange losses n Taxes n Purchases of land or buildings n Credits /loans to third parties

Contributions required from applicants? No DCP grant may be below 65% nor exceed 75% Contributions required from applicants? No DCP grant may be below 65% nor exceed 75% of the total costs n Applicants must contribute at least 25% of the total costs from own resources or those of their partners or sponsors n Contributions in kind are allowed within these 25%, but cash contribution must be at least 10% of total costs. n Cash contribution must be deposited in a bank account specifically set up for the action before DCP releases any prefinancing n

New formula for financing n Any request from this Cf. P must represent a New formula for financing n Any request from this Cf. P must represent a maximum of 90% of the total eligible costs, the balance, i. e 10% will be a cash contribution by the beneficiary. ( Note that previously, the EDF contribution was a maximum of 75% of the eligible costs, but now, it is 90% of the eligible costs. n Example: Accepted or project cost= Rs 125 inclusive In. Kind. Eligible cost=Rs 100. Funding by EU=Rs 90.

Contributions (continued)… Contributions in kind means the provision of goods and services free of Contributions (continued)… Contributions in kind means the provision of goods and services free of charge by a third party. n It is allowed for co-financing, but do not represent actual expenditure. n Costs of staff assigned to the project can be considered as co-financing when they are paid by the grant beneficiary or partners. n n Beneficiary must also manage project and set up a PIC to oversee the smooth implementation of the action.

How to apply ? Procedures to follow? n n • • Applications must be How to apply ? Procedures to follow? n n • • Applications must be made using the new standard application form (No form for CN. Use the headings provided as a guide) Forms can be downloaded from the DCP website at http: //dcp. gov. mu CDs with all the necessary files will also be available at DCP offices for those with no or poor access to internet. Hard copies may also be obtained at the DCP offices, but only for viewing. They should not be used to submit applications.

Concept note- a concise overview 1. 1 SUMMARY OF THE ACTION (MAX 1 PAGE) Concept note- a concise overview 1. 1 SUMMARY OF THE ACTION (MAX 1 PAGE) § Title of the action: § Location(s) of the action: - § Total duration of the action (months): § Requested EU contribution (MUR) § Objectives of the action § Overall objective(s) § Specific objective(s) § Target group(s) § Final beneficiaries § Estimated results § Main activities

APPLICATION FORM Part A. CONCEPT NOTE 1 Instructions for the drafting of the concept APPLICATION FORM Part A. CONCEPT NOTE 1 Instructions for the drafting of the concept note 1. 1. Summary of the action 1. 2. Description of the action (max 1 page) 1. 3. Relevance of the action (max 3 pages)

Concept Note 1. 1 SUMMARY OF THE ACTION (MAX 1 PAGE) § Title of Concept Note 1. 1 SUMMARY OF THE ACTION (MAX 1 PAGE) § Title of the action: § Location(s) of the action: - § Total duration of the action (months): § Requested EU contribution (MUR) § Objectives of the action § Overall objective(s) § Specific objective(s) § Target group(s) § Final beneficiaries § Estimated results § Main activities


Concept note- Relevance 1. 2 RELEVANCE OF THE ACTION (MAX 3 PP) (30/50) 1. Concept note- Relevance 1. 2 RELEVANCE OF THE ACTION (MAX 3 PP) (30/50) 1. 2. 1 Relevance to the objectives/specific priorities of the call for proposals 1. 2. 2 Relevance to the particular needs and constraints of the country, region(s) and/or sector 1. 2. 3 Target groups and final beneficiaries, their needs and constraints and how the action will address these needs 1. 2. 4. Particular added-value elements (environment, rights, gender, disability, innovation, best practice)

Concept note- Design 1. 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTION (MAX 1 PP) (20/50) § Concept note- Design 1. 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTION (MAX 1 PP) (20/50) § Background to overall design of the action § Objectives § Key stakeholder groups, their attitudes towards the action, and any consultation undertaken with them § Type of activities foreseen and related outputs and results § Broad timeframe for the action

Concept note (2) n To respond in the same sequence as the headings in Concept note (2) n To respond in the same sequence as the headings in concept note structure n Not to exceed 5 A 4 pages of Arial 10 characters with 2 cm margins with single line spacing n Evaluation grid shows importance of relevance (30) and description of action (20) n Evaluation based solely on the information provided in concept note. Be clear and complete.

Concept note (3) Not to be under-estimated n Competitive: only the best go through Concept note (3) Not to be under-estimated n Competitive: only the best go through n Objectives cannot change n Score for relevance carries forward into full evaluation n Evaluation based solely on its content.

Full Application (1) 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 2 THE ACTION 2. 1 Description of the Full Application (1) 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 2 THE ACTION 2. 1 Description of the action (max 13 pages) 2. 2 Methodology (max 5 pages) 2. 3 Duration and Action Plan (max 4 pages) 2. 4 Sustainability of the Action (max 3 pages) 2. 5 Logical Framework (Annex C)

Full Application (1) continue. . 2. 6 2. 7 2. 8 2. 9 Budget Full Application (1) continue. . 2. 6 2. 7 2. 8 2. 9 Budget (Annex B) -Budget for the Action -Justification (for items and cost ) -Amount requested & sources funding Applicant's experience of similar actions Co-Applicant(s)’s Experience (if applicable) Affiliated entity(ies) experience (if applicable)

Full Application (2) 3 THE APPLICANT 3. 1. Identity 3. 2. Profile 3. 3. Full Application (2) 3 THE APPLICANT 3. 1. Identity 3. 2. Profile 3. 3. Capacity to manage and implement actions List of the management board/ committee of organisation 4 CO-APPLICANT (S) of the applicant participating in the action 4. 1. Description of the co-applicant(s) 4. 2. Mandate (for co-applicant(s))

Full Application (3) 5 AFFILIATED ENTITY (IES) PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTION 5. 1 Description Full Application (3) 5 AFFILIATED ENTITY (IES) PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTION 5. 1 Description of the Affiliated Entity (ies) 5. 2 Affiliated Entity(ies)’s statement 6 ASSOCIATES OF THE APPLICANT PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTION 7 CHECKLIST FOR THE FULL APPLICATION FORM 8 DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT 9 Assessment Grid for the Full Application Form (To be used by the DCP only)

Full Application (4) ANNEX : Budget for the Action (3 worksheets) 1 : Budget Full Application (4) ANNEX : Budget for the Action (3 worksheets) 1 : Budget items, # units, unit rate, cost 2 : Justification of items and cost estimate 3 : Expected sources of funds and Summary of costs ANNEX : Logical Framework

Intervention Logic OVI’s achievement Means of verification Assumpt’ns Overall Objective Broad objective Key indicators Intervention Logic OVI’s achievement Means of verification Assumpt’ns Overall Objective Broad objective Key indicators Sources of info of OO Specific Objective Specific objective Key indicators Sources and External contributing to OO that SO methods used to conditions achieved get info needed and Risks Expected Results List the Results to Key indicators Sources and achieve that results methods used to Specific Objective achieved get info For each result, one Activities table as below. Result : Activities List and sequence Means: of activities supplies, personnel, equipment, etc. Progress: how Premeasured? conditions, Costs: by Assumptions category and full details in budget

The procedures (continued)… n Applications must be completed in English using a computer Hand-written The procedures (continued)… n Applications must be completed in English using a computer Hand-written / fax /email applications not acceptable n Original + 4 copies and an electronic copy should be sent by the DCP in a sealed envelope to DCP 9 th floor EAB or Citronelle. v Either by hand before 14. 00 pm on 21 st January 2014. Will be rejected if received later. v Or by courier, registered mail as long as it is posted on 21 st January 2014 or earlier. n

How to submit applications? § The sealed envelope should be addressed to : Programme How to submit applications? § The sealed envelope should be addressed to : Programme Coordinator DCP 9 th Floor E. Anquetil Building Cnr SSR and Pope Henessy Streets Port Louis. § Should be marked with: and the following: “Direct Support for Micro-projects for Poverty Alleviation” “Not to be opened before the opening session” </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="How will the DCP evaluate applications? After deadline date: 1. DCP team will :" src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-49.jpg" alt="How will the DCP evaluate applications? After deadline date: 1. DCP team will :" /> How will the DCP evaluate applications? After deadline date: 1. DCP team will : open and register all applications n carry out an administrative check for those received on time n 2. Assessors will assess the compliant Concept Notes (Part A), using a standard evaluation grid [See next slide] 3. Evaluation Committee will consider and finalise list that pass the Concept Note stage </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="The Evaluation Grid for Concept Note Criteria 1. RELEVANCE OF THE ACTION Max Score" src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-50.jpg" alt="The Evaluation Grid for Concept Note Criteria 1. RELEVANCE OF THE ACTION Max Score" /> The Evaluation Grid for Concept Note Criteria 1. RELEVANCE OF THE ACTION Max Score 30 1. 1 Relevance to objectives/priorities of Call 10 1. 2 Relevance to needs /constraints of country 10 1. 3 Relevance wrt target groups and their needs 5 1. 4 Specific added-value elements? 5 2. DESIGN OF THE ACTION 20 2. 1 Coherence of overall design of the action 10 2. 2 Feasibility, and consistency with objectives and results 10 </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="The evaluation process (cont. . ) 4. Applications with minimum score of 30 are" src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-51.jpg" alt="The evaluation process (cont. . ) 4. Applications with minimum score of 30 are" /> The evaluation process (cont. . ) 4. Applications with minimum score of 30 are ranked. 5. Only the best kept with total requested funds equivalent to 3 x available budget (42 m or 14 m) for further evaluation. Others are rejected. 6. For those accepted, the Full Application (Part B) will now be assessed using a more detailed grid. [See next slide] </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="The Evaluation Grid (full applications) Criteria Financial & operational capacity (eg. technical expertise, management" src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-52.jpg" alt="The Evaluation Grid (full applications) Criteria Financial & operational capacity (eg. technical expertise, management" /> The Evaluation Grid (full applications) Criteria Financial & operational capacity (eg. technical expertise, management experience and capacity, etc) Relevance (to the objectives of the Cf. P & needs of beneficiaries, etc) – transferred from CN evaluation Effectiveness and feasibility (appropriateness , ovi’s, consistency with objectives and results, , partnership, etc) Sustainability (eg. likely impact on target groups, multiplier effects, financial/institutional sustainability, local ownership, etc) Budget & cost-effectiveness (ratio between estimated costs and expected results, etc) Max Score 20 30 20 15 15 </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="Step 2: Full Applications (cont. ) n DCP Evaluation Committee considers the work and" src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-53.jpg" alt="Step 2: Full Applications (cont. ) n DCP Evaluation Committee considers the work and" /> Step 2: Full Applications (cont. ) n DCP Evaluation Committee considers the work and scores of assessors and decides on the final scores. n Proposals rejected if score less than 12 for “Financial & Operational Capacity” n Drafting of a provisional list for awards and a reserve list n Verification of Eligibility of provisionally selected applicants n Final list of proposals ranked by score and selected within the limits of the budget. </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="Step 2: Full Applications (cont. ) n Budget is corrected to remove errors or" src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-54.jpg" alt="Step 2: Full Applications (cont. ) n Budget is corrected to remove errors or" /> Step 2: Full Applications (cont. ) n Budget is corrected to remove errors or ineligible costs or corrections identified by the Evaluation Committee n Final list passed on to the Contracting Authority and then the EU Delegation for approval. n Successful applicants are notified and invited to sign their grant contracts with the PCU within 30 days of the offer, and to start implementation within 2 months. </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="What is a grant contract? A Grant contract is a legally binding agreement setting" src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-55.jpg" alt="What is a grant contract? A Grant contract is a legally binding agreement setting" /> What is a grant contract? A Grant contract is a legally binding agreement setting out the obligations and required contributions of all parties, ie. the DCP, the applicant and any co-applicant or affiliated entity or associates n The contract commits the applicant to carry out the project as described in the approved application in accordance with the approved budget n The contract is subject to standard EC conditions, relating to issues such as financial management, reporting and procurement rules n </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="How will the project be financed? Each grant beneficiary must open an account to" src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-56.jpg" alt="How will the project be financed? Each grant beneficiary must open an account to" /> How will the project be financed? Each grant beneficiary must open an account to be used solely for the financing of the approved project. n Once the grant beneficiary deposits his/her contribution, DCP will effect an advance payment (covering a pre-agreed time frame and amount as set out in the contract). n n DCP will deposit the funds in the dedicated project bank account. </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="Provisional Timetable n n n Clarifications: 30 th December 2013 Submission of Applications 21" src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-57.jpg" alt="Provisional Timetable n n n Clarifications: 30 th December 2013 Submission of Applications 21" /> Provisional Timetable n n n Clarifications: 30 th December 2013 Submission of Applications 21 st January 2014 Information on opening & admin checks and concept note evaluation (step 1) 21 st February 2014* Information on evaluation of Full Application (step 2) 21 st March 2014* Notification of award (eligibility check) (step 3) 31 st March 2014* </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="Timetable continued Step 1 : concept notes assessed n Step 2 : full applications" src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-58.jpg" alt="Timetable continued Step 1 : concept notes assessed n Step 2 : full applications" /> Timetable continued Step 1 : concept notes assessed n Step 2 : full applications assessed for those that pass CN stage n n DCP will request the following support documents from applicants: – Certificate of registration of applicant and partners – Statutes or Articles of association of applicant and partners – Copy of latest accounts – Name and address of 3 referees – Documents helping to explain the philosophy and raison d’etre of applicant </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="Timetable continued n At end of Step 2, a provisional list and a reserve" src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-59.jpg" alt="Timetable continued n At end of Step 2, a provisional list and a reserve" /> Timetable continued n At end of Step 2, a provisional list and a reserve list are prepared by the Committee. n Eligibility is then checked on basis of documents submitted by applicants n Provisional list and a Reserve list finalised and approved by NAO and EU Del. n Budget cleaned of errors and ineligible costs n Successful applicants will be invited to sign a Grant Contract (within 30 days of offer) n Thereafter, implementation should commence as soon as possible (deadline of 2 months) </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="Timetable continued n n n The DCP will do a Start-up Check on site" src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-60.jpg" alt="Timetable continued n n n The DCP will do a Start-up Check on site" /> Timetable continued n n n The DCP will do a Start-up Check on site Successful grant beneficiary must set up noninterest-bearing project-specific bank account and present original Financial Identification Form (FIF) / confirm their cash contribution & clearances from authorities / establish a PIC / request prefinancing. DCP will have 45 days to effect first payment amounting to 80% of grant for year 1 budget. Remainder (estimated at 20%) of grant will be worked out and remitted at closure of project. Reporting progress and financial status by Beneficiary every 6 months (standard formats) Regular monitoring by DCP staff. </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="How many applications ? NOTE • In assessing multiple applications, the Evaluation Committee will" src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-61.jpg" alt="How many applications ? NOTE • In assessing multiple applications, the Evaluation Committee will" /> How many applications ? NOTE • In assessing multiple applications, the Evaluation Committee will take into consideration the organisation’s capacity to manage more than one grant simultaneously, and the need to spread DCP resources equitably. • Applicants are encouraged to concentrate on one or a few good proposals </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="Stage 2: Full Applications After deadline date (21 st January 2014): 1. DCP team" src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-62.jpg" alt="Stage 2: Full Applications After deadline date (21 st January 2014): 1. DCP team" /> Stage 2: Full Applications After deadline date (21 st January 2014): 1. DCP team will : open and register all full applications n carry out an administrative check for those received on time n 2. Assessors will assess the compliant applications, using a standard evaluation grid [See next slide] </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="Financing (continued)… Subsequent requests for pre-financing must be sent with interim financial and narrative" src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-63.jpg" alt="Financing (continued)… Subsequent requests for pre-financing must be sent with interim financial and narrative" /> Financing (continued)… Subsequent requests for pre-financing must be sent with interim financial and narrative progress reports and supporting documentation n Once the project is completed, applicant will request the final balance for the outstanding amount of grant, * along with the final financial and narrative progress reports n Through out the implementation phase, DCP staff will undertake periodic monitoring visits n * Note : approved budget is only a cost estimate. Actual amount of funds provided will be based on actual expenditure on eligible costs </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="Where can additional info be obtained? n Dedicated Guidelines and the application form available" src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-64.jpg" alt="Where can additional info be obtained? n Dedicated Guidelines and the application form available" /> Where can additional info be obtained? n Dedicated Guidelines and the application form available from : n DCP Office (9 th Floor, E. Anquetil Building in Port Louis) n DCP Antenna Office (Citronelle, Rodrigues) </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="n Guidelines and application forms can be downloaded from DCP’s website: http: //dcp. gov." src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-65.jpg" alt="n Guidelines and application forms can be downloaded from DCP’s website: http: //dcp. gov." /> n Guidelines and application forms can be downloaded from DCP’s website: http: //dcp. gov. mu For general queries, please call us on : n n Tel 201 2145 /201 2148/ 201 3252/ 201 3353/ 201 3367 in Port Louis Tel 832 5910 in Rodrigues OR e-mail to pcu-dcp@mail. gov. mu. </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="Where can assistance be obtained? n The PCU offices are open to callers seeking" src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-66.jpg" alt="Where can assistance be obtained? n The PCU offices are open to callers seeking" /> Where can assistance be obtained? n The PCU offices are open to callers seeking clarifications with the application forms, the mode of application and administrative aspects of the application Important : DCP staff cannot write projects for applicants nor can they give an opinion on the merits of an application. n Additional info on the Logical Framework as a planning tool for project formulation can be consulted on DCP’s webpage. </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="Thank you for listening The Decentralised Cooperation Programme is funded by the European Union" src="https://present5.com/presentation/b371b080d8ebdfc910c2c9fc7f51769c/image-67.jpg" alt="Thank you for listening The Decentralised Cooperation Programme is funded by the European Union" /> Thank you for listening The Decentralised Cooperation Programme is funded by the European Union </p> </div> <div style="width: auto;" class="description columns twelve"><p><img class="imgdescription" title="" src="" alt="" /> </p> </div> </div> <div id="inputform"> <script>$("#inputform").load("https://present5.com/wp-content/plugins/report-content/inc/report-form-aj.php"); </script> </div> </p> <!--end entry-content--> </div> </article><!-- .post --> </section><!-- #content --> <div class="three columns"> <div class="widget-entry"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- #content-wrapper --> <footer id="footer" style="padding: 5px 0 5px;"> <div class="container"> <div class="columns twelve"> <!--noindex--> <!--LiveInternet counter--><script type="text/javascript"><!-- document.write("<img src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit?t26.10;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? 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