- Количество слайдов: 39
Third Annual Web. CT Conference Ø Terry Morrow University of Florida Ø Sherry Clark University of Georgia Ø Karen Kral University of Delaware
Learning Technology Consortium The mission of the Learning Technology Consortium is to support university teaching and learning through collaboration focused on the effective use of instructional technologies.
LTC Goals Disseminate best systems & interesting practices relating to instructional technologies. Review tools, strategies, and research relating to instructional technology. Share instructional materials via digital libraries.
LTC Institutions Indiana U Virginia Tech U of Delaware U of Florida U of Georgia U of North Carolina U of Notre Dame U of Pittsburgh Wake Forest U
LTC Institution Locations 1 1 1 2 2 1 1
LTC Course Tools Institution Web. CT Black Board Other Delaware XXX XX X Florida XXX XX X Indiana X Georgia XXX North Carolina Notre Dame XXX XXX Pittsburgh XXX Virginia Tech XX XXX Wake Forest XXX
LTC Use of Web. CT Institution Version Accounts 3. 0, 3. 5 7, 218 Florida 1. 3, 2. 2, 3. 1, 3. 5 22, 312 Georgia 3. 1 3, 100 Notre Dame 3. 5 ? Virginia Tech 1. 3 2, 597 Delaware North Carolina
Materials Under Development for Sharing Instruction Manuals On-Line Courses Video Clips for Individual Tools Links to Additional Resources Streaming Delivery of Classes Videoconferencing Schedules
LTC WWW Site (A Work in Progress) ltc. ufl. edu/
Web. CT Training University of Florida
CITT at the University of Florida
Web. CT at the University of Florida
Web. CT Training - UF Hands-On Classes On-Line Training Manual Walk-In/Telephone Consulting Web. CT Administrator Help Desk Swift Introduction to Web. CT
Hands-On Classes - UF Each class lasts two hours No charge for faculty Offered 10 -12 times per year Extensive documentation provided
Introduction to Web. CT One 2 -hour lesson which provides an overview of Web. CT, its capabilities, different ways it is used at UF, and how it is supported on campus. Topics include: the Bulletin Board, Private Mail, Chat and the Quiz function. No previous experience creating web pages is assumed, but experience with a mouse, and the World Wide Web is expected.
Learning to Use Web. CT: Nuts & Bolts One 2 -hour lesson. Assumes completion of "Introduction to Web. CT. " Topics include: customizing a Web. CT home page, creating a welcome page, uploading and managing files in Web. CT, backing up class materials, creating links, adding Web. CT tools, and creating student accounts.
Learning to Use Web. CT: Advanced Features One 2 -hour lesson. Assumes completion of "Learning to Use Web. CT: Nuts & Bolts. " This workshop focuses on the advanced features of Web. CT. Participants will learn to use the course management tools, present content via the Path Editor and create quizzes with the Quiz Editor.
Future Plans - UF Video Delivery Campus Video Network Videotape for Later Replay Stream Classes to Multiple Sites H. 320 and H. 323 Protocols Local Training Using 30 Laptop Computers & Wireless Network
Classes Under Development Quiz Development Including Respondus Dealing with Large Classes Automated Registration/Grade Submission Using Streaming Media in Web. CT Using Power. Point with Web. CT
URL’s for University of Florida CITT http: //www. citt. ufl. edu Web. CT at UF http: //webct. ufl. edu Hands-On Training http: //www. citt. ufl. edu/training/
Web. CT Training University of Georgia
Web. CT at UGA
Hands-On Workshops Seven workshops in the series Two hours each Offered as needed, usually 5 -6 per year None required
Workshops https: //webct. uga. edu/hostsys/training/ Web. CT Overview Fundamentals for Course Designers Student Management Content Management Quiz Management Advanced Tools Creating & Editing Web Pages
Additional Options Custom Workshops Departmental Faculty Development Groups Teaching Assistants Consultation Online Helplets
URL’s for UGA Web. CT at UGA Home Page https: //webct. uga. edu OISD http: //www. isd. uga. edu UCNS http: //www. ucns. uga. edu/
Web. CT Training University of Delaware
www. udel. edu/webct
University of Delaware 20, 000 students / 1, 000 faculty Course Management System created at UD available since 1998 good for novices faculty wanted more flexibility, more features planning for portal integration
Timeline 1/6/00 – search for new CMS committee of administrators, faculty and technical staff presentations by vendors and colleges 6/1/00 – chose Web. CT 7/9/00 – Web. CT 3. 0 released 7/26/00 – first hands-on session
Statistics End of Spring 2001 semester: 210 faculty trained 201 courses 6164 unique students (7568 seats)
Training – Modular Approach Demonstration Mandatory! Focused Participatory Overview Web. CT Introduction Student Activities Grading & Student Mgmt. Content Modules Communication Tools Student Presentations
Emphasis Web. CT as tool to extend the classroom Incremental integration into course Pedagogy: teaching and learning point to webct. com as resource hired Instructional Designer
Continued Support PRESENT Practical Resources for Educators Seeking Effective New Technologies Web. CT Café faculty as students Designer Survey feedback for improvement
www. udel. edu/present
Web. CT Café
www. udel. edu/webct/surveyques. html
Third Annual Web. CT Conference ØTerry Morrow ctm@ufl. edu ØSherry Clark sclark@uga. edu ØKaren Kral karenk@udel. edu