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Thinking About a city-TLD’s Role in Urban Planning By Thomas Lowenhaupt * * * Participatory Planning Tech Workshop November 13, 2009 New York City s p on s o r s The Open Planning Project and Regional Planning Association 1
The. nyc TLD like. com, . net, . edu, . gov and. org but just for New York City 2
Today. nyc is perfect, precious, delicate, and complete. 3
We know all the names it will hatch. Mathematically the algorithm indicates 253^38 names. (People discover domain names like Columbus “discovered” America. ) 4
There are different categories of names. • Good Names • Technical Names • Programmer-Friendly Names Today I’m going to address the later. 5
Good Domain Names - short, descriptive, and memorable - Movies. nyc Schools. nyc Hotels. nyc Best. Darn. Chili. nyc 148 Lafayette. nyc Chinatown. nyc Matt-Cooperrider. nyc 6
Technical Names - these help. nyc run effectively - www. nyc nic. nyc whois. nyc example. nyc aso. nyc 7
Programmer–Friendly Names In a digital era, these can make or break a city. 8
Thinking About a city-TLDs Potential Our GOAL: a more intuitive, accessible, livable and prosperous city. Infrastructure 9
Thinking About a city-TLDs Potential Cyber “Land-Use” Plan The city’s “public space” has streets, monuments, curb cuts, fire plugs, utility holes, street lights, sewers, police cars, bus schedules… Our Cyber Land-Use plan assigns programmer–friendly names to these things. 10
Thinking About a city-TLDs Potential 11
Thinking About a city-TLDs Potential GPSLocation. Bus 5732. M-180. nyc (bus location) (bus number) (bus route) - a programmer-friendly name - 12
Raw Meet for Mashups • • GPSLocation. Bus 2321. M-180. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 5732. M-180. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 5743. M-180. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 9723. M-180. nyc • • • GPSLocation. Bus 2321. M-181. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 5732. M-181. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 6965. M-181. nyc ------------- 13
Raw Meet for Mashups • • GPSLocation. Bus 2321. M-180. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 5732. M-180. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 5743. M-180. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 9723. M-180. nyc • • • GPSLocation. Bus 2321. M-181. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 5732. M-181. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 6965. M-181. nyc ------------- 14
Raw Meet for Mashups • • GPSLocation. Bus 2321. M-180. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 5732. M-180. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 5743. M-180. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 9723. M-180. nyc • • • GPSLocation. Bus 2321. M-181. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 5732. M-181. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 6965. M-181. nyc ------------- 15
Raw Meet for Mashups • • GPSLocation. Bus 2321. M-180. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 5732. M-180. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 5743. M-180. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 9723. M-180. nyc • • • GPSLocation. Bus 2321. M-181. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 5732. M-181. nyc GPSLocation. Bus 6965. M-181. nyc ------------- Later, the Museum might decide to add drop-curb info onto the map to aide people with wheels. M-1. Bridge-Broadway. NE. Drop. Curb. nyc 16
Thinking About a city-TLDs Potential Are these names useful for urban planning? 17
Thinking About a city-TLDs Potential A library of the city’s digital infrastructure …where you can find things… 18
Thinking About a city-TLDs Potential A library of the city’s digital infrastructure …standards based …programmer-friendly …networkable city 19
Thinking About a city-TLDs Potential A library of the city’s digital infrastructure In the future, when planning a vacation or business venture people will ask: How many apps does New York City have? 20
Thinking About a city-TLDs Potential …today. nyc is in a precarious position. To an extent, the market will take care of the Good Domain Names. But the programmer-friendly names are in a very precarious position. 21
. com 25
Calling Dr. Google 26
Timeline City RFP response due December 7 $$$$ Other likely early city-TLDs. paris, . berlin, . bcn (Barcelona) 27
C H O I C E 28
Thinking About a city-TLDs Potential Connecting. nyc Inc. is a NYS not-for-profit. It advocates for the development of. nyc as public interest, digital infrastructure. * * * connectingnyc. org 29
Thanks Several graphics added the spark of life to this presentation. • • • Humpty on wall - http: //www. sterlingtimes. org/memorable_images 22. htm Humpty falling - http: //www. tillamook. k 12. or. us/Spes/staff/wrightt/songs%20 and%20 poems. html Humpty broken - http: //johnryanrecabar. wordpress. com/2008/10/26/questions-from-a-notebook-i-bought-five • • • Humpty with umbrella - http: //www. dannyandkim. com/PDF%27 s/Activity%20 Guide. pdf Phone booth head - http: //www. geekologie. com/2007/11/personal_cell_phone_booths_mak. php Pearl Harbor Day - • Manhattan map - http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Commissioners%27_Plan_of_1811 -months-ago/ http: //images. google. com/imgres? imgurl=http: //upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/5/5 d/USS_Arizona_bur ning-Pearl_Harbor. jpg&imgrefurl=http: //commons. wikimedia. org/wiki/File: USS_Arizona_burning. Pearl_Harbor. jpg&usg=__Rke 2 lvn. SUo. JJ 4 z. Nvtrkqe. HLw. Ja. A=&h=586&w=740&sz=112&hl=en&start=8&um=1&tbn id=RCY 8 j. VPflky 8 OM: &tbnh=112&tbnw=141&prev=/images%3 Fq%3 Dpearl%2 Bharbour%26 hl%3 Den%26 client% 3 Dfirefox-a%26 rls%3 Dorg. mozilla: en-US: official%26 um%3 D 1 * * * connectingnyc. org 30