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Thesis foundation Thesis foundation

Linguacultural aspect of literary translation (on the basis of English fairytales translation into Kazakh) Linguacultural aspect of literary translation (on the basis of English fairytales translation into Kazakh)

 The topicality of this work is shown in a linguocultural direction and given The topicality of this work is shown in a linguocultural direction and given issues. Having examined lingvoculturology, we have no enough linguistic investigations on cultural aspects in English -Kazakh literary translation. Direct English-Kazakh literary translation, mainly fairytales, requires a wide range of consideration. This is the first time when study is held on this theme, so we can consider that the relevance of the topic also determines its novelty.

 Scientific novelty: New data in research the specific features in literary translation, there Scientific novelty: New data in research the specific features in literary translation, there almost no direct translated English tales in Kazakh. The aim of this research, on the basis of fairytales, to show literary translation`s linguistic and cultural peculiarities. Identify expression of the culture in the language, evolved under the influence of outlook, traditions, business type. Investigating linguistics and culture as intertwined sciences, find out peculiarities and similarities of TT and ST.

 In order to achieve the goal, we define the following objectives: v Overview In order to achieve the goal, we define the following objectives: v Overview basic concepts of linguaculturology, linguistic and cultural aspects of the literary text v Investigate literary translation difficulties v Research English an Kazakh languages` cultural peculiarities v Using investigation methods, compare translations v Considering Kazakh culture features, prepare proposals for future fairytale translations

 The object of this thesis is literary texts` epic genre- fairytales, in the The object of this thesis is literary texts` epic genre- fairytales, in the form of English text translation as a type of language picture of the world. The subject of this thesis is the result of language and culture interrelation in literary text translation, investigation approaches and methods. Materials of the research: “Kishkentai zhanat” transalted by A. M. Kudaibergenova, Raritet, Almaty 2002; “Agilshin ertegileri” Daik press, Almaty 2010 etc.

 Methods of investigation: descriptive method, comparative method, method of analysis and synthesis, logic Methods of investigation: descriptive method, comparative method, method of analysis and synthesis, logic contextual analysis. Theoretical value: the results of this research will make useful contribution to theory of translation, offering linguacultural proposals in translating literary text Practical value: research results and developed recommendations can be used by professional translators and learners in the sphere of translation studies or in publishing texts for Kazakh speaking audience. Structure: The thesis consists of introduction, two parts, conclusion, list of literature and appendix.

 References: Воробьев B. B. Культурологическая парадигма русского языка: Теория описания языка и культуры References: Воробьев B. B. Культурологическая парадигма русского языка: Теория описания языка и культуры во взаимодействии. – М. , 1994. Маслова В. А. Лингвокультурология: учебное пособие. – М. , 2001. Ислам А. Ұлттық мәдениет контекстіндегі дүниенің тілдік суреті: докторлық диссертациялық жұмыс. -А. , 2004.