Скачать презентацию Thesaurus Management Tools Term Tree Melissa Riesland Скачать презентацию Thesaurus Management Tools Term Tree Melissa Riesland


  • Количество слайдов: 35

Thesaurus Management Tools Term. Tree Melissa Riesland / ASIS&T PNC 2002 Thesaurus Management Tools Term. Tree Melissa Riesland / ASIS&T PNC 2002

Definitions Definitions

Why control? The Great Pop vs. Soda Controversy Source: http: //www. ugcs. caltech. edu/~almccon/pop_soda/ Why control? The Great Pop vs. Soda Controversy Source: http: //www. ugcs. caltech. edu/~almccon/pop_soda/

Red Hot Chili Peppers • red hot peppers • red hot chilly peppers • Red Hot Chili Peppers • red hot peppers • red hot chilly peppers • red hot chillipepper • red hot chillie peppers • red hot chilli pepers • red hot chill peppers • red hot chilipeppers • red hot chili pepper • red hot chili pepers • red hot chili • red hot • chilli peppers • chili peppers • the red hot chili peppers • red chili peppers

Relationships • Hierarchical • Equivalent • Associative Relationships • Hierarchical • Equivalent • Associative

Hierarchical Parent – Child OR Trees Cats NT Domestic Cats NT Persians NT Wild Hierarchical Parent – Child OR Trees Cats NT Domestic Cats NT Persians NT Wild Cats NT Tigers

Pop – Soda – Coke Equivalent • soft drink • tonic • soda pop, Pop – Soda – Coke Equivalent • soft drink • tonic • soda pop, soda water • cola, cocola • pepsi • cold drink • carbonated beverage • fizzy drink • sodie, sodie pop, sody pop, sodee Source: http: //www. ugcs. caltech. edu/~almccon/pop_soda/

Associative Dogs Dog houses Associative Dogs Dog houses

classification “A logical system for the arrangement of knowledge. ” ~~Lois Mai Chan Source: classification “A logical system for the arrangement of knowledge. ” ~~Lois Mai Chan Source: Cataloging and Classification: An Introduction, 2 nd ed. , Mc. Graw-Hill, 1994.

classification • Classes and subclasses • Common and distinguishing characteristics • Pre-established principles • classification • Classes and subclasses • Common and distinguishing characteristics • Pre-established principles • Items in a collection or entries in an index, bibliography, or catalog • Access and retrieval ~~Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science (ODLIS) Source: http: //vax. wcsu. edu/library/odlis. html

classification Symbolic Represent classes and subclasses of concepts using letters, numbers, or a combination classification Symbolic Represent classes and subclasses of concepts using letters, numbers, or a combination of the two. Natural language Traditionally represent relationships using nouns and noun phrases.

Controlled Vocabularies • Authority lists, gazetteers, glossaries • Taxonomies • Thesauri • Topic maps Controlled Vocabularies • Authority lists, gazetteers, glossaries • Taxonomies • Thesauri • Topic maps

Authority Lists Christie, Agatha, 1890 -1976 100 1_ |a Christie, Agatha, |d 1890 -1976 Authority Lists Christie, Agatha, 1890 -1976 100 1_ |a Christie, Agatha, |d 1890 -1976 … 500 1_ |w nnnc |a Mallowan, Agatha Christie, |d 1890 -1976 500 1_ |w nnnc |a Westmacott, Mary, |d 1890 -1976 Source: http: //authorities. loc. gov/

Gazetteers Source: http: //www. gazetteer. de/home. htm) Gazetteers Source: http: //www. gazetteer. de/home. htm)

Gazetteers Gazetteers

Glossaries Glossaries

Taxonomies vs. Thesauri Shared characteristics • Traditional relationships • Traditional uses • Specific to Taxonomies vs. Thesauri Shared characteristics • Traditional relationships • Traditional uses • Specific to topic or collection

Taxonomies vs. Thesauri Distinguishing characteristics • Information access • Information retrieval Taxonomies vs. Thesauri Distinguishing characteristics • Information access • Information retrieval

Information Access Browsing aka “buckets” Information Access Browsing aka “buckets”

Information Access Navigation Information Access Navigation

Information Retrieval Explicit details Information Retrieval Explicit details

Trees & Webs Taxonomies & Thesauri Topic Maps Trees & Webs Taxonomies & Thesauri Topic Maps

Topic Maps Traditional • Knowledge structures • Information resources Topic Maps Traditional • Knowledge structures • Information resources

Topics Topic Maps Facet analysis and synthesis, 260 -262, 280, 484 Occurrences Field tags Topics Topic Maps Facet analysis and synthesis, 260 -262, 280, 484 Occurrences Field tags in MARC (see Fields and subfields; Subfield codes) Associations Form headings and subdivisions: defined, 485 in LCSH, 176, 183 in Sears, 213, 218 -219 Government bodies and officials, 140 -141 (See also Heads of state and governments)

Topic Maps Virginia Woolf wrote To the Lighthouse 6 Virginia Woolf was married to Topic Maps Virginia Woolf wrote To the Lighthouse 6 Virginia Woolf was married to Leonard Woolf 6 Leonard Woolf founded the Hogart Press 6 The Hogart Press published T. S. Eliot’s The Wasteland 6 Eliot was influenced by Ezra Pound 6 Etc. etc.

Why buy? Data integrity • Orphans • Circular references • Misspellings • Inversions Why buy? Data integrity • Orphans • Circular references • Misspellings • Inversions

Why buy? Time • Cross-checking & proofreading • Software development time Why buy? Time • Cross-checking & proofreading • Software development time

Why buy? Cost • Time = $$$ • In-house development = $$$ Why buy? Cost • Time = $$$ • In-house development = $$$

Choices • Automated or manual • Bundled or stand-alone • Single or multi-user Choices • Automated or manual • Bundled or stand-alone • Single or multi-user

Tasks • Vocabulary construction and maintenance • Reporting • Search and indexing Tasks • Vocabulary construction and maintenance • Reporting • Search and indexing

Criteria • Technical • Pricing and licenses • Acceptance Criteria • Technical • Pricing and licenses • Acceptance

Criteria • Documentation • User experience • Data integrity Criteria • Documentation • User experience • Data integrity

Criteria • Structural • Editing • Importing, exporting, and reports Criteria • Structural • Editing • Importing, exporting, and reports

Products Referenced in This Presentation • Multi. Tes - http: //www. multites. com/ • Products Referenced in This Presentation • Multi. Tes - http: //www. multites. com/ • Term. Tree - http: //www. termtree. com. au/index. html • Web. Choir - http: //www. webchoir. com/products. html • Synapse - http: //www. synaptica. com/ • Data Harmony - http: //www. dataharmony. com/ For information on more software products and how to select products, see http: //www. willpower. demon. co. uk/thessoft. htm.

The End E-mail: riesland 65@yahoo. com The End E-mail: riesland 65@yahoo. com