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  • Количество слайдов: 24

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. ” Genesis 2: 24

Marriage Remarriage? Marriage Remarriage?

Definitions Generic modern definitions: • Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary Marriage Definitions Generic modern definitions: • Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary Marriage

Merriam-Webster online dictionary: 1 a (1): the state of being united to a person Merriam-Webster online dictionary: 1 a (1): the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2): the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage b: the mutual relation of married persons: wedlock c: the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage 2: an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected ; especially: the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities 3: an intimate or close union

Definitions Generic modern definitions: • Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary • Wordnet (Princeton) online dictionary Marriage Definitions Generic modern definitions: • Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary • Wordnet (Princeton) online dictionary Marriage

Wordnet (Princeton) online dictionary: • the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined Wordnet (Princeton) online dictionary: • the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce); "a long and happy marriage"; "God bless this union" • two people who are married to each other; "his second marriage was happier than the first"; "a married couple without love" • the act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony; "their marriage was conducted in the chapel" • a close and intimate union; "the marriage of music and dance"; "a marriage of ideas"

Definitions Generic modern definitions: • Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary • Wordnet (Princeton) online dictionary • Definitions Generic modern definitions: • Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary • Wordnet (Princeton) online dictionary • Wikipedia online encyclopedia Marriage

Wikipedia online encyclopedia: • a social, religious, spiritual, emotional, and/or legal union of individuals Wikipedia online encyclopedia: • a social, religious, spiritual, emotional, and/or legal union of individuals that creates kinship. • may also be called matrimony, while the ceremony that marks its beginning is usually called a wedding and the married status created is sometimes called wedlock. • Marriage is an institution in which interpersonal relationships (usually intimate and sexual) are acknowledged by the state, by religious authority, or both. • It is often viewed as a contract. • Civil marriage is the legal concept of marriage as a govern mental institution, in accordance with marriage laws of the jurisdiction. If recognized by the state, by the religion(s) to which the parties belong or by society in general, the act of marriage changes the personal and social status of the individuals who enter into it.

Definitions Generic modern definitions: • Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary • Wordnet (Princeton) online dictionary • Definitions Generic modern definitions: • Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary • Wordnet (Princeton) online dictionary • Wikipedia online encyclopedia Some highlights of the modern view of marriage: ü Union of individuals, whether same-sex or not ü A contract, recognized and sanctioned by law ü 2 nd, subsequent legal unions also called marriage ü Change of personal and social status for the married Marriage

Definitions Generic modern definitions: • Merriam-Webster, Wordnet, Wikipedia; etc. Specific modern legal definitions: • Definitions Generic modern definitions: • Merriam-Webster, Wordnet, Wikipedia; etc. Specific modern legal definitions: • South Carolina Legislature Marriage

South Carolina Legislature Code of Law: TITLE 20. DOMESTIC RELATIONS CHAPTER 1. MARRIAGE ARTICLE South Carolina Legislature Code of Law: TITLE 20. DOMESTIC RELATIONS CHAPTER 1. MARRIAGE ARTICLE 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 20 -1 -10. Persons who may contract matrimony. [SC ST SEC 20 -1 -10] (A) All persons, except mentally incompetent persons and persons whose marriage is prohibited by this section, may lawfully contract matrimony. (B) No man shall marry his mother, grandmother, daughter, granddaughter, stepmother, sister, grandfather's wife, son's wife, grandson's wife, wife's mother, wife's grandmother, wife's daughter, wife's granddaughter, brother's daughter, sister's daughter, father's sister, mother's sister, or another man. (C) No woman shall marry her father, grandfather, son, grandson, stepfather, brother, grandmother's husband, daughter's husband, granddaughter's husband, husband's father, husband's grandfather, husband's son, husband's grandson, brother's son, sister's son, father's brother, mother's brother, or another woman.

South Carolina Legislature Code of Law: TITLE 20. DOMESTIC RELATIONS CHAPTER 1. MARRIAGE ARTICLE South Carolina Legislature Code of Law: TITLE 20. DOMESTIC RELATIONS CHAPTER 1. MARRIAGE ARTICLE 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 20 -1 -10. Persons who may contract matrimony. [SC ST SEC 20 -1 -10] SECTION 20 -1 -15. Prohibition of same sex marriage. [SC ST SEC 20 -1 -15] A marriage between persons of the same sex is void ab initio and against the public policy of this State. Interesting Note: The words “ab initio” used in the state law prohibiting same-sex marriages are from Latin, meaning “from the beginning”!

Definitions Generic modern definitions: • Merriam-Webster, Wordnet, Wikipedia; etc. Specific modern legal definitions: • Definitions Generic modern definitions: • Merriam-Webster, Wordnet, Wikipedia; etc. Specific modern legal definitions: • South Carolina Legislature • Legislature from other states − As of this study, 11 states in some form accept or legalize same-sex marriages • U. S. constitution does not provide legislation with regards to marriage; a state-level issue Marriage

Definitions Remember: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and legal codes do not create word definitions; rather, they Definitions Remember: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and legal codes do not create word definitions; rather, they reflect what is common usage of the day. Therefore, if we desire to analyze a word in its context, it helps if we understand that word’s origins and meaning at the time it was used. Marriage

Definitions Generic modern definitions: • Merriam-Webster, Wordnet, Wikipedia; etc. Specific modern legal definitions: • Definitions Generic modern definitions: • Merriam-Webster, Wordnet, Wikipedia; etc. Specific modern legal definitions: • South Carolina and other state Legislature Bible definitions: • Old Testament [Hebrew] − Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Concordance › marriage(s), married, marry(ing) = 10 Heb. words Marriage

Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Concordance: “marriage”: (1) - ownah (1 x): to dwell together, (sexual) Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Concordance: “marriage”: (1) - ownah (1 x): to dwell together, (sexual) cohabitation; “marriage rights” [Ex. 21: 10] (2) - halal (1 x): to be clear; to shine; to make a show, boast; to celebrate, commend, make a deal; “given in marriage” [Ps. 78: 63] “marriages”: (3) - chathan (1 x): to give (a daughter) away in marriage; to contract affinity by marriage; join in affinity; father-in-law, mother-in-law; son-in-law; “make marriages with us” [Gen. 34: 9]

Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Concordance: “married”: (4) - laqach (4 x): to take (applied very Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Concordance: “married”: (4) - laqach (4 x): to take (applied very widely); accept, bring, buy, carry away, drawn, fetch, get, take many, mingle, place, receive, reserve, seize, send for, take away, take up, use, win. “who had married his daughters” [Gen. 19: 14] “he had married” [Num. 12: 1] (2 x) “whom he had married” [1 Chr. 2: 21]

Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Concordance: “married”: (4) - laqach (4 x): to take (applied very Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Concordance: “married”: (4) - laqach (4 x): to take (applied very widely); (5) - baal (11 x): to be master; to marry; have dominion (over), be husband, married, wife. “if he comes in married” [Ex. 21: 3] “If the priest’s daughter is married” [Lev. 22: 12] “a woman married to a husband” [Deut. 22: 22] “takes a wife and marries her” [Deut. 24: 1] “woman when she is married” [Prov. 30: 23] “the children of the married woman” [Isa. 54: 1] “your land shall be married” [Isa. 62: 4] “as a young man marries a virgin” [Isa. 62: 5] “so shall your sons marry you” [Isa. 62: 5] “for I am married to you” [Jer. 3: 14] “He has married the daughter” [Mal. 2: 11]

Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Concordance: “married”: (4) - laqach (4 x): to take (applied very Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Concordance: “married”: (4) - laqach (4 x): to take (applied very widely); (5) - baal (11 x): to be master; to marry; have dominion (over); (6) - ishsha (6 x): a woman (applied very widely); adulteress; female, together, wife, woman. “then his wife shall go out with him” [Ex. 21: 3] - modifies “married” from earlier in verse “they are married to any…sons” [Num. 36: 3] “let them marry whom they” [Num. 36: 6] “they marry only within” [Num. 36: 6] “were married to the sons” [Num. 36: 11] “were married into the families” [Num. 36: 12]

Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Concordance: “married”: (4) - laqach (4 x): to take (applied very Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Concordance: “married”: (4) - laqach (4 x): to take (applied very widely); (5) - baal (11 x): to be master; to marry; have dominion (over); (6) - ishsha (6 x): a woman (applied very widely); (7) - nasa (1 x): to lift (applied very widely); accept, bear up, bring forth, carry away, contain, desire, fetch, furnish, give, help, hold up, honorable, lift (self), lofty, marry, magnify, lift needs, obtain, raise up, receive, regard, respect, set up, take away/up, lift utterly, wear, yield. “married fourteen wives” [2 Chr. 13: 21]

Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Concordance: “married”: (4) - laqach (4 x): to take (applied very Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Concordance: “married”: (4) - laqach (4 x): to take (applied very widely); (5) - baal (11 x): to be master; to marry; have dominion (over); (6) - ishsha (6 x): a woman (applied very widely); (7) - nasa (1 x): to lift (applied very widely); “marry”: (8) - yabam (1 x): to marry a (deceased) brother’s widow; to perform the duty of a husband’s brother. “brother’s wife and marry her” [Gen. 38: 8]

Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Concordance: “married”: (4) - laqach (4 x): to take (applied very Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Concordance: “married”: (4) - laqach (4 x): to take (applied very widely); (5) - baal (11 x): to be master; to marry; have dominion (over); (6) - ishsha (6 x): a woman (applied very widely); (7) - nasa (1 x): to lift (applied very widely); “marry”: (8) - yabam (1 x): to marry a (deceased) brother’s widow; (9) - hayah (1 x): to exist, to be or become, come to pass; be committed, continue, pertain. “not be {married} to a stranger” [Deut. 25: 5] - “marriage” is understood, supplied here

Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Concordance: “married”: (4) - laqach (4 x): to take (applied very Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Concordance: “married”: (4) - laqach (4 x): to take (applied very widely); (5) - baal (11 x): to be master; to marry; have dominion (over); (6) - ishsha (6 x): a woman (applied very widely); (7) - nasa (1 x): to lift (applied very widely); “marry”: (8) - yabam (1 x): to marry a (deceased) brother’s widow; (9) - hayah (1 x): to exist, to be or become, come to pass; “marrying”: (10) - yashab (1 x): to sit down, dwell, remain; to settle; to marry; make to abide, continue, cause to dwell; endure, establish, habitation, haunt, make to inhabit, make to keep house, marrying, take “marrying pagan women? ” [Neh. 13: 27]

Definitions Generic modern definitions: • Merriam-Webster, Wordnet, Wikipedia; etc. Specific modern legal definitions: • Definitions Generic modern definitions: • Merriam-Webster, Wordnet, Wikipedia; etc. Specific modern legal definitions: • South Carolina and other state Legislature Bible definitions: • Old Testament [Hebrew] • New Testament [Greek] − Vine’s Expository Dict. Of New Testament Words › marriage, marry = 7 Greek words Marriage