- Количество слайдов: 46
There Have Always Been Questions, Issues, & Problems Among Brethren • Is circumcision essential to salvation (Acts 15)? • From among “yourselves” – perverse things (Acts 20: 30) • Doctrine of no resurrection (1 Cor. 15: 12) • Colossian Heresy (Col. 2) • Some will depart giving heed to error (1 Tim. 4: 1 -3) • Doctrine that 2 nd Coming is imminent (1 Thess) • Judaism (Hebrews, etc. )
During The Restoration Movement • Pointing men back to the Bible: “Where the Bible speaks, we speak; where it is silent, we are silent. ” • Called for men to lay aside opinions and unite upon the Scriptures • Soon two major mindsets developed: 1. Church can do only what is positively authorized 2. Church can do anything not specifically forbidden • Division was inevitable!
Churches of Christ Divided In mid 1800 s q Issues: ü Missionary Society (1849) ü Instrumental Music (1859) q Result: ü Formation of Christian Church (1900) ü Later: Disciples of Christ (liberal)
Churches of Christ Divided In mid 1900 s q Issues: ü Sponsoring Church (Hearld of Truth) ü Orphan Homes ü Colleges in Church Budget ü Social Gospel (Recreation) q Result: ü Split among churches 1955 -1965 ü Institutional churches of Christ
Divisions Within The Church of Christ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Missionary Society (1849) Instrumental Music (1859) Colleges in Church Budget (1938) Orphan Homes (1950’s) Sponsoring Church (1950’s) Social Gospel (1960’s)
Divisions Within The Church of Christ Colleges Supported by Churches
Church Support of Colleges “Colleges Supported by Churches” Was the first of the “Institutional” issues Today Most Colleges Among Brethren Are Supported by Churches David Lipscomb Freed-Hardeman Harding Abilene Christian Oklahoma Christian
Church Support of Colleges I. History Behind It
I. History Behind It A. Early Schools – had Some Church Support 1. Kentucky Female Orphan School – L. L. Pinkerton (1849) – received some church support 2. Fanning Orphan School – Tolbert Fanning (1884) – later received some church contributions 3. But – Not Wide Spread
I. History Behind It A. Early Schools – had Some Church Support B. First Pleas from G. C. Brewer 1933, 35, 38
G. C. Brewer 1933 – Wrote a series of articles on “organizations” in Gospel Advocate. Said colleges had a right to exist & churches should support them. 1935 – Appealed for churches to put colleges & orphan homes in their budgets. Said churches Cleburne & Sherman, TX (where he preached) & two in OH had done so. 1938 – ACC Lectures urged elders to put ACC in budget: Said any church did not support the college had the wrong preacher!
I. History Behind It A. Early Schools – had Some Church Support B. First Pleas from G. C. Brewer 1933, 35, 38 C. Not Widespread Acceptance 1. Most brethren did not agree 2. The “College” was hard to sell (put in church budget)
I. History Behind It A. B. C. D. Early Schools – had Some Church Support First Pleas from G. C. Brewer 1933, 35, 38 Not Widespread Acceptance 1947 – Turning point 1. ACC made a strong push for it 2. N. B. Hardeman – turned the issue to orphan home
N. B. Hardeman College Supported by Church Shifted to Orphan Home Supported by Church “The right to contribute to one is the right to contribute to the other…The same principle that permits one permits the other. They must stand or fall together. ” (Gospel Advocate, 1947, p. 844)
Shifted to a “Sellable” Issue College Supported by Church Shifted to Orphan Home Supported by Church • Has Emotion • Used as a tool to get college
I. History Behind It A. B. C. D. E. Early Schools – had Some Church Support First Pleas from G. C. Brewer 1933, 35, 38 Not Widespread Acceptance 1947 – Turning point Opposition 1. Bible Banner / Gospel Guardian (Wallace & Cogdill) 2. Debated 1954 (W. L. Totty – Charles Holt)
I. History Behind It A. B. C. D. E. F. Early Schools – had Some Church Support First Pleas from G. C. Brewer 1933, 35, 38 Not Widespread Acceptance 1947 – Turning point Opposition: 1963 – Batsell Barrett Baxter echoed Hardeman
Batsell Barrett Baxter, Jr. 1963 “Some who are agreed that the church can contribute to an orphan’s home are not convinced that the church can contribute to a Christian school. It is difficult to see a significant difference so far as principle is concerned. The orphans’ home and Christian school must stand or fall together” (p. 29) Question and Issue s Of the Day In the Ligh t of the Scriptures Batsell Ba rrett Baxte r
I. History Behind It A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Early Schools – had Some Church Support First Pleas from G. C. Brewer 1933, 35, 38 Not Widespread Acceptance 1947 – Turning point Opposition: 1963 – Batsell Barrett Baxter echoed Hardeman 1968 – Athen Clay Pullias – wrote tract
Athens Clay Pullias 1968 • A Tract - Published by David Lipscomb College • Pushed for church support of the college
Colleges Accepting Church Contributions Only One College Did Not James R. Cope President 1949 - 1982 Board Meeting: Spring 1956 Cope being pressured said: “My soul is not for sale, nor is this college. ”
Church Support of Colleges I. History Behind It II. Mission & Work of the Church
II. Mission & Work of the Church A. Work is Determined by God 1. 2. 3. 4. Done according to the pattern (Heb. 8: 5) Christ has all authority (Matt. 28: 18 -20) Christ is the head of the church (Eph. 1: 18 -23) Must abide within the doctrine of Christ (2 Jno. 9)
II. Mission & Work of the Church A. Work is Determined by God B. Work is Threefold (Eph. 4: 12) 1. 2. 3. “Equipping of the saints” “Work of ministry” “Edifying of the body of Christ”
Threefold Work 1. “Equipping of the saints ” a. Means: repair, put into order – make complete Edification b. Eph. 4: 16 – edify itself 2. “Work of ministry ” a. Means: serve; used of benevolence (Acts 6; 2 Cor. 8 -9) Benevolence b. Acts 6: 1 -6; 1 Tim. 5: 16 3. “Edifying of the body ” a. Means: build up (ASV) – increase by teaching Evangelism b. 1 Tim. 3: 15
II. Mission & Work of the Church A. Work is Determined by God B. Work is Threefold (Eph. 4: 12) C. Work is Not: 1. Social – (social betterment of man) a. Gospel did not change social problems – but made them better (1 Cor. 7: 20 -22) b. Home center of social activities (1 Cor. 11: 20 -22) 2. Recreation 3. Business 4. Secular Education (math, science, history, language)
Church Support of Colleges I. History Behind It II. Mission & Work of the Church III. Problems With Church Support of Colleges
III. Problems With Church Support of Colleges A. Issue Clarified 1. 2. 3. 4. Not: Do Bible colleges have a right to exist? Not: May individual Christians contribute to them? Not: The corruption in them or what is taught. IS: Do the Scriptures authorize churches to contribute to a Bible college?
III. Problems With Church Support of Colleges A. Issue Clarified B. No Bible Authority
How Authority Is Established Acts 15 Command / Statement Approved Example Necessary Inference VV. 13 -21 – James appealed to direct statement from Amos 9 V. 12 – Paul & Barnabas appealed to example of their work & miracles VV. 7 -11 – Peter appealed to events at Cornelius’ house – infers…
Church Support of College Command / Statement one N Approved Example one N Necessary Inference one N
III. Problems With Church Support of Colleges A. Issue Clarified B. No Bible Authority C. No Different than Missionary Society
The Missionary Society Local Church $ $ $ Local Church Missionary Society Support Preachers $ A Separate Organization Between The Church And The Work
The Bible College Local Church $ $ $ Local Church $ “Christian School” / Bible College Teach Bible A Separate Organization Between The Church And The Work
What is the Difference? If one is Scriptural – so is the other!
III. Problems With Church Support of Colleges A. B. C. D. Issue Clarified No Bible Authority No Different than Missionary Society Puts Church in Secular Education 1. While it is a Bible College – still secular education 2. Funds support the whole college work
Summary Of Problems 1. No Bible Authority 2. Work is Secular 3. Organization Between Church and the Work
Church Support of Colleges I. History Behind It II. Mission & Work of the Church III. Problems With Church Support of Colleges IV. Arguments Make to Justify it
IV. Arguments Make to Justify it A. “College teaches the Bible – is work of church” 1. Bible is not all they teach 2. It a secular institution – liberal arts school 3. Still have a separate organization between church and work being done!
IV. Arguments Make to Justify it A. “College teaches the Bible – is work of church” B. “Schools prepare church leaders” 1. 2. 3. That is not all these colleges do Separate organization between church & work! On same basis – church support any family – might be training church leaders.
IV. Arguments Make to Justify it A. “College teaches the Bible – is work of church” B. “Schools prepare church leaders” C. “Churches may educate children of poor members. ” 1. Could church contribute to Catholic or Baptist Hospital for poor members? 2. Could church operate a golf course for children of poor members?
IV. Arguments Make to Justify it A. “College teaches the Bible – is work of church” B. “Schools prepare church leaders” C. “Churches may educate children of poor members. ” D. “School is a good work” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Good work – defined by Scriptures (2 Tim. 3: 16 -17) Government a good work? Baptist Hospital a good work? Building roads a good work? Space exploration a good work?
IV. Arguments Make to Justify it A. “College teaches the Bible – is work of church” B. “Schools prepare church leaders” C. “Churches may educate children of poor members. ” D. “School is a good work” E. “Bible does not forbid it” 1. Silence is prohibitive (Heb. 7: 14) 2. Did not forbid the instrument of music 3. Did not forbid the use of jam on Lord’s supper
Church Support of Colleges I. History Behind It II. Mission & Work of the Church III. Problems With Church Support of Colleges IV. Arguments Make to Justify it