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- Количество слайдов: 12
Theme: First Aid Republican Medical College Kakhriman kyzy Aida
Phonetic drill Monday for wealth Tuesday for health Wednesday is the best day for all Thursday for crosses Friday for losses And Saturday no luck at all
• • • Repeat the new words after the announcer during the pause. • Fracture First aid • Sunstroke Emergency • Consciousness To lose • Poisoning Calm • Bleeding Injured Bruise
FIRST AID First aid Emergency To lose Calm Первая помощь Непредвиденный случай Терять Спокойный Injured Bruise Fracture Sunstroke Consciousness Poisoning Bleeding Пострадавший Ушиб, синяк Перелом Солнечный удар Сознание Отравление Кровотечение
First Aid The most important thing in an emergency is not to lose one’s a head. When you give the first aid you must be very calm. If the injured person has hurt himself with a fall, make him lie down comfortably and see whethere any cuts or bruises. If movement of arm or leg hurts, there may be fracture, so leave the limb in the position in which it is.
Bleeding • The best way to stop bleeding is by direct pressure with a clean cloth. If the bleeding is from the arm or the leg, the limb can be kept in a raised position. If the bleedings from a nose, put a cold compress on the nose. It will stop the blood.
To lose consciousness • In the fainting the person loses consciousness. blood doesn’t get to the brain. The face of the person before a fainting gets very pale and sweat appears on his forehead. He feels dizzy and weak. • When a person lost consciousness you must : • 1. lay the person flat on his back • 2. rise his feet a little • 3. loose his dress • 4. cover him warmly and open the window • 5. sprinkle cold water on his face • 6. give the person to breath in ammonia
Bruise • When you fall on your knee you get a bruise on it. The bruised place looks red and swollen at first. If there is scratch on your knee put iodine on it. If your knee hurts you very much, take some cloth, wet it in cold water and put it on the bruise. It will relieve the pain. If the bruise was very bad you must consult a doctor.
Conclusion What does it mean these photos? 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 4.
Conclusion Translate the following word combinations into English. Первая помощь, пострадавший, терять сознание, перелом конечности, остановить кровотечение, холодный компресс, поднять голову, положить на спину, укрыть одеялом, холодная вода, нашатырный спирт.
What are the aids for : • Bleeding • Bruise • To lose consciousness
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