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THEME: F&B innovation SUBJECT: Imagine how Accor. Hotels restaurants could become the place to meet “TAKE OFF! JOIN THE ACCORHOTELS STUDENT ADVENTURE” We organize from March 23 rd to June 22 nd 2016, an original 2016 and innovative student competition. We have the pleasure to launch our 5 th edition Worldwide student challenge! Our competition will allow the students to be evaluated by Accor. Hotels professionals and by top-school teachers with different cultural backgrounds! Competition website lives on March 23 rd 2016 www. accortakeoff. com |
ü Work on a real Accor. Hotels case study and add value to your resume ü Have the opportunity to create a team and present your own project ü IMAGINE HOW ACCORHOTE LS RESTAURAN TS COULD BECOME THE PLACE TO MEET Get the chance to be evaluated by teachers from top Schools and by our Accor. Hotels experts ü Develop your network ü Get to know better Accor. Hotels ü Have Intercultural exchange ü Be our guest in Paris if you are part of the finalists ü Win superb Holidays with Accor. Hotels ü And last but not least: HAVE FUN! |
IMAGINE HOW ACCORHOTELS RESTAURANTS COULD BECOME THE PLACE TO MEET ü Nowadays, when customers go to restaurants, they are expecting less formal experiences and rather value simplicity, but delivered with excellence. Explanation of theme: FOOD & BEVERAGE INNOVATIO N ü Typical successful concepts offer: Ø at lunch, good food provided quickly with efficiency Ø at night and on weekends, restaurants become living places where to meet and enjoy convivial moments in a warm atmosphere. ü Todays’ customers like sharing their experiences instantaneously on social networks and their choices are driven by restaurants’ e-reputation on Tripadvisor, Opentable, Yelp or local equivalents… Ø Imagine the future Accor. Hotels F&B concept |
IMAGINE HOW ACCORHOTELS RESTAURANTS COULD BECOME THE PLACE TO MEET So : ü Imagine how Accor. Hotels could create a new and innovative F&B Revolution in its Restaurants ü Think about your dreamy concept of F&B Explanation of theme: FOOD & BEVERAGE INNOVATIO N ü Imagine a place where you can experience a very special meal ü Imagine how Accor. Hotels Restaurants could become the most attractive place where people want to come, meet friends, have some rendezvous… ü Feel free to focus or not on one of our brands Our goal is to give a new dimension to Accor. Hotels restaurants We must then find ways to deliver excellence and authenticity, listen and serve our guest’s needs, and inspire our people. Ø Ready to Take Off ? ! |
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE ? FOOD & BEVERAGE INNOVATION IMAGINE HOW ACCORHOTELS RESTAURANTS COULD BECOME THE PLACE TO MEET Form a team of 3 students attending the same School or University and submit your project on the website from March 23 rd to April 13 th, 2016! You must be: Ø Enrolled at any school of higher Education (University, Business School, Hotel Management School, Design School, etc…) A scan copy of 2016 student card will have to be provided at later stage in the competition. Ø Aged 18 or over at registration Ø In possession of a valid passport till September 20 th, 2016 Ø Available to travel to Paris (June 21 st-23 rd, 2016) if you are selected for the Finale |
ROUND 1 TOPIC ü Imagine how Accor. Hotels restaurants could become the place to meet March April May DELIVERABLES 23 rd 13 th Register online SUBMIT YOUR PHOTO -COLLAGE 14 th CREATE THE BUZZ: get votes on Accortakeoff. com 50 pre selected teams ü Post a photo collage from March 23 rd to April 13 th, with short explicative text to best represent your project ü Your photo collage can be posted on jpeg or pmg format, must not exceed 7 Mo and must be in landscape orientation. Your descriptive text must not exceed 500 characters 28 th SELECTIONS 3 rd JURY SELECTION: 15 selected teams ü Be the first to register, the number of teams is limited to 300 (3 students per team) – From March 23 rd to April 13 th ü 50 teams will be pre-selected by online votes – From April 14 th to 28 th May 4 th: 15 selected teams ü 15 teams will be selected by our jury made of professionals from Accor. Hotels and teachers on May the 3 rd. |
ROUND 2 TEAMS ü If you are among the 15 teams selected for Round 2 May TOPIC ü The topic will be communicated to the selected teams on May the 5 th and will give you the chance to go further in your researches. DELIVERABLES ü Post a video which will show you on a situation & short explicative text to best showcase your project ü Your submitted video must not exceed 1 minute and 30 sec. and 50 Mo. Format should be flv, mp 4, wmv or mpeg. SELECTION May 20 th : 5 selected teams ü Support your project on May 19 th via a 10 -minute video conference where the jury: Will watch your video Will ask you 2 -to-3 questions |
FINALE IN PARIS May 20 th JURY RESULTS: 5 selected teams June 21 st Arrival 22 nd Presentation of the 5 projects followed by the ceremony and the dinner 23 rd TEAMS ü If you are among the 5 teams selected for the final Round DELIVERABLES ü Our jury wants to discover the best talents so the subject is kept secret! You will discover it on the D-Day! Brunch and tour in Paris Time to go back June 22 nd: 1 winning team |
SAVE THE DATES ! ROUND 1 Register online SUBMIT YOUR PHOTOCOLLAGE 5 th CREATE THE BUZZ: get votes on 18 th accorhotelstakeoff. com 28 th May 4 th Submit your video May 13 th 14 th April IMAGINE HOW ACCORHOTELS RESTAURANTS COULD BECOME THE PLACE TO MEET March FOOD & BEVERAGE INNOVATION 23 rd ROUND 2 50 pre selected teams 19 th Jury: video conference with each group JURY RESULTS : 15 selected teams 20 th Jury results: 5 qualifications FINALE IN PARIS 22 nd of June ONE WINNING TEAM |
WIN SUPERB HOLIDAYS WITH ACCORHOTE ü Winners will experience an amazing 3 -to-4 day trip in one of our best properties in an European or Mediterranean destination FLY TO YOUR FAVORITE DESTINATION ! ü Other finalists will win a Samsung Surprise Prize ü On the Top of it, all finalists will meet and network with Accor. Hotels top executives during the finale in Paris! ü A personalized support with your internships' researches |
OUR BEST ADVICE FOOD & BEVERAGE INNOVATION IMAGINE HOW ACCORHOTELS RESTAURANTS COULD BECOME THE PLACE TO MEET ü Register from March 23 rd and download the instructions booklet which will lead you to success ü Be creative and innovative: the more your ideas stand out from the crowd, the more chance you have to get noticed by our jury members ü Imagine a feasible project linked with Accor. Hotels strategy ü Be motivated, involved and do your best! GOOD LUCK! |