Скачать презентацию Theme 2 Categorical apparatus of modern ethnic psychology Скачать презентацию Theme 2 Categorical apparatus of modern ethnic psychology


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Theme 2. Categorical apparatus of modern ethnic psychology Theme 2. Categorical apparatus of modern ethnic psychology

 • Objective: To introduce the main categories and the principles of ethnic psychology. • Objective: To introduce the main categories and the principles of ethnic psychology. • Key words: Categories of ethnic psychology, ethnicity, culture, ethnic group, national and psychological characteristics, ethnic identity, ethnic mentality, ethnic picture of the world, etc. , the basic principles of ethnic psychology.

QUESTIONS: The concept of QUESTIONS: The concept of "ethno category. " The categories of "ethnicity" and "culture. " Category of "national-psychological characteristics. " The main types of national and psychological characteristics. The basic principles of ethnic psychology.

Recommended reading: • 1. Aymaganbetova O. Kh. Social and ethnic problems of modern psychology. Recommended reading: • 1. Aymaganbetova O. Kh. Social and ethnic problems of modern psychology. - Almaty: Kazakh National University, 2008. - 176 • 2. Berri J. Purting A Cross-Cultural Psychology - Kharkov: Gum. Tsentr. - 560 p. 3. Lebedeva NM Introduction to ethnic and cross-cultural psychology. - M. Ed. House "Key", 1999. - 224. 4. Matsumoto D. Psychology and culture. - St. Petersburg-M. : EVROZNAK, 202. - 415 p. 5. LG Pochebut Cross-cultural and ethnic psychology. - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Peter, 2012. 6. Soldatova HW Psychology of interethnic tensions. - Moscow: The meaning of 1998. - 389 p. 7. Stefanenko TG Ethnopsychology. - Moscow: Aspect Press, 2006. - 386 p. 8. Triandis G. Culture and social behavior. M. : Forum, 2010. - 384 p.

 • Categories ethno - the most common and fundamental concepts that reflect the • Categories ethno - the most common and fundamental concepts that reflect the essential, universal properties and relationships of phenomena of reality. Categorical apparatus ethno - a set of basic concepts of ethnic psychology, designed to reflect the most common, essential properties, connections and relationships of the phenomenon. All categorical apparatus ethnopsychology forms a complex multi-level concepts. The first level of the system form the concepts associated with existence. It concepts such as ethnicity, nation, ethnic group, etc. The second level includes concepts like activity, personality, mentality, etc

Category of Category of "ethnos" • Ethnicity - is historically rooted in a particular area stable group of people with common relatively stable features of the language, culture and psyche and consciousness of its unity and differences from other similar entities (self -awareness), fixed in the self" (Yu. V. Bromley). • "Ethnic groups - a phenomenon that lies at the boundary of the biosphere and sociosphere and have a very special meaning in the structure of the Earth's biosphere. " Ethnicity - not a biological phenomenon and not a social and marginal, that is, lying on the boundary of the biosphere and sociosphere. (LNGumilev)

 • «Этнос - это исторически сложившаяся на определенной территории устойчивая совокупность людей, обладающих • «Этнос - это исторически сложившаяся на определенной территории устойчивая совокупность людей, обладающих общими относительно стабильными особенностями языка, культуры и психики, а также сознанием своего единства и отличия от других подобных образований (самосознанием), фиксированным в самоназвании» (Ю. В. Бромлей). • «Этносы - явление, лежащее на границе биосферы и социосферы и имеющие весьма специальное назначение в строении биосферы Земли» . Этнос - явление не биологическое и не социальное, а маргинальное, т. е. лежащее на границе биосферы и социосферы. (Л. Н. Гумилев)

Ethnic groups are spatially limited Ethnic groups are spatially limited "clusters" of specific cultural information and inter-ethnic contacts - the exchange of such information. (S. A. Arutyunov, N. N. Cheboksarov) Ethnicity - a community of people bound by a single system of relations to nature, to the members of their own and other communities, to himself, to ideas, values, jointly worked out by people in the process of ethnogenesis. (L. G. Pochebu)t Thus, the term "ethnic group" describes a group of people bound by a single system of attitudes and values developed in the course of ethnogenesis.