Скачать презентацию The World Trade Institute Corinne Karlaganis Communications Officer Скачать презентацию The World Trade Institute Corinne Karlaganis Communications Officer


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The World Trade Institute Corinne Karlaganis Communications Officer World Trade Institute and NCCR Trade The World Trade Institute Corinne Karlaganis Communications Officer World Trade Institute and NCCR Trade Regulation corinne. karlaganis@wti. org University of Bern Switzerland

Overview • Introduction Graduate Studies Research Outreach Overview • Introduction Graduate Studies Research Outreach

The World Trade Institute • Interdisciplinary Institute at the University of Bern (law, economics, The World Trade Institute • Interdisciplinary Institute at the University of Bern (law, economics, political science) • Managing Director: Prof. Joseph Francois • Deputy Managing Director: Prof. Manfred Elsig • Director of Outreach: Dr Koen Berden • Director of Studies: Prof. Peter Van den Bossche • Managing Director, Institute for European and International Economic Law and Director, WTI: Prof. Michael Hahn • The WTI leads the National Centre of Competence in Research on Trade Regulation (NCCR)

WTI: Core Activities • • • Graduate Studies – Doctoral Programme, MILE (Master of WTI: Core Activities • • • Graduate Studies – Doctoral Programme, MILE (Master of International Law and Economics), TRAIL+ (LL. M. + DAS), Summer Academy in Bern and Joint Academy in Delhi, Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) and Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) in International Law and Economics Research – 9 projects that include academic capacity building, exploring the functions of the world trading system, regulatory barriers to trade, employment effects of development policy instruments, the design of preferential trade agreements, common concern in global law, analysing international investment agreements, and investigating the climate-security nexus Outreach – Global network, training sessions, advisory services, policy recommendations

A Vibrant Learning Environment Conferences, workshops and Brown Bag seminars for members of the A Vibrant Learning Environment Conferences, workshops and Brown Bag seminars for members of the WTI research community Annual World Trade Forum Visiting fellowship programme Around 40 researchers on site plus a dozen administrative staff

Close Proximity to Geneva Cooperation with international organisations (WTO, UNCTAD, EU, etc. ), Permanent Close Proximity to Geneva Cooperation with international organisations (WTO, UNCTAD, EU, etc. ), Permanent Missions, NGOs

Overview • Introduction Graduate Studies Research Outreach Overview • Introduction Graduate Studies Research Outreach

Doctoral Programme • • • Open to Master’s level graduates in economics, law and Doctoral Programme • • • Open to Master’s level graduates in economics, law and political science Currently 21 Ph. D students WTI Advanced Studies Book Series with BRILL: the result of a doctoral conference based on students’ research Monthly interdisciplinary seminar series Doctoral colloquia for presenting individual research and giving feedback to peers Annual retreat to exchange ideas with peers

New TRAIL+ Programme Newly-launched advanced Master’s programme in cooperation with the Faculty of Law New TRAIL+ Programme Newly-launched advanced Master’s programme in cooperation with the Faculty of Law at the University of Bern One-year programme (can also be taken part time) LL. M. in International Trade and Investment Law and a Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) in International Law and Economics More law courses, fewer courses on economics and political science, and less emphasis on practice and application than the MILE programme Foundation for a Ph. D in international economic law

Master of International Law and Economics (MILE) Programme • Master’s programme in the law Master of International Law and Economics (MILE) Programme • Master’s programme in the law and economics of international trade regulation • 9 months of intensive training over 3 terms (34 weeks of classes) • Alumni: Over 500 MILE graduates from more than 100 countries • Global faculty of visiting professors and in-house staff • In-house language and learning advisor • MILE students can tap into cutting edge research and receive academic guidance and support from Ph. D students, researchers and faculty in all 3 disciplines

MILE Alumni • A vibrant network with over 500 Alumni worldwide MILE Alumni • A vibrant network with over 500 Alumni worldwide

Where MILE Alumni work • WTO, UNCTAD, ICTSD, WIPO, diplomatic sector • Federal ministries Where MILE Alumni work • WTO, UNCTAD, ICTSD, WIPO, diplomatic sector • Federal ministries of trade, investment, finance • Federal departments of foreign affairs • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, State Secretariat of Economic Affairs • EU Delegation / European Commission • Private sector – Pw. C, JP Morgan, JTI, Audi, Novartis, Syngenta • Boutique trade law firms • NGOs • Academia

MILE Alumni Impressions ‘MILE is the right gateway for professionals looking to explore career MILE Alumni Impressions ‘MILE is the right gateway for professionals looking to explore career opportunities in trade or with the UN. ’ Eugene Skrynnyk, Director at Geneva Management Group ‘MILE was a watershed in my life. ’ Thalis Andrade, Foreign Trade Analyst at the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Trade ‘[On the MILE] I met people from all walks of life – this was the most valuable learning experience. ’ Sainabou Taal, Trade Policy Analyst at the WTO

The WTI Summer Academy Five-week Summer Academy in International Trade and Investment Law and The WTI Summer Academy Five-week Summer Academy in International Trade and Investment Law and Policy XVth edition from 3 July – 25 August 2017 The Academy can be attended on an à la carte basis, and can lead to a Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) after obtaining 30 ECTS and a Certificate of Advanced Studies (DAS) after obtaining 12 ECTS

Joint Academy in India New Delhi, 5 – 30 June 2017: Joint Academy in Joint Academy in India New Delhi, 5 – 30 June 2017: Joint Academy in International Trade Law and Policy run by the WTI and the Centre for WTO Studies of the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade Established in 2014 and held annually in Delhi Provides law students and legal professionals in India with an opportunity to increase their knowledge of trade regulation and governance issues

Overview • Introduction Graduate Studies Research Outreach Overview • Introduction Graduate Studies Research Outreach

NCCR – Trade Regulation Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation 12 -year project NCCR – Trade Regulation Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation 12 -year project ‘From Fragmentation to Coherence’ 6 thematic work packages: Trade Governance; New Preferentialism in Trade; Innovation and Creativity in International Trade; Trade, Development and Migration; Trade and Climate Change; Impact Assessment in International Trade Regulation 60 researchers in Bern and partner institutions (ETH Zurich, University of Lucerne, University of Lausanne, University of Geneva, LSE, Oxford, Georgetown etc. )

Research on Development (R 4 D) R 4 D on Employment Effects Project on Research on Development (R 4 D) R 4 D on Employment Effects Project on the impact of various development policy tools on the quality and quantity of employment in developing countries R 4 D Towards Food Sustainability Re-shaping the coexistence of different food systems in South America and Africa

PRONTO and SNIS Productivity, Non-Tariff Measures and Openness (PRONTO) Collaborative research project on regulatory PRONTO and SNIS Productivity, Non-Tariff Measures and Openness (PRONTO) Collaborative research project on regulatory barriers to trade, supported by the European Commission Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS) Project Examining the design, evolution and effects of international investment agreements that are currently in practice

DESTA and Common Concern Design of Trade Agreement (DESTA) Database Mapping international trade agreements DESTA and Common Concern Design of Trade Agreement (DESTA) Database Mapping international trade agreements and exploring causes and effects: customs unions, free trade agreements and partial free trade agreements Common Concern Project Exploring the legal potential of the ‘Common Concern of Humankind’: climate change; biodiversity, with a particular focus on the law of the sea; monetary affairs and corporate responsibility; and human rights

CLISEL Climate Security with Local Authorities (CLISEL) By exploring the climate-security nexus from the CLISEL Climate Security with Local Authorities (CLISEL) By exploring the climate-security nexus from the perspective of local administrations and communities, the CLISEL project addresses the question of how Europe can be secured from the impacts of climate change in third countries.

Overview • Introduction Graduate Studies Research Outreach Overview • Introduction Graduate Studies Research Outreach

Outreach Global networks and cooperation for joint research, staff and student exchanges, joint summer Outreach Global networks and cooperation for joint research, staff and student exchanges, joint summer schools, and joint Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) or Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) programmes

SECO-WTI Academic Cooperation Project Academic capacity building project in trade regulation Funded by the SECO-WTI Academic Cooperation Project Academic capacity building project in trade regulation Funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs Foreign Trade University Hanoi, Vietnam Pontifica Universidad Catolica del Peru Mandela Institute, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta, Indonesia Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile

For more information, please visit: www. wti. org Thank you for your attention! For more information, please visit: www. wti. org Thank you for your attention!