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The World of Live Sale 1777 Oakdale Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55118 www. sssint. com Phil Sykes Division Manager © Direct (651) 554 -9702 Cell (651)319 -2999 Fax (651) 450 -7555 psykes@sssint. com
Case In Point… • The key to successful retailing is putting a desired product in the hands of your customer. Any other approach limits sales and customer satisfaction. • Many retailers elect to merchandise products behind glass cases or display a single empty package on a shelf in the hope that customers will search for a clerk to make a purchase. In truth, these loss prevention “solutions” actually result in lost sales. • In 1999, Twice Magazine published an article noting that statistically, if a product is under glass or requires assistance to purchase, it can cause a reduction in sales of 40%. SS-9900
Through the looking glass… Is this Loss Prevention or Sales Prevention?
• Recognizing the inherent shortcomings of such loss prevention methods, a growing number of retailers have adopted a merchandising approach commonly referred to as “Live Sale”. • The “Live Sale” concept employs two interrelated and complimentary components. One component is an Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) system offered by ADT/Sensormatic. The other is a transparent security package commonly referred to as a “Keeper” or Security Case. DVD-9900
• The key ingredient for developing the best recipe for “Live Sale” success is knowing which type of Security Case to use for a particular application. For example, newly released video games such as Play. Station 2, X -Box 360 and Game Cube have significant “street value” and are primary risks for theft if left unattended on a retailer’s shelf. • Retailers including Toys-R-Us, Comp USA, Best Buy, and Hastings have been quick to seize the “Live Sale” concept by employing clear polycarbonate security cases, which protect the contents from removal by the customer while still allowing an unhindered view of the product enclosed. • As an added benefit, these durable cases clearly display the enclosed EAS tag, which signifies that the merchant is protecting his inventory in more than one manner. EVS-9900
• These clear polycarbonate security cases are proven “Loss Prevention Solutions” when armed with an active EAS tag. • An SSS polycarbonate security case costing $1. 60 (US), will usually provide a retailer with durability for at least one hundred inventory turns. With this type of dependability, the average cost for employing a polycarbonate security case for the loss prevention of a $50 -$60 (US) video game title averages out to be only one to two cents per sale. MS-2000 • Many chains have expanded their use of clear polycarbonate security cases to include the “Live Sale” merchandising of expensive Cellular Phones, Pagers, Flash Memory Media, Collectible Cards. Consumer Medical Devices and a wide range of merchandise. DVD-4000
• Of additional advantage to retailers is the single key synergy offered by security providers such as SSS. One key, secured by a steel chain to the check out register, will easily open any security case offered by SSS. CBOD-0300 • A more recent development in “Live Sale” merchandising involves the utilization of a disposable security frame and an deactivatable EAS tag. This combination is quickly gaining acceptance as an ideal theft deterrent solution for DVD media retailing in the $9. 99 -$19. 99 range. Retailers can have these sell-through security solutions applied by the program distributor. DSS-2100
• Molded of transparent recyclable plastic, these disposable security frames also incorporate an EAS tag, which is deactivated at the time of purchase. These single use security devices add minimally to the cost of the product. • Beginning in 2007, SSS will begin incorporating a proprietary dissipation agent into our disposable polypropylene security products. This agent will ensure that these sell-through security solutions offer landfill degradation of the part within an estimated span of ten years. This innovation underscores our commitment to environmental stewardship with our retail partners. • For a store test or SSS samples, please contact Phil Sykes at psykes@sssint. com. DAS-1000 -2