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The World Bank in Kosovo Our Work World Bank Kosovo
KEY FACTS TO REMEMBER Kosovo is small: q 1/3 the size of Belgium (10. 887 km ) Kosovo is multiethnic: q ~2 million people § Albanian § Serb § Other Minorities Kosovo is the poorest region of Europe: q GDP p. c. US$ 1, 227 q 37% below poverty line q 15% in extreme poverty In Kosovo the international community has put 25 times more money and 50 times more troops per capita than in Afghanistan.
INSTITUTIONAL PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE… June 1999 Resolution 1244 establishes UNMIK November 2001 PISG formed after first election United Nations Mission in Kosovo divided into four pillars: Provisional Institution of Self-Government consisting of: Pillar I Police and Justice, under the UN’s direct leadership Pillar II Civil Administration, under the UN’s direct leadership President, Assembly and the Government of Kosovo Pillar III Democratization and Institution Building, led by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Pillar IV Reconstruction and Economic Development, led by the European Union (EU) Transfers of authority slowly begin October 2004 Second elections as transfer of power proceeds Today PISG’s responsibilities include: 2005 -2006 Standards reviewed status negotiations begin Standards: q Economic policy q Functioning democratic institutions q Trade, labor and social welfare q Establishment of the rule of law q Transport q Freedom of movement of all people q Agriculture and rural development q Human rights and equal opportunities q Energy and mining But UNMIK retains final legal authority & certain powers including: q Security, law & order q Foreign relations q Minority rights protection q Banking & customs q Privatization management q Sustainable return of displaced people q Respect for rights of all communities q Competitive market economy q Fair enforcement of property rights q Constructive & continuing dialogue with Belgrade on technical issues q Kosovo Protection Corps remain within mandate.
ECONOMIC OUTLOOK IS MIXED Main Indicators 2001 -2006 Key facts on economic outlook q Large informal economy q World Bank estimates unemployment at ~35% q Large trade deficit of 34% q Considerable economic strengths: § Liberal trade regime § Simple labour market regulation § Stable exchange rate & monetary policy due to use of Euro q Privatization § Delayed due to unresolved status & poor infrastructure § Picked up since July 04 with 8 waves of international tenders resulting in proceeds of € 140 million q One of the largest global recipients of remittances: 7 -12% of GDP
WHAT HAS THE BANK DONE? Education Social services & health Financing small infrastructure investments Institution building Assistance focus Poverty alleviation Economic reform Supporting private sector Restarting agriculture
THE BANK’S ROLE IN ECONOMIC REFORMS & INSTITUTION BUILDING I Objective Budget support grant To support the restart of education & health services through financing employment of teachers & health workers Budget US$1. 0 m Economic assistance grant II Budget management system q Bank licensing and supervision capability q Support: q Formulation of sustainable 2001 budget increasingly financed by local taxation q Establishment of a liberal trade & customs regime q q Creation of fully functioning & effective: Economic assistance grant I Achievements US$5. 0 m The new Central Fiscal Authority: q Budget preparation & monitoring q Execution of budgetary transactions & their financial control q Tax policy formulation & management of tax and customs revenues The new Banking & Payments authority: q Legislation for bank licensing & regulation q Supervision followed A basic tax system relying on border tax collection introduced q Donor funding share in total revenues decreased from 48% in 00 to 28% in 01 q Liberal trade & customs regime maintained. Yet, full tariffs elimination difficult due to revenue considerations. q US$5. 0 m Helped prompt restart of health services Kick-start of budget preparation process
THE BANK’S ROLE IN ECONOMIC REFORMS & INSTITUTION BUILDING II Objective Economic assistance grant III Support private sector development through 1 st package of commercial regulation introduction Budget US$5. 0 m Achievements Regulations drafted: q On contract and sale of goods q On foreign investment q On pledges q On Business organization 04 -06 Macro & revenue framework agreed by SRSG and used in 04 budget. SRSG established Audit office & recruited Auditorgeneral q Review of pay, employment, civil service structure completed q Roll-out to Treasure system of municipalities has begun q Public procurement law passed q Private Sector Advisory Group established & business registry is operational q Economic assistance grant IV Assist implementation of structural reforms to: q Enhance medium term fiscal sustainability q Sustain adequate public service delivery q Promote private sector driven growth US$5. 0 m
THE BANK’S ROLE IN BROAD BASED GROWTH, JOBCREATION & INCOME GENERATION I Objective Budget Achievements Interim Credit Union disbursed more than 60 loans q ~1200 new jobs created in various sectors q New banks developed basic credit management capacity & loan administration through training q A successful exist strategy for IDA funded credit line, gaining proceeds of 77% of total funds for the Kosovo budget. q Pilot line of credit for SMEs q Jump-starting of production through a line of credit for SME q Capacity building in the financial sector Establishment & operation of a business registry q Strengthen commercial & supreme courts’ capacity to improve legal services quality q Development of basic accounting standards, accounting training and establishment of accountants’ association US$5. 0 m (EAR cofinancing US$5. 0 m) Private sector development TA Re-registration of business in strongly underway q Complete database constantly updated and made available to fiscal administration q Over 1000 person received accounting training q Society of Certified Accountants and Auditors of Kosovo joined International Federation q All commercial & supreme Judges received training on Property Registration, Bankruptcy, Business Organization law. q q US$3. 0 m
THE BANK’S ROLE IN BROAD BASED GROWTH, JOBCREATION & INCOME GENERATION II Objective Energy sector TA I Preparing a comprehensive study for long term energy demand supply to analyze available energy options & asses physical investment needs Develop capacity for a commercially sustainable exchange of power with regional system & optimizing utilization of generation capacity though economic dispatch q Develop framework for attracting private sector investment in the energy sector Budget US$2. 5 m Achievements Drafts of all 13 modules have been prepared KEK closely associated with consultants’ work, and its staff received hand-on training q q q Energy sector TA II Feasibility study for a 400 k. V transmission inter-connection between Albania and Kosovo. q Feasibility study for establishing energy dispatch center. q Developing framework for attracting private sector investments. q US$1. 5 m
THE BANK’S ROLE IN IMPROVING SERVICE DELIVERY I Objective Education and health project Energy sector TA II Rebuild and structure the governance, finance and administration of Kosovo's health and education systems Budget US$4. 4 m Achievements Education component q Education funding system based on per student funding formula, devolution of earmarked block grants on a municipal level q Formulation of new Higher Education Law and the new university statute q Adequate capacities for setting and monitoring education standards & adequate dissemination of results q Formulation of new General Education law & specific instructions from the Ministry Health component q Interim financing strategy q Model for planning & securing funds q Implementation of co-payment system q Public financing prioritization q Cost effective allocation resource allocation & provider payment mechanisms q Development of organization governance structures q Public info & communication q Options for private financing & provision q Health & finance info strategy
THE BANK’S ROLE IN IMPROVING SERVICE DELIVERY II Objective Budget Achievements Transfer of responsibilities from UNMIK to Ministry q All major contracts signed q TA to assist Ministry with institutional capacity, policy & training for social workers q 16 centers for Social Welfare renovated, all centers equipped, mobile teams set up q IT monitoring system for social assistance provision established q Design of new pensions system for Kosovo based on citizen’s pension and advance funded scheme q Design of basic safety net for short-term q Design of sustainable social welfare system for medium term q Adequate admin capacity for pensions delivery, veterans’ & invalidity benefits q Social protection Education Improve educational attainment at primary and secondary education levels & enhance access of vulnerable groups to education US$4. 2 m (UK cofinancing US$ 2. 57 m) Dropout, survival, attendance rates improve in targeted groups q Schools enabled to plan, manage and monitor school based initiatives. q Capacity for Municipalities and Ministry to monitor access to education. q US$4. 6 m
THE BANK’S ROLE IN IMPROVING SELECTED INFRASTRUCTURE I Objective Budget Achievements Targeted poor communities in all regions with over 200 community works including road reconstruction, cultural centers, water supply, school rehabilitation q In cash and in form of labor contributions from communities significant q Hundreds of community meetings organized with increased membership q Capacity building focused on training project committee members in preparing project proposals, business plans & contractors in supervising activities q Small scale infrastructure & social services projects in communities with high incidence of conflict-related damage & poverty q Institutional capacity building at community & municipal level to improve sustainability of projects and strengthen civic participation q Community development fund US$5. 0 m (NL cofinancing US$ 6. 0 m & CH US$1. 2 m) Improvements in water service quality, technical, commercial, and financial company management q Private operator surpassed all targets in collection ratio, customers metered & billed q Radoniqi water company creates sustainability of water services quality and financial operational efficiency q Eliminated need for continued budget financing to water company and demonstrated that improvements possible through private participation q Financing urgent infrastructure needs q Demonstrating viability of private sector participation in water supply provision q Developing integrated water resources management model q Pilot water supply project US$4. 6 m
THE BANK’S ROLE IN IMPROVING SELECTED INFRASTRUCTURE II Objective Budget Achievements 4. 400 pregnant heifers & 92 bulls distributed increasing milk production & family income by $90 q More than 2. 400 tractors repaired & 202 new tractors distributed serving 6. 000 beneficiaries q Equipment, drugs & training provided to 106 veterinarians. Cost recovery mechanism amounts to 10. 000 free visits q Capacity building in Ministry of Agriculture, strong participation & training of local stuff. Drafting of Green book of long run strategy q Investing in key farm assets (distribution of cattle & farm mechanization) q Providing key agricultural services q Building institutional capacity for effective policy making US$14. 7 m (NL cofinancing US$ 1. 8 m, IT US$1. 4 m & SE $1. 0 m ) Re-establishment of road management capacity q Emergency road maintenance activities on main network q Restoration of local contracting capacity for road/bridge rehabilitation & maintenance US$5. 0 m (EAR cofinancing US$ 28. 0 m, DE $7. 2 m, NL $7. 0 m, Fr $ 0. 9 m) q Emergency farm reconstruction project q Urgent road project Road Infrastructure Division and Directorate of Roads re-established along with staff training and new strategy for the later q 570 km of road maintenance 7 2 bridges q Several contracts awarded to local contractors and were successfully implemented q Efficient coordination amongst donors q Progress made, but sustainability an issue and donors phase out support q
TODAY THE BANK FOCUSES ON THREE PROJECTS Objective Implementation of Athens memorandum obligations such as establishment of an independent Transmissions and System Operator, development of Grid Code, transmission & retail tariffs including subsidy mechanism and institutional strengthening q Develop of policy framework, guidelines & institutional capacity for utilization of mineral resources Budget Achievements q Energy sector TA III Business services integration to reduce regulatory uncertainty, admin barriers, improve transparency & facilitate investment q Immovable property rights enhancement to facilitate land market development and business start ups US$2. 5 m n/a q Business environment TA Public Expenditure Management TA Improve ability to use public funds more effectively, efficiently & transparently through budget formulation, execution & procurement and focus on high spending ministries US$ 7. 0 m US$6. 1 m n/a