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The World Bank Annual Report 2007
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 Fiscal Year Overview The number of people living in extreme poverty was estimated to have dipped below one billion for the first time since the World Bank began measuring poverty, in 1990.
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 Fiscal Year Overview World Bank total lending for fiscal 2007 was $24. 7 billion. This amount included loans, credits, guarantees, and grants, and was 4 percent higher than total lending in fiscal 2006. • IBRD committed $12. 8 billion for 112 projects in fiscal 2007. This was a decline of 9 percent in the dollar amount of commitments from fiscal 2006. • IDA committed $11. 9 billion for 189 operations in fiscal 2007. This was a record high for IDA, with commitments 25 percent higher in dollar terms than in fiscal 2006. • Africa received the highest funding, at $5. 8 billion, which is a record for the region.
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD/IDA Lending By Region Fiscal 2007 South Asia Africa 23% 24% Middle East and North Africa 4% East Asia and Pacific 16% Latin America and the Caribbean 18% Europe and Central Asia 15% Total Lending: $24. 7 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD/IDA Lending by Theme Fiscal 2007 Social Protection & Risk Management 7% Urban Development 11% Economic Trade & Management Integration 1% 6% Social Development, Gender & Inclusion 5% Rural Development Rule of Law 13% 2% Public Sector Governance 14% Total Lending: $24. 7 billion Environmental & Natural Resources 8% Financial & Private Sector Development 17% Human Development 17%
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD/IDA Lending by Sector Fiscal 2007 Law & Justice &Public Administration 22% Transportation 20% Water, Sanitation, & Flood Protection 12% Information & Communication 1% Agriculture, Fishing, & Forestry 7% Industry & Trade 5% Education Health & Social Services 11% Finance 7% Energy & mining 7% Total Lending: $24. 7 billion 8%
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 Regional Perspectives
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 Fast Facts: Africa Total population 0. 8 billion Population growth 2. 3% Life expectancy at birth 47 years Infant mortality per 1, 000 births 96 Female youth literacy 64% 2006 GNI per capita $842 Number of people living with HIV/AIDS 24. 8 million Note: Life expectancy at birth, Infant mortality rate per 1, 000 live births, and female youth literacy are for 2005; HIV/AIDS data are from the UNAIDS 2006 Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic; other indicators are for 2006 from the World Development Indicators database. Total Fiscal 2007 New Commitments Total Fiscal 2007 Disbursements IBRD $38 million IBRD $32 million IDA $5, 759 million $3, 852 million Portfolio of projects under implementation as of June 30, 2007: $21. 1 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 Nearly Half of IDA Lending went to Africa in Fiscal 2007 Total Fiscal 2007 IDA Lending: $11. 9 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IDA has Consistently Focused on Africa Cumulative IDA Lending by Region, 1990 -2007
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD/IDA Lending by Theme, Fiscal 2007: Africa Total Lending: $5. 8 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD/IDA Lending by Sector, Fiscal 2007: Africa Total Lending: $5. 8 billion
East Asia and Pacific
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 Fast Facts: East Asia and Pacific Total population 1. 9 billion Population growth 0. 8 % Life expectancy at birth 71 years Infant mortality per 1, 000 births 26 Female youth literacy 98% 2006 GNI per capita $1, 863 Number of people living with HIV/AIDS 2. 4 million Note: Life expectancy at birth, Infant mortality rate per 1, 000 live births, and female youth literacy are for 2005; HIV/AIDS data are from the UNAIDS 2006 Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic; other indicators are for 2006 from the World Development Indicators database. Total Fiscal 2007 New Commitments Total Fiscal 2007 Disbursements IBRD $2, 807 million IBRD $2, 358 million IDA $1, 237 million $853 million Portfolio of projects under implementation as of June 30, 2007: $18. 9 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 East Asia and Pacific on the Move IBRD/IDA Lending for Transportation by region, Fiscal 2007
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Theme, Fiscal 2007: East Asia and Pacific Total Lending: $4. 0 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Sector, Fiscal 2007: East Asia and Pacific Total Lending: $4. 0 billion
South Asia
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 Fast Facts: South Asia Total population 1. 5 billion Population growth 1. 5% Life expectancy at birth 63 years Infant mortality per 1, 000 births 62 Female youth literacy 63% 2006 GNI per capita $766 Number of people living with HIV/AIDS 6. 2 million Note: Life expectancy at birth, Infant mortality rate per 1, 000 live births, and female youth literacy are for 2005; HIV/AIDS data are from the UNAIDS 2006 Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic; other indicators are for 2006 from the World Development Indicators database. Total Fiscal 2007 New Commitments Total Fiscal 2007 Disbursements IBRD $1, 600 million IBRD $1, 206 million IDA $4, 032 million $3, 043 million Portfolio of projects under implementation as of June 30, 2007: $20. 7 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 South Asia leads in lending for Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion Total IBRD/IDA Lending to Social Development, Gender and Inclusion in Fiscal 2007: $1. 3 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Theme, Fiscal 2007: South Asia Total Lending: $5. 6 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Sector, Fiscal 2007: South Asia Total Lending: $5. 6 billion
Europe and Central Asia
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 Fast Facts: Europe and Central Asia Total population 0. 5 billion Population growth 0% Life expectancy at birth 69 years Infant mortality per 1, 000 births 27 Female youth literacy 99% 2006 GNI per capita $4, 796 Number of people living with HIV/AIDS 1. 5 million Note: Life expectancy at birth, Infant mortality rate per 1, 000 live births, and female youth literacy are for 2005; HIV/AIDS data are from the UNAIDS 2006 Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic; other indicators are for 2006 from the World Development Indicators database. Total Fiscal 2007 New Commitments Total Fiscal 2007 Disbursements IBRD $3, 340 million IBRD $2, 457 million IDA $422 million $480 million Portfolio of projects under implementation as of June 30, 2007: $16. 7 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 Europe and Central Asia: Leaders in Promoting the Rule of Law IBRD/IDA Lending to Rule of Law in Fiscal 2007: $424 million
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Sector, Fiscal 2007: Europe and Central Asia Total Lending: $3. 8 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Theme, Fiscal 2007: Europe and Central Asia Total Lending: $3. 8 billion
Latin America and the Caribbean
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 Fast Facts: Latin America and The Caribbean Total population 0. 6 billion Population growth 1. 3% Life expectancy at birth 72 years Infant mortality per 1, 000 births 26 Female youth literacy 96% 2006 GNI per capita $4, 767 Number of people living with HIV/AIDS 1. 9 million Note: Life expectancy at birth, Infant mortality rate per 1, 000 live births, and female youth literacy are for 2005; HIV/AIDS data are from the UNAIDS 2006 Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic; other indicators are for 2006 from the World Development Indicators database. Total Fiscal 2007 New Commitments Total Fiscal 2007 Disbursements IBRD $4, 353 million IBRD $3, 525 million IDA $200 million $158 million Portfolio of projects under implementation as of June 30, 2007: $16. 8 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD’s Biggest Clients in Fiscal 2007: Latin America and the Caribbean IBRD Lending by Region (US$m)
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Theme, Fiscal 2007: Latin America and the Caribbean Total Lending: $4. 6 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Sector, Fiscal 2007: Latin America and the Caribbean Total Lending: $4. 6 billion
Middle East and North Africa
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 Fast Facts: Middle East and North Africa Total population 0. 3 billion Population growth 1. 7% Life expectancy at birth 70 years Infant mortality per 1, 000 births 43 Female youth literacy 84% 2006 GNI per capita $2, 481 Number of people living with HIV/AIDS 0. 4 million Note: Life expectancy at birth, Infant mortality rate per 1, 000 live births, and female youth literacy are for 2005; HIV/AIDS data are from the UNAIDS 2006 Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic; other indicators are for 2006 from the World Development Indicators database. Total Fiscal 2007 New Commitments Total Fiscal 2007 Disbursements IBRD $692 million IBRD $1, 477 million IDA $216 million $194 million Portfolio of projects under implementation as of June 30, 2007: $6. 1 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 An Outstanding Year for Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion IBRD/IDA Lending to MNA for the Social Development, Gender and Inclusion theme
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Theme, Fiscal 2007: Middle East and North Africa Total Lending: $. 9 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Sector, Fiscal 2007: Middle East and North Africa Total Lending: $0. 9 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 Lending by Theme
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Financial and Private Sector Development Total Lending to Financial and Private Sector Development: $4. 3 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Human Development Total Lending to Human Development: $4. 1 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Public Sector Governance Total Lending to Public Sector Governance: $3. 4 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Rural Development Total Lending to Rural Development: $3. 2 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Urban Development Total Lending to Urban Development: $2. 6 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Environment and Natural Resource Management Total Lending to Environment and Natural Resource Management: $2. 0 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Social Protection and Risk Management Total Lending to Social Protection and Risk Management: $1. 6 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Trade and Integration Total Lending to Trade & Integration: $1. 6 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion Total Lending to Social Development, Gender, & Inclusion: $1. 3 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Rule of Law Total Lending to Rule of Law: $. 4 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Economic Management Total Lending to Economic Management: $0. 2 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 Lending by Sector
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Law and Justice and Public Administration Total Lending to Law and Justice and Public Administration: $5. 5 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Transportation Total Lending to Transportation: $5 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Water, Sanitation, and Flood Protection Total Lending to Water, Sanitation, & Flood Protection: $3. 1 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Health and Other Social Services Total Lending to Health and Other Social Services: $2. 8 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Education Total Lending to Education: $2. 0 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Energy and Mining Total Lending to Energy and Mining: $1. 8 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry Total Lending to Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry: $1. 7 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Finance Total Lending to Finance: $1. 6 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Industry and Trade Total Lending to Industry and Trade: $1. 2 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 IBRD and IDA Lending by Region, Fiscal 2007: Information and Communication Total Lending to Information and Communication: $0. 1 billion
The World Bank Annual Report 2007 Ten Largest IBRD/IDA Borrowers in Fiscal 2007 (millions of dollars) Commitments $ millions Borrower % of total India 3, 751 15. 2 Argentina 1, 749 7. 1 China 1, 641 6. 6 Indonesia 1, 159 4. 7 Turkey 1, 158 4. 7 Colombia 1, 102 4. 5 Pakistan 985 4. 0 Nigeria 750 3. 0 Vietnam 712 2. 9 Africa Regional Projects 707 2. 9 Total 13, 714 55. 5
www. worldbank. org/annualreport