Венский метрополитен.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 15
The Wiensky undeground (German Wiener U-Bahn) Carried out by: Helen Piliphuck PS-221 Checked by: Helen Volegova Perm 2012
d un ro rg em de bl n m U e The Wiensky underground or German Wiener UBahn is system of lines of the underground in Wienna, consisting of five lines and viel of public transport of the capital of Austria.
The underground scheme
Building Length (km) Stations Average distance between the next stations Line Terminal stations U 1 Reumannplatz ↔Leopoldau 1978— 2006 14, 541 19 808 m U 2 Karlsplatz ↔Aspernstraße 1980— 2010 (partially with 1966 as a line 12, 531 of a high-speed underground tram) 17 783 m U 3 Ottakring ↔Simmering 1991— 2000 13, 402 21 670 m Hütteldorf ↔Heiligenstadt 1976— 1981 (with 1898 as Stadtbahn) 16, 361 20 861 m Siebenhirten ↔Floridsdorf 1989— 1996 ( Partially with 17, 347 1898 as Stadtbahn) 24 754 m U 4 U 6
U 1 (Rojmannplats - Leopoldau)
U 2 (Karlsplats - Aspernshtrasse) the Schottening station
U 3 (Ottakring - Zimmering)
U 4 (Hjutteldorf - Hajligenshtadt)
U 6 (Floridsdorf – Zibenhirten)
"Highlight" of the Viennese underground: to open a train door at station, it is necessary to pull strongly for the handle.
Guiding path for the blind.
Венский метрополитен.pptx