The White House.pptx
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THE WHITE HOUSE Автор: Абрамова Т. И. Место работы : ГОУ Гимназия № 426 г. Санкт Петербург Должность : Учитель английского языка
The White House is the oldest public building in the District of Columbia, and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is the most famous address in the US
George Washington The first President George Washington picked a patch of land on the Potomac River and named this land the District of Columbia, in honor of Christopher Columbus.
Washington decided to put the Capitol Building on a hill at one end of the city, and the president` s house on a hill at the other end.
The first stone was laid on October 13, 1792. It took eight years to finish enough of the house to make it livable. George Washington never lived in it. The construction of the House finished in 1800. It was the largest residential building in the US.
The first President to live in the White House was John Adams.
Two years after the war of 1812 the White House was set on fire in attempt to burn it down by the British Army. When the war was over, the house was rebuilt and repainted white to cover the smoke marks. People began to call it the White House.
At various times in history, the White House has been known as the “President` s Palace”, the “President`s House”, and the “Executive Mansion”. President Theodore Roosevelt officially gave the White House its current name in 1901.
President Jefferson opened the house for public tours, and it has remained open, except during wartime, ever since.
White House Floor Plan
The first room that you enter on the State Floor is the EAST ROOM, which is the largest in the White House. It is used for receptions, ceremonies, press conferences, and other events.
The portrait of George Washington has hung in the East Room since 1800. Dolley Madison saved the painting when the British burned the White House in 1814. It is the only object known to have remained in the White House since 1800.
East Room
The Green Room was served as Thomas Jefferson`s dining room. Now it is furnished as a parlor and is used for receptions. The walls are covered with watered green silk of striped silk damask.
The Green Room has served many purposes since the White House was first occupied in 1800. This Room traditionally served as a parlor for small teas and receptions and on occasion formal dinners.
The Blue Room is often used by the President to receive guests. It is furnished to represent the period of James Monroe, who bought pieces for the room from a French cabinetmaker after the fire of 1814. Seven of the French chairs and one sofa of the set are in the room today.
The White House Christmas tree is placed in this room.
The Red Room is used for small receptions and it has long been a favorite of the First Ladies. John Adams used this as a breakfast room and Rutherford. B. Hayes took the oath of office here on March 3, 1877.
The Red Room on Christmas
The State Dining Room
The State Dining Room can seat 130 guests at dinners and luncheons. It was originally much smaller and served at various times as drawing room, office, and Cabinet Room. Above the mantel hangs the portrait of Abraham Lincoln.
The Oval Office
The Oval Office Its décor may vary from one administration to another, but the flags standing behind the desk remain in their traditional places: to the President` s left, the Presidential flag: to his right , in the place of honor, the flag of the United States of America.
The Second and the Third Floors are used only by the Presidential family and guests. Located here are the Lincoln Bedroom, the President` s Office ( used as the Cabinet Room) and the Queen` s Bedroom, named for its royal visitors.
Opening Hours: The White House is open to visitors from 10 am to 12 noon, Tuesday through Saturday: it is closed Sunday, Monday, some holidays, and for official functions. More facts about The White House
Quiz 1) How many years did it take to build the White House? Answer: 8 years 2) What is the address of the White House? Answer: Pennsylvania Avenue 1600 3) Who gave the White House its current name? Answer : Theodore Roosevelt 4) Which Room is the largest? Answer : East Room 5) Where is the Christmas Tree placed? Answer : Blue Room What do remain in their traditional places in the Oval Office? Answer: Flags - The Presidential Flag and the Flag of the US.
Источники http: //www. whitehouse. gov/about/history http: //www. elcivics. com/presidents-day. html http: //www. georgewashington. si. edu/portrait/non-flash. html http: //www. solcomhouse. com/whitehouse. html Газета “English” № 12/2007 стр. 32
The White House.pptx