- Количество слайдов: 21
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System This session is intend to familiarize you with our Webbased financial reporting system. The best way to learn is to practice and click on the various buttons and linked numbers when you are actually logged into the system.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System To find the financial reports, go to the Accounting Office homepage.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System Then click on the “General Ledger Financial Report” button and you will be taken to the login screen.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System Select the report you wish to review and click the account number.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System Choose the report by specific date. Click here to make changes to those authorized to view or spend on the account. Move forward or back a month.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System Blue numbers and headers indicate the ability to drill-down to additional detail. “Help” gives you information on the page you are currently viewing.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System Clicking the “Total Budget” and “Encumbrance” headings will give you the detail for all the category codes in the account.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System Authorization File Maintenance The department head is set institutionally and can only be changed by the Accounting Office. Use the dropdown menu to describe the relationship of the employee to the department. Add a new employee by typing in their ID number here.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System As the account steward, you can limit the amount another employee can charge on the account at oncampus locations like the bookstore. You can also limit the amount they spend offcampus on purchase orders, and check requests. An empty box indicates unlimited spending capability. To exclude the individual from spending, a zero must be entered in the box. This drop-down box allows you to set a flag that allows, requires or does not allow an employee to see the financial data.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System The Report Authorization Feature If someone is marked as “required to look”, and if they do not regularly review the financial information, he/she will be listed on an exception report in the Accounting Office. Accounting will remind the employee by email of their responsibility. If there is a consistent pattern of failing to review financial data, the steward’s supervisor will be notified.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System If you click the “Total Budget” heading you will be shown the budget detail for all categories by entry type for the year.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System The description shows the source of the budget entry.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System Clicking the “Encumbrance” heading will give you the detail on all encumbrances outstanding in all categories for the month.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System Clicking on a current month balance on the financial report will take you to this general ledger detail display for that account and category. If a number is printed in blue, it indicates additional drill-down detail is available.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System Review of General Ledger Detail Inspecting the transactions on the general ledger detail is a very important step in the financial review process. This review allows you to find errors in posting to your account, or even transactions that represent an improper use of university funds. As an account steward, you are responsible to verify that each transaction in your account is correct and proper.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System To review general ledger detail from another period, you need not return to the report menu, you can simply move backward or forward using the buttons or by putting in the date of the period you wish to review.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System You may also select the data from the reports and copy it to an Excel spread sheet for analysis. Select the area from the column headers down, right click and select copy.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System Open an Excel session and paste the data into the Excel spread sheet. Some columns may not be sized correctly so you may need to fix them.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System Select the Format, Column, Auto. Fit option and the columns’ widths will be automatically adjusted to fit the data. You can now begin to work with the data.
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System
The Web-Based Financial Reporting System We hope this tutorial has been helpful. If you have any questions about the use and functionality of the web-based financial reporting tools, please feel free to contact Layne Hymas at 1990 or Shane Webster 1971.