The verb lecture 4.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 26
1 material processes They are doing the test. 2 processes of happening The elderly man is dying. 3 verbal She told me the truth. 4 mental He didn’t know the answer. 5 relational John has a new car. 6 existential There is a cat under the table.
Bounded verbs Unbounded verbs
Bounded and Unbounded Verbs The earth turns round the sun. The wheel is turning. It will finish turning in half an hour.
John lived to be old.
John loves Mary. John stopped loving Mary.
Unbounded Verbs stative dynamic
Stative Verbs 1 cognitive verbs (know, think, believe) 2 perceptive verbs (smell, taste, feel) 3 affective verbs (like, love, hate) 4 relational verbs (be, have, lack)
Dynamic verbs run walk swim skate play live stay
Bounded verbs punctual (shoot, promise, propose) non-punctual (boil, read, write)
Verbs of complete predication (notional) Verbs of incomplete predication (functional)
John will John became John tried
John will read the book. John tried to read the book. John managed to get across the river. John seems to have crossed the river.
The Category of Voice The police caught the criminal. The criminal was caught by the police.
Transitivity / Intransivity
1. verbs used only transitively: to mark, to raise 2. verbs with the main transitive meaning: to see, to make, to build 3. verbs of intransitive meaning and secondary transitive meaning: to laugh They laughed me into agreement. 4. verbs of a double nature: to grow 5. verbs that are never used in the Passive Voice: to seem, to become 6. verbs that realize their passive meaning only in special contexts: to live, to sleep
John will be writing the essay. The essay will be written by John has been writing the essay for an hour. The essay has been written by John for an hour.
The essay will be being written by John. The essay has been being written by John for an hour.
A. Can I use the machine when I come in at this time tomorrow? B. No – it’s going to be being tested. It’ll have been going to be being tested every day for a fortnight now.
The door was closed by the janitor. The door was closed.
My work is finished. My work has been finished. The snow is melted. The snow has been melted. (result) (process)
Get + Past Participle The trees got blown down in the storm. I’m afraid your file got lost in the move. We got stuck in a traffic jam in the town centre. The college was opened by the Queen. Global warming is caused by the build-up of greenhouse gases. Food for cattle is flown in, as many towns have communal helicopters.
Get + Past Participle * get-passives are characteristically used in sentences involving adversity or benefit * get-passives tend to be avoided in formal style
Medium Voice The concert began on time. The book sells well. The cigarettes smoke easily.
Reflexive voice He shaved = He shaved himself We washed = We washed ourselves They dressed = They dressed themselves
Reciprocal Voice Ted and Jane kissed. Rodger and Anna met in the park. Tom and Nancy divorced. Jack and Sam often quarrel.
The verb lecture 4.pptx