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The Use of Worldwide IPS Systems to. Analysis 3 -D IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Determine Velocities and Densities for Space Weather (and Faraday rotation) Science B. V. Jackson Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California at San Diego, La. Jolla, CA, USA and M. M Bisi RAL Space, Science & Technology Facilities Council, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Oxford, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX 11 0 QX, England (UK) With help from P. P. Hick, A. Buffington, H. -S. Yu, University of California at San Diego, La. Jolla, California, United States D. Odstrcil George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, United States M. Tokumaru Nagoya University, Japan Masayoshi http: //smei. ucsd. edu/ http: //ips. ucsd. edu/ CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis Introduction: Motive: To show current progress using IPS analysis and the intention to use this for measurement of magnetic fields using Faraday Rotation measurements. Data Sets/Analysis: IPS (mainly from STELab, Japan). Other worldwide systems join. Speed and density (scintillatio-level) observations from IPS. 3 -D Heliospheric Tomography (a fit to data – a time-dependent heliospheric view from a single observer location). Applications: Accurate kinematic model predictions, 3 D-MHD modeling, Vector fields from Faraday rotation. CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Analysis CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis DATA IPS Heliospheric Analyses (STELab) STELab IPS array near Mt. Fuji STELab IPS array systems CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis DATA IPS Heliospheric Analyses (STELab) IPS line-of-sight response STELab IPS array systems CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis Current STELab Toyokawa IPS System New STELab IPS array in Toyokawa (3, 432 m 2 array now operates well – year-round operation began in 2011) CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis Other Current Operating IPS Radio Systems The Pushchino Radio Observatory 70, 000 m 2 110 MHz array, Russia (summer 2006) Now named the “Big Scanning Array of the Lebedev Physical Institute” (BSA LPI). The Ootacamund (Ooty), India off -axis parabolic cylinder 530 m long and 30 m wide (15, 900 m 2) operating at a nominal frequency of 326. 5 MHz. CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis Other and Potential Future IPS systems MEXART (Mexico) Dedicated IPS 9, 600 m 2 140 MHz IPS radio array near Michoacan, Mexico MWA (Western Australia) (32 tiles are now operating. The full array 128 tiles can obtain some IPS data. ) KSWC (South Korea) Dedicated IPS 700 m 2 327 MHz IPS radio 32 tile array, Jeju Island LOFAR (Western Europe) (Some parts of the system are now operating - Richard Fallows, Mario Bisi are involved. IPS/FR tests are ongoing. ) CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis IPS line-of-sight response Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2008, Adv. in Geosciences, 21, 339 -360. Heliospheric C. A. T. analyses: example line-of-sight distribution for each sky location to form the source surface of the 3 D reconstruction. STELab IPS Sample outward motion over time CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis IPS line-of-sight response Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2008, Adv. in Geosciences, 21, 339 -360. Heliospheric C. A. T. analyses: example line-of-sight distribution for each sky location to form the source surface of the 3 D reconstruction. STELab IPS 13 July 2000 14 CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis Current IPS Predictions CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2011, Adv. in Geosciences, 30, 93 -115. http: //ips. ucsd. edu/ Prediction analyses UCSD IPS analysis UCSD Web pages Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P. C. CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis Adv. in Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2011, http: //ips. ucsd. edu/ Skymap view Geosciences, 30, 93 -115. UCSD IPS prediction analysis Web analysis runs automatically using Linux on a P. C. CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis Adv. in Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2011, http: //ips. ucsd. edu/ Skysweep view Geosciences, 30, 93 -115. UCSD IPS prediction analysis Web analysis runs automatically using Linux on a P. C. CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis Adv. in Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2011, http: //ips. ucsd. edu/ Skymap view Geosciences, 30, 93 -115. UCSD IPS prediction analysis Web analysis runs automatically using Linux on a P. C. CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis http: //ips. ucsd. edu/ Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2011, Adv. in Geosciences, 30, 93 -115. Prediction analysis Fit to ACE and CELIAS data One CME just passed 2013/05/14 4 -6 UT increase by ~8 Np/cc Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P. C. CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis http: //ips. ucsd. edu/ Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2011, Adv. in Geosciences, 30, 93 -115. Prediction analysis Fit to ACE and CELIAS data One CME just passed 2013/05/14 4 -6 UT increase by ~8 Np/cc Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P. C. CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2010, Solar Phys. , 265, 245 -256. Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2011, Adv. in Geosciences, 30, 93 -115. Correlations (from UCSD forecast) Pearson’s r correlation coefficient Five day behind forecast Velocity Density One day ahead forecast Velocity Density Velocity matched to ACE Density matched to CELIAS Remote velocity from Remote density from STELab IPS three-site STELab IPS g-level CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis Current Forecasts UCSD http: //ips. ucsd. edu/ KSWC http: //www. spaceweather. go. kr/models/ips CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis More Details Magnetic Field CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis Zhao, X. P. and Hoeksema, J. T. , 1995, J. Geophys. Res. , 100 (A 1), 19. http: //ips. ucsd. edu/ Magnetic Field Extrapolation Dunn et al. , 2005, Solar Physics 227: 339– 353. 1. Inner region: the CSSS model calculates the magnetic field using photospheric measurements and a horizontal current model. 2. Middle region: the CSSS model opens the field lines. In the outer region. 3. Outer region: the UCSD tomography convects the magnetic field along velocity flow lines. Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2012, Adv. in Geosciences (in press) CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2012, Adv. in Geosciences, (in press). http: //ips. ucsd. edu/ Earth Radial and Tangential Magnetic Field Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P. C. CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2011, Adv. in Geosciences, 30, 93 -115. Correlations (from UCSD forecast) Pearson’s r correlation coefficient Five day behind forecast Bradial Btangential One day ahead forecast Bradial Btangential RTN coordinates CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis More Details Faraday Rotation CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis ‗ ‗ 2 Φ = λ ∫ ne. B • ds v 3 -D reconstructions of Carrington rotation (CR) 2121 showing a CME of interest from 07 March 2012 launched around 01: 00 UT. CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis ‗ ‗ 2 Φ = λ ∫ ne. B • ds v The same period extracted from CR 2121 comparing IPS g-level fisheye sky map (left) with that of reconstructed RM from ambient magnetic fields (right) perturbed by the CME. CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis Oberoi and Lonsdale, 2012, Radio Science, 47, RS 0 K 08, doi: 10. 1029/2012 RS 004992. Faraday rotation signals at low frequency ‗‗ From Oberoi and Lonsdale Φ = λ 2 ∫ ne. B • ds Heliospheric Signal CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis Towards a More Comprehensive Model CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis (Yu, H-S. , et al. , 2012, AIP Conference Proc. 1500, pp. 147 -152. ) (Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2014, Space Weather, submitted) IPS-Derived 3 D-MHD Model Boundaries Updated every 6 hours at: ftp: //cass 185. ucsd. edu/data/IPSBD_Real_Time/ENLIL/ascii_data CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis (Yu, H-S. , et al. , 2012, AIP Conference Proc. 1500, pp. 147 -152. ) (Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2014, Space Weather, submitted) IPS Boundaries used to drive ENLIL in Real Time ENLIL run daily on a GMU test site by Dusan Odstrcil. See: http: //helioweather. net/#/models/ipsbd-enlil/density/2 CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis Summary: IPS analysis: This ground-based technique can provide low-resolution velocity and density analysis, and accurate forecasts of time-variable heliospheric structure. Other ground-based analyses such as heliospheric Faraday rotation can possibly be provided from the same radio systems. The IPS analysis can provide input to 3 D-MHD models. Better, and more abundant IPS data, should be available from world IPS systems in the near future. CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis http: //ips. ucsd. edu/ Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2011, Adv. in Geosciences, 30, 93 -115. Prediction analysis from yesterday Fit to ACE and CELIAS data Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P. C. CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014
IPS 3 D Velocity and Density Analysis (Yu, H-S. , et al. , 2012, AIP Conference Proc. 1500, pp. 147 -152. ) (Jackson, B. V. , et al. , 2014, Space Weather, submitted) IPS- ENLIL Prediction analysis from yesterday ENLIL run daily on a GMU test site by Dusan Odstrcil. See: http: //helioweather. net/#/models/ipsbd-enlil/density/2 CASS/UCSD AFOSR 2014