the USA: symbols Main symbols of the country

the USA: symbols

Main symbols of the country National anthem American flag The Great Seal Bald eagle The Liberty Bell National Floral Emblem - The Rose Uncle Sam The Statue of Liberty Mount Rushmore The Washington Monument The White House The U.S. Capitol The Supreme Court Building

The Star-Spangled Banner anthem Francis Scott Key 1814 on March 3, 1931, the American Congress proclaimed it as the national anthem

1782 Motto: "Out of Many, One" The olive branch – peace 13 leaves and 13 olive berries - the 13 original British colonies 13 arrows – the power for war The 13 stars the 13 red and white stripes the original 13 British colonies

Flag of the United States Nicknames : the "Stars and Stripes", "Old Glory," "The Star-Spangled Banner" The fifty stars represent the 50 states the 13 stripes represent the original thirteen colonies Red stands for valor and hardiness White stands for purity Blue stands for perseverance, justice and vigilance Adopted: July 4, 1960 (current 50-star version)

original 13-star version Adopted June 14, 1777

The Bald Eagle strength, courage, freedom, and immortality

The Liberty Bell rang when the Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence freedom

The Rose official flower of the United States 1986 love, beauty, war, and politics

Uncle Sam a tall, white-haired man with a goatee. He is often dressed in red, white, and blue, and wears a top hat. a symbol for the United States the War of 1812 Samuel Wilson a businessman, supplied the U.S. Army with beef The barrels were labeled "U.S.“ - "Uncle Sam"

The U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC the home of the House of Representatives and the Senate since 1800

The White House Washington, DC the official residence of all the presidents of the United States (except George Washington, 1789 – 1797) Built in 1800

The Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC near the Capitol the Supreme Court since 1935

Mount Rushmore the Black Hills of South Dakota, the faces of four great U.S. Presidents

George Washington Thomas Jefferson Theodore Roosevelt Abraham Lincoln

The Statue of Liberty (formal name is Liberty Enlightening the World) in New York symbolizes freedom throughout the world a gift from the people of France

a burning torch represents liberty the seven rays of her crown symbolize the seven seas and continents a woman escaping the chains of tyranny a tablet with the date "July 4, 1776" - the day the United States declared its independence from England

The Washington Monument in Washington, DC honors the "Father of our Country,“ - George Washington Fifty flags surround the base of the Washington Monument - the 50 states the Reflecting Pool If you’d like to know more about symbols of the USA see the following site:

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