The USA 9 th form Time – 90 minutes Olga Molchanova A teacher of The USA English Senior teacher Velyka Bahachka - 2009
Objectives: practical: - to develop the students’ pair and group communicative skills; - to improve students’ listening skills; - to develop students’ speaking by making reports; educational: - to develop a creative way of thinking; - to teach students to be tolerant to other people’s opinions; - to motivate students to study and understand the English language; cultural: - to enrich students’ knowledge on the topical issues; - to encourage student’s to broaden students out look. Equipment: computer, multi – media board; posters, American flag.
Procedure Introduction Teacher: Today we have summary lesson on the topic , , The USA’’. We are going to speak about geographical position of the USA, the USA nowadays, also about the history of the USA, about the capital – Washington, the biggest cities of the USA – New York and Chicago, some other cities and islands, about traditions, customs and food, also about education in the USA and if we have some spare time will watch part film about the nature in the USA. So, that’s begin. I.
II. The main part of the lesson Teacher: Our first information is about geographical position of the USA.
Teacher: The next information is about the USA nowadays. You know, that this country is one of the biggest, highly developed and modern. But it has its own problems too.
The USA is most powerful country in the world. The USA there is huge deposits of oil and gas. The parliament of USA is located in the White House. Today the president the USA is Barack Hooseyn Obama. He is the forty fourth president of America, since 2009. By the way, this year he has offered Ukraine to cooperate with America. The American cities are cities of colors and contrasts. The USA has one of the most powerful armies in the world. The American army consists of all armed forces, namely: Navy, air force and armies. The development of science in America has a highest stage of development nowadays. The science is divided into two basic categories: space and computer technologies. Space are in turn divided into study and of space. Computers today has developed from digital technologies to NANO, but not one computer can work without operational system; the basic manufacturers are Microsoft and Apple and others. The nature in the USA is ideal only in some places, for example Alaska. The pride of the American economy is car manufacturer. The most powerful of the companies are: AUDI, CRYSLER and HUMMER. Alcohol, cigarette, marijuana, and MACDONALD`S harmfully influence on the USA. Why MACDONALD`S you ask? I answer fast food, for example MACDONALD`S contains infinite quantity calories? And minimal proteins, besides for improvement of some flavoring qualities use canserogenym products, that promotes diseases. In this photo you can see the boy of 10 or 11 years, eats MACDONALD`S products during 5 years, for this time of his weight is up to 95 kgs. We don’t speak about the heart and vessels. What about alcohol and drugs? The American cities rich in criminal, which increases risk to become a victim. . . Be happy!
Teacher: There is such a proverb , , Those who don’t know their past, don’t have future ’’. May be because of this, Americans pay much attention to their past, learning their history. So, the history of the USA.
Teacher: You can hardly meet a person who doesn’t dream about visiting some American cities such as Washington, New York, Chicago and others.
USA The United States of America is one of the greatest countries in the world. It is situated on the North American continent and is washed by three oceans: the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Arctic. The USA only borders on two countries- Canada and Mexico. The population of USA is 276 000 million people. The USA has never had an official language but English has always been the chief language spoken in the country. Today Spanish is the second most common language in the USA. Since the 1950’s many Spanish-speaking people have immigrate to the USA. Many of the people learned English but other speaks only Spanish. This great country has a lot of mountains, rivers, lakes. The main mountains are the Appalachians and Cordilleras. The longest rivers are the Mississippi and the Missouri. The climate of the country is very changeable. In the southern part it is subtropical while the northern part has very cold weather in winter.
America has fifty states and one federal District of Columbia where the capital of the country is situated. The capital of the USA is Washington. It stands on the river Potomac in the eastern part of the country. The main cities are located on the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. New-York is the largest city of the country. Other large cities are San-Francisco, Los-Angeles, Detroit, Chicago and Dallas. The USA is the country of highly developed industry and agriculture. The main industrial centers are Chicago and Detroit with their biggest automobile company ‘’General Motors’’. There are many farms with various agricultural products. Grain, fruit and vegetables are grown on numerous fields especially in the South. The USA is a country with old traditions and customs. It is one of the most beautiful and interesting countries in the world.
Washington – the capital of the USA Washington, the capital of the USA, was founded in 1791. The city was named after the first president George Washington. The population of the city is nearly three million people. The Capitol is the centre of the city. The White House is the place where the president of the USA lives and works. This house was first occupied in 1800 by John Adams, who was the first president to live in that house. The White House has 132 rooms. Washington has many sights for example the Library of Congress, the Lincoln Memorial and others. The National Gallery of Arts contains art collections by the great masters of the 14 th to 18 th centuries.
The Library of Congress contains millions of books and manuscripts. Outside the city the Arlington National Cemetery is situated. John Kennedy was buried there. The famous Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is also situated there. The industry of the city is not well-developed. But Washington is a large scientific and culture centre. Many research and designing institutes are concentrated here. There are five universities in the city and the National Academy of Sciences. In Washington it is also difficult to find a park or a square without a monument.
n Cities and Tows of the USA There are many cities in the USA. New York is the largest city in the USA and the biggest sea-port. It is situated in the mouth of the Hudson River. New York was founded by the Dutch. Manhattan is the central part of New York. Manhattan is the heart of business and commercial life of the country. New York is the city of skyscrapers. The highest of them is the 102 -storeyed building. There are many places of interest In New York: Central Park, Times Square, the shopping district and the United Nation Building. Another large city of the USA is Boston one of the first cities which were built on the Atlantic coast of America. It is an important part and a financial and culture centre. It has three universities. Chicago is one of the biggest industrial cities in the USA and the second largest after New York. Los Angeles in California is the centre of modern industries. Not far from Los Angeles there is Hollywood the centre of the USA film industry.
NEW YORK New York is not the capital of the United States, but it is the largest city-in the USA and the biggest seaport. It is the business centre of the United States. New York is situated in the mouth of the Hudson River. In comparison with such ancient historical cities as, say, Rome, London, Moscow or Paris, New York is young. It was founded in 1613 by Dutch settlers. That time, it was called New Amsterdam. In 1664, New Amsterdam was Bed by British troops and renamed in New York. There are five districts in the city; Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond. Manhattan is the central and the oldest part of the city. It is the district of business and finance. It is here in Wall Street that many business offices, banks and the world famous New York stock exchange are situated. The total area of New York is 900 square kilometers. Its population is more 16 million people. Among the inhabitants of New York one can meet people of almost all nationalities. New York is an industrial and cultural centre of the country. The most important branches of industry are those producing vehicles, glass, chemicals. New York is also a great cultural centre. It has many museums, art galleries, theatres. There are two world-famous streets in New York — Broadway and Fifth Avenue. Broadway is the centre of theatres and night life. Fifth Avenue is the great shopping, hotel and club avenue. Empire State Building is at Fifth Avenue. It's a 102 -storeyed building, was built in 1931. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is at Fifth Avenue. The intersection of Broadway and Seventh Avenue forms world-famous Times Square, the heart of the New York Theatre District It includes hundreds of world famous masterpieces and attracts many visitors. The city has very busy traffic. Its streets and highways are full of cars and buses.
Teacher: Food is very important in the life of any person. It is the part of culture, tradition and mentality of the country. So, customs, traditions, food.
Independence Day
American Food
Thanksgiving Day
Hallowee n
American Customs and Traditions
Teacher: And the most interesting question of the education in the USA. We’ll learn information and compare education in the USA and Ukraine.
Public schools Types of schools Private schools Home schools
Tuition payments pay for For teachers salaries For equipment For building
English History of USA Natural sciences Geography The program of studies includes Physical Training Singing Drawing
III. Summing-up Thank you very much for your work and enthusiasm. You were the best. You worked hard and proved that you had learned a lot of useful information about such an interesting country as the USA. Your marks are the best ones. As we have spare time i propose to watch film about some of american wonders. Thanks for your attention.