The Ural State Medical Academy The department of foreign language Consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Executors: students of 213 group of General Medical Faculty Bondarenko Anastasya and Shevnina Ekaterina Supervisor: teacher of foreign languages department Volgina Irina Vladimirovna
Introduction On 26 April 1986, the most serious accident in the history of the nuclear industry occurred at Unit 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the former Ukrainian Republic of the Soviet Union.
Thyroid Cancer Leukemia and Circulatory Diseases consequences of the accident Acute Radiation Syndrome mortality Genetic disorders
Cataracts consequences of the accident Inherited or reproductive effects Psychological or mental health problems
Acute Radiation Syndrome mortality In many cases the ARS was complicated by extensive beta radiation skin burns and sepsis.
Thyroid Cancer From 1992 to 2002 in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine more than 40 003 cases of thyroid cancer were diagnosed among those who were children and adolescents at the time of the accident.
Leukemia and Circulatory Diseases Leukemia, a malignancy arising from the bone marrow, is strongly associated with radiation exposure because of the sensitivity of the bone marrow to the carcinogenic effects of external radiation.
Genetic disorders Individuals living in areas that were exposed to higher levels of radiation, possessed a higher mutation rate than the people from less contaminated regions.
Cataracts The eyes of a prospective cohort of 8, 607 Chernobyl cleanup workers (liquidators) were assessed for cataract at 12 and 14 years after exposure.
Psychological or mental health problems It is known that people’s perceptions — even if false — can affect the way they feel and act. Thus, rather than perceiving themselves as “survivors, ” many of those people have come to think of themselves as helpless, weak and lacking control over their future.
Conclusion Preservation of the tacit knowledge developed in the mitigation of the consequences is essential, and targeted research on some aspects of the environmental, health and social consequences of the accident should be continued in the longer term.