- Количество слайдов: 54
The Unwritten Word
2 Corinthians 3: 1 -3 1 Do we begin again to commend ourselves? or need we, as some others, epistles of commendation to you, or letters of commendation from you? 2 Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men: 3 Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.
JEREMIAH 32: 14 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Take these evidences, this evidence of the purchase, both which is sealed, and this evidence which is open; and put them in an earthen vessel, that they may continue many days.
An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages - Chapter Three - The Ephesian Church Age The spirit of this world hates the Spirit of God, and because it can't overcome the Spirit of the Lord it tries to destroy the vessel in whom the Spirit of Truth dwells.
2 Corinthians 4: 6 -8 (AMP) 6 For God Who said, Let light shine out of darkness, has shone in our hearts so as [to beam forth] the Light for the illumination of the knowledge of the majesty and glory of God [as it is manifest in the Person and is revealed] in the face of Jesus Christ (the Messiah). 7 However, we possess this precious treasure [the divine Light of the Gospel] in [frail, human] vessels of earth, that the grandeur and exceeding greatness of the power may be shown to be from God and
BELIEVEST. THOU. THIS? _ MINNEAPOLIS. MN SUNDAY_ 50 -0716 Now, God made a Covenant with the Church. And He wrote It out--the Bible. And on the day of the atonement, God killed His Son. You believe it? Tore Him apart, and He took His body up to the right hand of His Majesty, and sent His Spirit back as a Covenant to us. And at that day, unless we have that same Holy Spirit in us, we can't go in the Body.
ISRAEL. IN. EGYPT_ JEFF. IN IC 1 -34 WEDNESDAY_ 53 -0325 93 There you are. Don't fall short of that, brother. Without the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you're lost. That's the only. . . You won't have to worry about getting to heaven. If there's nothing in here Supernatural, the doors can't unlock, you could walk there and bump your head against it. But if the Spirit of God is in there, the Spirit of God inside will unhinge the doors. Got to have thing in here to unlock it yonder.
ISRAEL. IN. EGYPT_ JEFF. IN IC 1 -34 WEDNESDAY_ 53 -0325 And then His soul returned back in the form of the baptism of the Holy Ghost that comes into every believer, to sanctify, clean up the mind, clean up the heart, and leave a portion of the Holy Ghost in there, here and there. And when the Holy Ghost is given out, that same Holy Spirit that brought the Body of Jesus out of the grave, will rapture.
ISRAEL. IN. EGYPT_ JEFF. IN IC 1 -34 WEDNESDAY_ 53 -0325 Not because you make yourself, but because Something, the love of God has swept into your soul and tore every earthly idol out.
ISRAEL. IN. EGYPT_ JEFF. IN IC 1 -34 WEDNESDAY_ 53 -0325 95 And there's something that's screams and calls to God, it's your soul in here calling out to the heavenly Father. There you are. That gives you a faith, and you become the seed of Abraham. You believe God's promise like Abraham did. Though it linger, yet you believe it. Faithful: Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise to God.
WE. WOULD. SEE. JESUS_ BLOOMINGTON. IL SUNDAY_ 61 -0409 E-17 And that we know that we have been cleansed by the washing of the water by the Word. Now, we have Eternal Life through the grace of God, this treasure that we hold in these earthen vessels, not put in there by man, but by the power of the resurrection of God.
ABRAHAM. AND. HIS. SEED. AFTER. HIM_ CHICAGO. IL SUNDAY_ 61 -0423 God done made the covenant with Abraham, and his seed after him. And that church will be there without spot or wrinkle. You can just depend on that.
ABRAHAM. AND. HIS. SEED. AFTER. HIM_ CHICAGO. IL SUNDAY_ 61 -0423 E-39 Sent the Spirit back down, to live in the church, to make a church just so much with the Life of Christ that in the resurrection, the two will come together, Bride and Bridegroom, the church and Christ will be exactly alike with the same kind of ministry, same kind of power, same kind of Spirit.
TRUE. EASTER. SEAL_ JEFF. IN V-14 N-3 SUNDAY_ 61 -0402 10 And I've always said and made this kind of a saying to mothers. We know, written of four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But there's a fifth Gospel, unwritten; that's mother. She gets them before Matthew-Mark-Luke-and. John's teaching gets them.
UNVEILING. OF. GOD_ JEFF. IN V-9 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64 -0614 M See, the Shekinah Glory manifests Him. It brings forth the Word of promise right out to you. That's the reason that He had to veil Moses' face, because in him was the Word. He veiled Jesus as a humble little Man to keep them from seeing Jehovah. And He veils Hisself today in earthen vessels with the Shekinah.
IS. THE. SIGN. OF. THE. END. SIR_ JEFF. IN V-2 N-11 SUNDAY_ 62 -1230 E 38 -2 Look where the voices was in the thunders, not in heaven, on earth. The thunders never uttered from the heavens; they uttered from the earth.
IS. THE. SIGN. OF. THE. END. SIR_ JEFF. IN V-2 N-11 SUNDAY_ 62 -1230 E After it's all done completed, then these seven thunder voices is the only thing that is stuck to the Book, that's not revealed. It's not even written in the Book.
UNVEILING. OF. GOD_ JEFF. IN V-9 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64 -0614 M 273 Everyone, they was always come to me, said, "Brother Branham, them seven thunders that the voice thundered, and he said 'Write it not (See? ), but close it up, '" said, "that'll be seven thunders that will be revealed in the last days? See, seven thunders that'll tell us? " Now, don't that sound real good?
UNVEILING. OF. GOD_ JEFF. IN V-9 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64 -0614 M But watch what you're talking about when you say that. He said, "See that you write it not. " See? These seven thunders uttered their voices (See? ), and He said, "Don't write that (See? ), but It's to be sealed up in the Book until the last days. "
UNVEILING. OF. GOD_ JEFF. IN V-9 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64 -0614 M "you'd be eligible to write a--a Bible yourself, your Word that God has manifested. "
UNVEILING. OF. GOD_ JEFF. IN V-9 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64 -0614 M And I said, "But, you see, I couldn't do that. "
UNVEILING. OF. GOD_ JEFF. IN V-9 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64 -0614 M I said, "But, you look, one word cannot be added or taken away. "
UNVEILING. OF. GOD_ JEFF. IN V-9 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64 -0614 M "wouldn't them seven thunders blasting out, won't that be a revelation be give to some man? "
UNVEILING. OF. GOD_ JEFF. IN V-9 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64 -0614 M I said, "No, sir, it would be adding something to It or taking something from It. " It's all revealed in there, and the seven seals opened up the revelation of what that was.
UNVEILING. OF. GOD_ JEFF. IN V-9 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64 -0614 M 280 "Ye are written epistles, read of all men, " or, "You are our. . . " Translate that, turn it around this way (See? ), just turn It around, "You are epistles that has been written, " 'cause you can't add nothing to It, "that's read of all men. " "Manifested Word of God, " in other words.
UNVEILING. OF. GOD_ JEFF. IN V-9 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64 -0614 M They were ignorant and unlearned, but they were written epistles (See? ), read that they had been with Jesus, 'cause Jesus was manifesting Himself through them, Christ veiled in their flesh, manifested, made alive, like He was in Moses.
UNVEILING. OF. GOD_ JEFF. IN V-9 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64 -0614 M He only changed His form. He changed from Noah to Moses; He changed from Moses to David; from David, Joseph; on down till He come into the Fullness of the Godhead bodily. See? It's still the same God. Amen. I hope that gets through. See? It is the same God, but He just takes on another veil. See, He puts on another veil.
QUESTIONS. AND. ANSWERS_ JEFF. IN COD SUNDAY_ 64 -0830 E 1161 -Q-395 395. Have the seven thunders which equals seven mysteries already been revealed? Were they revealed in the seven Seals, but are yet--but are yet not known to us as the thunders yet?
QUESTIONS. AND. ANSWERS_ JEFF. IN COD SUNDAY_ 64 -0830 E No, they were revealed in the seven Seals; that's what the thunders was about. They was to reveal. . . The seven thunders that had uttered their voices and no one could make out what it was. . . John knew what it was, but he was forbidden to write it. He said, "But the seventh angel, in the days of his sounding, the seven mysteries of the seven thunders would be revealed. " And the seventh angel is a messenger of the seventh church age. See?
327 -1 LAODICEAN. CHURCH. AGE - CHURCH. AGE. BOOK CPT. 9 Now this messenger of Malachi 4 and Revelation 10: 7 is going to do two things. One: According to Malachi 4 he will turn the hearts of the children to the fathers. Two: He will reveal the mysteries of the seven thunders in Revelation 10 which are the revelations contained in the seven seals. It will be these Divinely revealed 'mystery-truths' that literally turn the hearts of the children to the Pentecostal fathers. Exactly so.
EPHESIANS 1: 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
DEITY. OF. JESUS. CHRIST. THE_ JEFF. IN V-20 N-12 SUNDAY_ 49 -1225 135 You cannot be saved, only by accepting Christ, by the Holy Spirit. If He's in you, He's the power of God. Live by It. He's God in you. The Pharisees answered, said, "Ye make yourself God. " Said, "Isn't it written in your Law, 'Ye are gods'? " He made Moses a god to Pharaoh once. And He made you a god to the people. That's right. And you this morning are written epistles of God. Your--your lives are of God, and even carries that Holy Ghost.
SOULS. IN. PRISON. NOW_ JEFF. IN V-2 N-22 SUNDAY_ 63 -1110 M 50 -2 Not by speaking in tongues, not by dancing in the Spirit, not by joining the church, not by fruit of the Spirit (Christian Science can out smother any of you on that, see, and deny even Jesus Christ was Divine. ); not that, but it's the Word living. There it is. If they would've looked, He was Messiah. He was the living Word made manifest.
SOULS. IN. PRISON. NOW_ JEFF. IN V-2 N-22 SUNDAY_ 63 -1110 M And a man that's got the Spirit of God in him, or woman, lives--that Word lives right out in them. That's the heart beat, the predestinated. For the Word of the Lord comes to them, and they are the Word to the people: written Epistles read of all men. Is that right? Could the Third Pull be on?
GABRIEL'S. INSTRUCT. TO. DANIEL_ JEFF. IN DA 1 -44 SUNDAY_ 61 -0730 M 58 In the Old Testament, property could not be--could not be held any longer than fifty years. It could not be annihilated from its original owner but fifty years. And on the fortieth day He paid the price. On the fiftieth day, the redemption and the power that belonged to the Church that was lost in the garden of Eden was redeemed back and sent to us by the baptism of the Holy Ghost on the fiftieth day.
GABRIEL'S. INSTRUCT. TO. DANIEL_ JEFF. IN DA 1 -44 SUNDAY_ 61 -0730 M And it was kept in a earthly vessel; shows where the power of God and the scrolls and the secrets of God is known in the heart. Our plan of redemption, the same being kept in earthly vessels: Jesus' Name and the revelation. . . 61 We find out that this was sealed with Seven Seals, and each seal was wrapped around.
GABRIEL'S. INSTRUCT. TO. DANIEL_ JEFF. IN DA 1 -44 SUNDAY_ 61 -0730 M 63 Like each Seal broken in the Word of God reveals to the man of the age what age we're living in, the spirit of the age, the church of the age.
MY. COMMISSION_ LA. CA SATURDAY_ 51 -0505 I'm not God's gift. The Angel is God's gift. It came out of heaven. I came from the earth, and He came from heaven down to enshroud, or inclothe an earthly vessel to speak to earthly people (You see? ) that --that they--you would believe on Him; not on me, on Him what I'm talking of. And by doing so, God will heal you.
REV. CHAP. 5. PART. 2_ JEFF. IN ROJC 747 -793 SUNDAY_ 61 -0618 Do you see what God did? He never revealed It to the high's and prudent so they could fuss about It for all this time, but He put It in an earthly Vessel, and He created Himself His own Son, Christ Jesus. And in this last day now He's opening the seals and showing it to His church.
REV. CHAP. 5. PART. 2_ JEFF. IN ROJC 747 -793 SUNDAY_ 61 -0618 And in this last days He's revealing it by His own Presence among His people. He gets somebody that He can get the world out of them, and the things out of him, the churchanity out of them, so He can speak through them, and reveal, and open these seals like this Himself to the church.
REV. CHAP. 5. PART. 2_ JEFF. IN ROJC 747 -793 SUNDAY_ 61 -0618 "Brother Branham, remember down on earth before this great thing happened, one morning you was speaking on the--the opening up of the seals that had been kept in an earthly Vessel? It was that time that He come into my earthly vessel; I was one that raised my hand that morning. Oh, I'm so glad that I was there. "
65 -0822 M - Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word 52 So, the Bible is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ. And It was wrote by prophets. Hebrews 1: 1, in… "God, Who in sundry times spake to the fathers by the prophets, in this last day speaks to us through His Son, Jesus Christ, " which was the prophets, all of them, put together. Jesus was Malachi; Jesus was Jeremiah, Isaiah, Elijah. All that they were, were in Him. And all that you are, and all I am, is in Him; Words, witnesses of the Word.
65 -0822 M - Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word So It is not a book of systems, a code of moral ethics, neither is It a history book, or a book of theology. It is not. But It's a revelation of Jesus Christ, God Himself revealed, from Word to flesh. That's what It is.
63 -0728 - Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed 524 Now you see the Seals? When He was in His mediatorial work back there, redeeming, but someday He comes forth to get this Book that He's redeemed. And all that's in this Book would be Him, for that's the believer, the words in the Book, and the Word is Him. And all that's in that, He come forth for this Book of Redemption, whose names are written on the Book before the foundation of the world, when He was slain as a Lamb.
63 -0728 - Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed 525 And here He is today, in His Word, manifesting the same thing He did there. She can't recognize another headship. No, sir. There's no bishop, no nothing. She recognizes one Headship, that's Christ, and Christ is the Word.