Скачать презентацию The unknown shadow Supplementary education in Germany Thomas Скачать презентацию The unknown shadow Supplementary education in Germany Thomas


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The unknown ‘shadow’. Supplementary education in Germany Thomas Koinzer Humboldt University Berlin Department of The unknown ‘shadow’. Supplementary education in Germany Thomas Koinzer Humboldt University Berlin Department of Educational Science Workshop The Worldwide Growth of Supplemental Education, University of Waterloo/On. , June 4 -6, 2010

School Attendance and Graduation in Germany 9 million attend general-education schools (2006) Ø 3 School Attendance and Graduation in Germany 9 million attend general-education schools (2006) Ø 3 million in the elementary sector Ø 6 million in the secondary sector 620. 000 (65 per cent): ‘Haupt’- or ‘Realschul’-certificate 245. 000 (26 per cent): ‘Abitur’ or ‘Fachabitur’ 75. 000 (9 per cent): without a certificate Private School Attendance (general-education schools, 2008) 700. 000 (7. 7 per cent)

Why take German pupils private lessons? Ø Poor school marks Ø Educational aspiration of Why take German pupils private lessons? Ø Poor school marks Ø Educational aspiration of parents Ø Methodology of German teachers

Cost Ø 942 and 1. 468 million Euros (U. S. -$ 1. 1 to Cost Ø 942 and 1. 468 million Euros (U. S. -$ 1. 1 to 1. 8 billion) a year Ø 143 million Euros in the elementary, the remaining in the secondary sector Ø anticipated weekly attendance of 2 to 3 hours: annual cost is estimated between 900 and 1. 500 Euros (U. S. -$ 1. 120 to 1. 850) per subject and pupil 5

Suppliers 70% by students, retired teachers etc. 30% by commercial suppliers: about 300 with Suppliers 70% by students, retired teachers etc. 30% by commercial suppliers: about 300 with 3, 000 contractors e. g. Ø Studienkreis Ø Schülerhilfe Ø Ø Ø ABACUS Nachhilfeinstitut Lernstudio Barbarossa Berlitz Germany ACADOMIA Keep. School KUMON Germany 7

Literature • Klemm, K. /Klemm, A. , (2010): Ausgaben für Nachhilfe – teurer und Literature • Klemm, K. /Klemm, A. , (2010): Ausgaben für Nachhilfe – teurer und unfairer Ausgleich für fehlende individuelle Förderung. Im Auftrag der Bertelsmann-Stiftung. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann-Stiftung. • Dohmen, D. et al. (2008): Was wissen wir über Nachhilfe. Sachstand und Auswertung der Forschungsliteratur zu Angebot, Nachfrage und Wirkungen, Berlin: Forschungsinstitut für Bildungs- und Sozialökonomie. • Jürgens, E. /Diekmann, M. (2007): Wirksamkeit und Nachhaltigkeit von Nachhilfeunterricht. Dargestellt am Beispiel des Studienkreises. Frankfurt am Main u. a. : Lang. • Schneider, T. (2004): Nachhilfe als Strategie zur Verwirklichung von Bildungszielen. Eine empirische Untersuchung mit Daten des Soziooekonomischen Panels (SOEP). In: DIW Discussion Papers No. 447, Oktober 2004. 8