- Количество слайдов: 37
1. 0 TEACHING AND LEARNING Academics who: Rc’d Teaching Certificate (20072009) Currently Registered for Teaching Cert. Exposed self to course in teaching & learning effectiveness Cave Hill St Augustine (Began 2009) 6 15 5 5 Mona 16
1. 0 TEACHING AND LEARNING 2. COURSES & PROGRAMMES: ELIMINATED FOR DUPLICATION Cave Hill: Psychopathology was removed following the rationalisation of BA Psychology Programme with the BSc Psychology Programme
1. 0 TEACHING AND LEARNING 2. COURSES & PROGRAMMES: (b) INTRODUCED IN 2008 -2009 Cave Hill: 6 New courses (History) 5 new courses in Theology, 5 new courses in Psyhology St Augustine: 12 New Programmes; 10 New Courses Mona: 4 New Programmes; 14 New Courses (9 in CARIMAC and 5 in History & Heritage)
1. 0 TEACHING AND LEARNING 2. COURSES & PROGRAMMES: (d) WITH ON-LINE OR E-LEARNING COMPONENT St Augustine: 2 Programmes; 90 Courses Mona: Humanities 91 Courses; Education 71 Courses
2. TEACHING AND LEARNING 2. COURSES & PROGRAMMES: (d) WITH ON-LINE OR E-LEARNING COMPONENT CON’TD n CAVE HILL Courses in the Foundation Language programme, and in Education have on on-line or in some cases, an e-learning component
1. 0 TEACHING AND LEARNING 2. COURSES & PROGRAMMES: (e) PARTNERED WITH OPEN-CAMPUS St Augustine: 1 course Mona: • Dept of Educational Studies – BEd Literacy Studies, English and Maths) • CARIMAC – 2 Courses (Online Journalism and Community Media)
1. 0 TEACHING AND LEARNING 2. COURSES & PROGRAMMES: (f) ACCESS TO COURSES Students from any Campus can access any course for credit in the Faculty.
1. 0 TEACHING AND LEARNING 3. NOTEWORTHY DEVELOPMENTS: (a) PEDAGOGY Staff Training to Improve Pedagogical Practice
1. 0 TEACHING AND LEARNING 3. NOTEWORTHY DEVELOPMENTS: (b) SYLLABUS REDESIGN BA Psychology and BA Theology Programmes rationalized and updated. Recruitment of Lecturers in the teaching of Mathematics and Science by School of Ed. All departments/units (except History) have introduced new programmes/courses and updated their syllabuses. History dept is in the process of so doing.
1. 0 TEACHING AND LEARNING 3. NOTEWORTHY DEVELOPMENTS: C. CURRICULUM RESTRUCTURING BA Psychology and BA Theology Programmes • CARIMAC – Replacement of BA Media and Communication with BA Journalism and BA Media Design and Marketing. • Depts of History and Arch. & Educational Studies: New BA History and History of Education. • Dept of History & Archaeology: – New BA History & Heritage; New Internships.
1. 0 TEACHI 3. NOTEWORTHY DEVELOPMENTS: C. Curriculum Restructuring, cont’d: Institute of Caribbean Studies – The Entertainment and Cultural Enterprise Management undergraduate programme, which is into its second year, has emerged as an example of a course of study aimed at preparing a reflective UWI graduate with entrepreneurial skills. The simulation of cultural industry practices in the classroom setting was complemented by the Summer Internship involving various local businesses which have provided the students with the opportunity to experience and apply industry practices in a real-world setting.
1. TEACHING AND LEARNING 4. ACTIONS FOR TAKING US CLOSER TO TURING OUT THE IDEAL UWI GRADUATE A. A CRITICAL THINKER Development of Critical Thinking – In CANV 3058 Economics of Culture, students are now required to formulate critiques of colleagues’ presentations in a formal structured way as a means of helping to develop their critical thinking skills
1. TEACHING AND LEARNING 4. ACTIONS FOR TAKING US CLOSER TO TURING OUT THE IDEAL UWI GRADUATE A. A PROBLEM SOLVER The Festival Project continues to exercise the problemsolving skills to effectively design, implement and evaluate a community intervention project in the Arts. The Projects must have a showcase event and must provide opportunities to engage stakeholders and to demonstrate real potential for sustainability.
1. TEACHING AND LEARNING 4. ACTIONS FOR TAKING US CLOSER TO TURING OUT THE IDEAL UWI GRADUATE E. COMPETENCE IN DISCIPLINE Introduced Research Methodology Courses for students in History & Philosophy. A similar course in Literatures in English, and Linguistics to be introduced in 2009/2010. Teaching methodologies in the foundation language programme have been upgraded. In response to concerns about the levels of the students’ analytical and communication skills, the Faculty requested that OBUS conduct a Quality Review of the Language Section of the Department of Language, Linguistics and Philosophy. This will be the first such and will be done in November 2009.
1. TEACHING AND LEARNING 4. ACTIONS FOR TAKING US CLOSER TO TURING OUT THE IDEAL UWI GRADUATE G. A TEAM PLAYER • Introduced First Year course Introduction to Cultural Research Methods group research assignment to encourage students to work together in a team structure. • Introduced Final Year course CANV Festival Management with a simulated exercise where students can organise themselves into an event project team. • In Music Therapy, students observe how to lead group activities and to work together to conduct sessions in a geriatric home and school setting
1. TEACHING AND LEARNING 5. ACHIEVEMENT OF FACULTY ENROLMENT TARGETS UNDERGRADUATE MONA 2007/2008/2009 Humanities 1, 773 1, 713 Education 255 294 1, 968 2, 067 Total
2. GRADUATE STUDIES & RESEARCH 1. TAUGHT MASTERS - NEW STUDENT INTAKE 2. 2008/2009 Cultural Education Heritage Studies MA 6 -- 10 16 MEd - 14 -- 14 MPhil 1 5 -- 6 Total St Augustine: 157 students 36
2. 0 GRADUATE STUDIES & RESEARCH 1. RESEARCH DEGREES – NEW STUDENT INTAKE 2008/2009 MPhil 10 Ph. D 17 Total Intake for Research Degrees 27 St Augustine: 177 students
2. GRADUATE STUDIES & RESEARCH 1. RESEARCH DEGREES – NEW STUDENT INTAKE Humanities Education PG Students 449 419 MPhil (F/T) 76 (42) 35 (11) Ph. D (F/T) 44 (14) 20 (6) Total No of Research Students 120 (56) 55 (17) % Fulltime researchers 46. 7 31
2. GRADUATE STUDIES & RESEARCH TOTAL NUMBER OF HIGHER DEGREES Humanities & Education 2004/05 232 2005/06 212 2006/07 180 2007/08 166
2. GRADUATE STUDIES & RESEARCH 7. INITIATIVES TO STRENGTHEN SUPERVISION & ENHANCE SUPERVISORY COMPETENCE AND CAPACITY CAVE HILL n Establishment of Supervisory Committees that draw on the disparate research strengths of Faculty members. Such Committees help to strengthen research supervision and to leverage wider participation of Faculty members in graduate programmes. n Deputy Dean ( Planning) assigned special responsibility for Graduate Studies. Has organized think tank to identify problem areas, including supervision, and to identify solutions. n Department of History & Philosophy working with Coordinator, Graduate Studies, to have academic staff who supervise students attend workshops in graduate supervision.
2. GRADUATE STUDIES & RESEARCH 7. INITIATIVES TO STRENGTHEN SUPERVISION & ENHANCE SUPERVISORY COMPETENCE AND CAPACITY MONA n Assumed responsibility for Institute of Caribbean Studies. One of the main tasks was to ensure appropriate supervision and monitoring of the large number of research students in Cultural Studies Graduate programme. n Advisory Committees were nominated. n Non-functioning supervisors replaced and some supervisors changed, in order to better allocate staff according to expertise.
2. GRADUATE STUDIES & RESEARCH 7. INITIATIVES TO STRENGTHEN SUPERVISION & ENHANCE SUPERVISORY COMPETENCE AND CAPACITY MONA n ICS Staff assigned active supervision or co-supervision of students. n Various meetings held between graduate students, ICS Staff, Dean, Deputy Dean, Faculty Coordinator for Grad Studies, Campus Coordinator for Grad Studies and PVC Ronald Young
2. GRADUATE STUDIES & RESEARCH 8. PHD REGISTRATION 2008/2009 Cave Hill St Aug Mona Full-time 13 6 30 Part-time 42 34 14 Total 55 40 44
2. GRADUATE STUDIES & RESEARCH 8. PHD REGISTRATION – FUNDED FULL-TIME 2008/2009 Government Sponsored 9 Economic Cost Waiver 1 PG Award 1 GATE covers Econ & half tuition 1 TOTAL 12
2. GRADUATE STUDIES & RESEARCH 9. FACULTY PUBLICATIONS 2008/2009 Books 7 Book chapters 23 Conference Proceedings 1 Articles 28 Bibliographies 1 Art Exhibitions 2 Conference Presentations 104 Other 14
2. GRADUATE STUDIES & RESEARCH GRANTS & COLLABORATIONS Research Grants awarded 2 Increase in no of international research students 12 Research Collaborations with Leading Research Institutions Worldwide 7
3. 0 LEADERSHIP & MANAGERIAL CULTURE 1 -2. Strategic Plan related issues are discussed at Departmental Meetings, Faculty Management Committee. Those elements requiring approval are presented to Faculty Board. At Mona, also at an annual 3 -day Retreat of Dean and HODS. 3. The inaugural Cross Campus Meeting was held at Cave Hill in January 2009. The resulting contact has facilitated greater exchange of ideas and harmonization. New requirements of AQAC means greater reliance on cross campus consultation in the development of new courses and programmes.
3. LEADERSHIP & MANAGERIAL CULTURE 4. Each student is assigned to a Faculty member who acts as Academic Advisor to that student throughout the academic year. 5. At Cave Hill - The History Forum, is a bi-weekly seminar series held by the Department of History, the proceedings of which are shared with the Main Library. 6. At Cave Hill - Staff/Student Liaison Committee; Postgrad Liaison Committee. 7. Annual Prize Giving Ceremonies honour those students in the Faculty who have been awarded prizes. Additionally, Mona is considering the establishment of a Faculty Honour Society.
3. LEADERSHIP & MANAGERIAL CULTURE 8. At Cave Hill, there are meetings with various student groups to look at problems in attempt to locate solution. e. g. Dean met with Levels II & III students in special caucus aimed at ironing out problems and creating greater student ownership of their academic programme.
4. OTHER ISSUES ADVANCING OBJECTIVES STATED IN STRATEGIC AIM 2 1. Cave Hill – Continuing, through mechanisms of curriculum review, and collaborations with state and parastate agencies to look at the question of education. 2. Cave Hill - Continuing on research focused on Caribbean published experiences of various OECS states. 3. Cave Hill – Deepening collaboration with the Government of Venezuela in Pedavista Project, collaborations with other universities, for example, La Universidad Nacional de Colombia
4. OTHER ISSUES 2. ONGOING RESEARCH FOCUSED ON CARIBBEAN AND/SMALL ISLAND STATES • Ongoing Research on Slavery in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean
4. OTHER ISSUES 2. ONGOING RESEARCH FOCUSED ON CARIBBEAN AND/SMALL ISLAND STATES • Caribbean Centre of Excellence for Teacher Training (CETT Project) • New Initiative in International Collaboration. Sciences, Mathematics and Information Technology (SMIT) Centre, Dept of Educational Studies, and the University of Reading – aims to improve Mathematics and Science teaching in Jamaican Schools. • Establishment of a Confucius Institute, Jamaica