Описание презентации The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern по слайдам
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is usually known by a shorter name of the United Kingdom or the UK. The flag of the United Kingdom is red, white and blue.
England is magic. Magic England has beautiful landscapes. It is a land of attractive Landscapes with lakes and dales. England is a country of red roses.
The flag of England is red and white. The symbol of England is a rose.
Scotland is an amazing land. Scotland is a land of amazing nature. It is a land of amazing Lakes, bagpipes and Highland games.
The flag of Scotland is blue and white. The symbol of Scotland is a thistle.
Wales is a romantic land. It is a land of romantic valleys. It’s a land of romantic valleys and daffodils.
The flag of Wales is green, red and white. The symbol of Wales is daffodil.
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