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THE UNIFIED STATE SYSTEM OF INFORMATION ON THE GLOBAL OCEAN Conditions and Perspectives of THE UNIFIED STATE SYSTEM OF INFORMATION ON THE GLOBAL OCEAN Conditions and Perspectives of Russian State System of Information on the Global Ocean Evgeny Vyazilov Russian Research Institute for Hydrometeorological Information – World Data Centre Roshydromet

Purpose and functions of ESIMO – information system designed to support marine-related activities in Purpose and functions of ESIMO – information system designed to support marine-related activities in the Russian Federation through provision of the integrated information on the global ocean available from marineoriented information systems of the Russian Federal Agencies and Russian Academy of Sciences Functions § To ensure information and technological interaction between information systems of different agencies § To develop and integrate information resources of ESIMO § To provide an access to information for the global ocean study, development and use § To enable information exchange with international information systems

ESIMO participants Cross-sector issues Coordination Guidance support Inter-Agency Commission Roshydromet RIHMI-WDC Ministry Education, Science ESIMO participants Cross-sector issues Coordination Guidance support Inter-Agency Commission Roshydromet RIHMI-WDC Ministry Education, Science of RF RF Ministry of Transport RF Ministry of Industry and Energy RF Fed. Service for Fishery MNR of RF. RF Min. of Economic Dev. RAS RF Ministry of Defense RF Foreign Ministry Roshydromet RF Min. of Infor. & Comm. FSB of RF RF Fed. Guard Service

Support of ESIMO operations Decision of Government of RF from 25. 12. 2005 No Support of ESIMO operations Decision of Government of RF from 25. 12. 2005 No 836 “On the unifiedstate system of information on the Global ocean” • • Regulatory support ESIMO regulation, Operating procedures and rules of ESIMO Centres (21) Guidelines and Manuals on ESIMO operation (5 documents) Information support • Common codes and classifiers (ISO, GOST, S 57, XML, ЕСИМО extensions) • Metadata formats, request/response messages and data communication protocols (XML, ISO, HTTP) Technological support • System-wide information technologies for interaction (4) and provision of services (5) • Thematic information technologies for data preparation in ESIMO Centres (89) Technical Support • Hardware-Software System (HSS) of system-wide technologies – firewalls and Web -servers, Application server, database (DB) server • HSS of thematic technologies – DB server and software systems of user workstations • • Institutional Support Organizations of 12 Ministries (Agencies) and RAS – Centres of ESIMO (21) Staff in ESIMO Centres to operate ESIMO technologies

Parameters of situation in the Global Ocean Marine environment – natural processes Meteo conditions Parameters of situation in the Global Ocean Marine environment – natural processes Meteo conditions Hydro physics Pollution Hazardous ocean events Geocryology Geology-Geophysics Ice Biology Marine-related activities – marine facilities Sea ports Emergency situations Ships and shipping Shipbuilding Exploration of bioresources Mapmaking and oil-andgas bearing regions Observations Exploration of mineral resources Socio-economic conditions Forecasts Summarizing Point, profile, grid, objects files Analysis DB, structuring files, catalogues of objects files, applications

General chart of ESIMO operation • Monitoring of SDDB – resources and data sources General chart of ESIMO operation • Monitoring of SDDB – resources and data sources in ESIMO Centers • Access to local data • Unification of codes and data structures • Navigation of requests and delivery of data to the portal and workstations ESIMO Portal Maintenance of resources directory • Maintenance of user directory • Development of user workstations • Interaction with distributed DB • Search and delivery of information on request and on schedule • ESIMO statistics, etc. Sever of integration Internet Data Provider • ESIMO Centers install “Data Provider” software, connect local data systems and register resources • Information on data comes to the resources directory on a regular basis • The system checks availability of data sources on a regular basis

Information services provided by ESIMO tools and resources Access to ready-to-use tools and resources Information services provided by ESIMO tools and resources Access to ready-to-use tools and resources – information, metadata, applications Delivery of information through the “push” technology”: information on inputs to resources, news, operational information, etc. Access through the ”requestresponse” technology: - quick search by key words and phrases and by subject heading list - extended search by several attributes Services provided on the basis of specialized workstations: Federal level (Roshydromet, Мin. of Transport, MES, MNR, Directorate for Navigation and Oceanography, RAS) Regional level ( «Arctic» , «Antarctic» , «Caspian Sea» , Northwestern Federal District – slices of information space by geographical regions Local level (North marine shipping, Navy НМС)

Access to information on the situation in the Global ocean Access to information on the situation in the Global ocean

On-line information services provided to marine-related activities Общий вид АРМ On-line information services provided to marine-related activities Общий вид АРМ

Information service for disasters ESIMO workstations for the National Centre of management in crisis Information service for disasters ESIMO workstations for the National Centre of management in crisis situations Information communication technology for interaction with automatic system of National Centre of management in crisis situations

ESIMO information resources ESIMO Centres interact with information systems of different agencies and provide ESIMO information resources ESIMO Centres interact with information systems of different agencies and provide information to ESIMO portal and workstations Over 1500 visits daily Traffic - 36 Gb of information monthly http: //data. oceaninfo. ru 19 Data Providers in ESIMO Centres, 1450 resources - 65 % marine environment, 35 % - marinerelated activities - 25 % operational, 75% - historical data - 30% DB, 70 % - data files and applications 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Interaction ESIMO with International Systems Subsystems : • Resources management • Complex information Service Interaction ESIMO with International Systems Subsystems : • Resources management • Complex information Service • Interaction with international Systems ESIMO Centers Data Collect Production Archives and DB Including ESIMO

The Principe's of interaction ESIMO with international information systems International oceanographic data exchange with The Principe's of interaction ESIMO with international information systems International oceanographic data exchange with WMO / IOC systems and GOOS The fullness of data sets for different regions by tolls IOC and GOOS Support of main Principe's of data exchange from ICSU and IOC, including: - free transference of data to exchange for no commercial using - identity WDC data sets - service of users IODE Centres for cost of data copy and receiving Interoperability international technologies data management ESIMO and international systems: EDMED, EDMERP, CSR, Scientists, Bibliography, CDI, developed in frame Sea Data Net, Black Sea and other projects

Conclusion The ESIMO are including 23 centres, more 1450 information resources ресурсов, 15 system Conclusion The ESIMO are including 23 centres, more 1450 information resources ресурсов, 15 system technologies, 87 thematic technologies, 198 software components, 163 DB, 10 users workstations Users may receive the complex information in any time, any place, any region from different agency systems by ESIMO Portal Developed workstations «Marine situational Centre Roshydromet» , «National Centre of management in crisis situations» , «Regional centres of Hydrometeorological Service» For wide using of ESIMO it need: - To develop the new methods and forms of users access to information resources - To regulate the questions of interagency information interaction for using ESIMO - To including the data from ESIMO to process to information service of marine activities On the exploitations of ESIMO impact the next problems: - Complication of ESIMO – it need the more high automation level of ESIMO management. Now it is using Tivoli monitoring system IBM) - The very big traffic. For decision of this problem the «mirror» ESIMO portals are developing in The main computer centre Roshydromet (Moscow). It need the using of gigabit channels between ESIMO centres and users.