- Количество слайдов: 13
The UN Climate Change Process & Role of ICT For Adaptation Rome, 7 September 2011, ITU Green Standards Week Chuck Shawcross Public Information and Media Services
Adaptation Examples • Adaptation examples include: a) Behavioural change at the individual level b) Technological and engineering options c) Risk management and reduction strategies d) Promotion of adaptive management strategies e) Development of financial instruments f) Promotion of ecosystem management practices 2
The climate change issue at international level? What is it? The climate change issue at international level - what is it? • What is the UNFCCC? a) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change b) Kyoto Protocol • What is the outcome of the 2010 UN Climate Change Conference in Cancun? 3
The UNFCCC- What is it? The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change: • 195 Parties – near universal membership • The ultimate objective of the Convention: “… stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. ” (Art. 2) • Annual meetings of all Parties at the Conference of the Parties (COP) to take decisions • Associated with “Mitigation” measures a) The UN defines mitigation in the context of climate change, as a human intervention to reduce the sources or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases. 4
The UN Climate Change Secretariat? What is it? The UN Climate Change Secretariat: • Based in Bonn since 1996 • Provides support to the Parties of the UNFCCC • Lawyers, scientists, negotiators, administrators • Organises negotiation sessions, prepares background documents, compiles emission data, supports regulatory body of international carbon market • Around 500 staff 5
Outcome of COP 16 in Cancun – Four new institutions Outcome of COP 16 in Cancun Agreement on four new institutions that need to be developed in 2011 1) A Green Climate Fund Ø to house long-term funds for developing country support 2) Technology Mechanism Ø Technology Committee and Climate Technology Centre 3) Adaptation Framework + Committee 4) Registry (at UN Climate Change Secretariat) Ø For developing countries to detail voluntary emission reduction plans and the support they request (“cash for action”) 6
Outcome of COP 16 in Cancun – outstanding issues Prospects for COP 17 in Durban Nov – Dec 2011 • Operationalisation of the Ø Clean Technology Mechanism Ø Adaptation Committee Ø Green Climate Fund • Clarity on the future of the Kyoto Protocol 7
Areas of Importance and Action for ICT Sector Three growing areas of importance and action for the ICT sector: a) Own emissions; • Currently strong focus with proven success b) Larger role in mitigation; • Information gathering and analysis • Process control (micro to macro) c) Emerging role in adaptation • Obvious that Adaptation is increasing in importance 8
ICT sector’s emerging role in adaptation • ICT sector’s emerging role in adaptation • Adaptation is a less mature area than Mitigation a) Urgency for R&D to fully understand how ICTs can support adaptation, • especially in vulnerable developing country regions, • and at local and community level • ICT already being used in other pre-emptive adaptation efforts. a) Geographic Information Systems for risk assessments to identify populations and assets that are potentially threatened by climate hazards. 9
Way Forward • Success of ICT in climate change solutions will depend to a large degree on stronger cooperation a) increased cooperation between governments and the private sector b) necessary policies and public finance to drive creativity. c) frameworks and partnerships especially as it concerns adaptation - at community and local level. • ICT is critical for tool boxes, foundations and applications assist in fulfilling policy goals in a standardized, accountable and verifiable way. 10
Technology Mechanism • The Technology Mechanism created in Cancun a) fully operational in 2012. b) goal is to sharpen the focus, step up the pace, expand the scope and quality of adaptation and mitigation technology development and transfer support. c) Will increase collaboration to support the implementation of technological solutions. • The success of the mechanism depends to a large degree on the active involvement of business and representatives from key sectors, including the ICT sector. 11
Conclusion • ICT has a unique position with application across all areas of climate change initiatives • ICT is already playing a major role in climate change mitigation and growing application for adaptation • How do we ensure ICT contributes at the highest possible level to this unprecedented challenge? 12
Thank you ! Chuck Shawcross Information. Technology Services