две страны две жизни после 2 сбоя ЗАЩИТА.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 40
The two ways of life Theme. Purpose Тэма. Мэта Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Holidays and traditions Conclusion • Dasha Makhnach • Form 11’A’ • School № 2 Спорт Святы і традыцыі Вынікі
Theme. Purpose Тэма. Мэта Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
Theme. Purpose Тэма. Мэта Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
Theme. Purpose Тэма. Мэта Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
Theme. Purpose Тэма. Мэта Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
Theme. Purpose Тэма. Мэта Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
Theme. Purpose Тэма. Мэта Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
The Purpose of our work is Purpose Theme. Purpose Huposesis Values Geography Political system Education Public health services Famous people comparative characteristics of the two countries and the study of readiness of high school students to compare them, to check the level of knowledge in linguistics and area studies; to investigate and prove the two countries differ from each other, they have much in common. Тэма. Мэта Гіпотэза Задачы Геаграфія Палітычная сістэма Адукацыя Ахова здароўя Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
Theme. Purpose Hyposesis Huposesis Values Geography • Hypothesis: senior pupils of our school does not have enough information to compare the countries, so we decided to create the electronic textbook, where would be the information about the similarities and differences. Тэма. Мэта Гіпотэза Задачы Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
Theme. Purpose The structure of the work is Тэма. Мэта Huposesis Гіпотэза Structure Values Задачы Структура Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
Theme. Purpose Huposesis Values • • • Geography Political system Education Public health services Famous people • • • Theoretical value: selection of theoretical material on these countries; pay attention to the fact that the common and different in the countries that are represented in the work ; Practical value: conducting of questioning among students of the school to identify the level of ownership of the materials on topics of " Belarus" and "UK"; the systematization of the similarities and differences on some aspects; to arrange the material; the creation of the electronic textbook; the work might be used at the lessons, language seminars; the work might be used for further research. Тэма. Мэта Гіпотэза Задачы Геаграфія Палітычная сістэма Адукацыя Ахова здароўя Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
Theme. Purpose Huposesis Values Geography Political system Education Public health services Research was carried out in several stages. The first step was to gather all theoretical information. The second part of the work - a practical one, it was evaluated and more detailed study of the material, which we had found on the topics of our countries, to further identify similarities and differences. We used a variety of research methods in our work: the method of the survey and a comparative analysis. Тэма. Мэта Гіпотэза Задачы Геаграфія Палітычная сістэма Адукацыя Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
Questionnaire Theme. Purpose Тэма. Мэта Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
Questionnaire Theme. Purpose Тэма. Мэта Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
Questionnaire Тэма. Мэта Theme. Purpose 78 9. Do you know any famous singers, musical. . . Гіпотэза Huposesis 14 8 What can you say about healthcare system. . . Values Geography Political system Education Public health services Famous people Sport Holidays and traditions Conclusion Задачы 75 7 Достопримеч Геаграфія 6. Please name the top list of the most famo. . . 30 5. What are the most popular national. . . 29 4. What are the most famous sport activities? 29 Палітычная сістэма Адукацыя Ахова здароўя 17 3. Describe the political system. Знамянітасці 24 2. What do you know about education. . . Спорт 31 1. Name the main geographical. . . 0 50 100 Святы і традыцыі Вынікі
Geography Тэма. Мэта Theme. Purpose Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Sport Area - Total 243, 610 km 2 Water (%) - 1. 34 94, 060 sq mi Population - 63, 181, 775 Area - Total 207, 595 km 2 Water - 80, 155 sq mi Population - 9, 457, 500 Знамянітасці Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Theme. Purpose The Republic of Belarus Тэма. Мэта Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Sport Holidays and traditions Conclusion • • Capital – London Languages: English (official) Cornish, Irish, Scots, Scottish Gaelic Ulster-Scots, Welsh • • Capital – Minsk Official languages: Belarusian Russian Знамянітасці Спорт Святы і традыцыі Вынікі
Political system of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Тэма. Мэта Theme. Purpose Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі Constitutional monarchy
Political system of the Republic of Belarus Theme. Purpose Тэма. Мэта Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі Unitary presidential republic
Education Theme. Purpose Huposesis Values Geography Political system The UK Belarus Educational system Гіпотэза Education in Great Britain and Belarus is compulsory and free for all children. Задачы There are five stages of education: early years, primary, secondary, Further Education (FE) and Higher Education (HE). Education Public health services Famous people Conclusion Pre-school education and upbringing, general secondary school, vocational education, secondary special education, higher education. English language Russian and Belarusian languages Academic year 3 terms Геаграфія Палітычная сістэма Адукацыя Ахова здароўя Official languages Sport Holidays and traditions Тэма. Мэта 4 quarters Знамянітасці Спорт Святы і традыцыі Вынікі
Character of school Тэма. Мэта Theme. Purpose Гіпотэза Huposesis The UK Values Geography Belarus 2% 8% Public health services Famous people Геаграфія Палітычная сістэма Political system Education Задачы 92% State schools Public schools 98% State schools Public schools Адукацыя Ахова здароўя Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
Magna Carta College Тэма. Мэта Theme. Purpose Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Education Public health services Famous people Sport Holidays and traditions Conclusion • Pre-Masters Certificate • International University Foundation Diploma in Business (Levels 3 & 4) • University Foundation Diploma (Level 4) • ABE Level 4 Diploma in Business Management • ABE Level 5 Diploma in Business Management • ABE Level 6 Extended Diploma in Business management • ABE Administered ABP Level 7 Diploma/Extended Diploma • Graduate Development Programme • Effective Online Tutoring Programme Палітычная сістэма Адукацыя Ахова здароўя Знамянітасці Спорт Святы і традыцыі Вынікі
Education Тэма. Мэта Theme. Purpose Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Public health services Famous people Sport Holidays and traditions Conclusion The University of Oxford (informally referred to as Oxford University or simply Oxford) is a collegiate research university located in Oxford, England, United Kingdom. Minsk State Linguistic University is a university in Minsk, Belarus. It specializes in foreign languages with major focus on English, French, German and Spanish. Адукацыя Ахова здароўя Знамянітасці Спорт Святы і традыцыі Вынікі
Education Тэма. Мэта Theme. Purpose Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Public health services Famous people Sport Holidays and traditions Conclusion The University of Cambridge (informally known as "Cambridge University" or simply as "Cambridge") is a collegiate research university located in Cambridge, England, United Kingdom. Belarusian State University (BSU), Minsk, Belarus, is a toprated higher education establishment in the Republic of Belarus. Адукацыя Ахова здароўя Знамянітасці Спорт Святы і традыцыі Вынікі
Pupils Theme. Purpose Тэма. Мэта Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
Public health service in Belarus Theme. Purpose Тэма. Мэта Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
Theme. Purpose Тэма. Мэта Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
Healthcare in the UK Theme. Purpose Huposesis Availability of Affordable Healthcare No opinion Geography Задачы 5% 2% Геаграфія Famous people Very dissatisfied Holidays and traditions Conclusion 33% 36% Somewhat satisfied Very satisfied Адукацыя 27% Somewhat dissatisfied Sport Палітычная сістэма 27% 23% Education Public health services Гіпотэза Quality of Medical Care Values Political system Тэма. Мэта Ахова здароўя Знамянітасці 31% Спорт 7% 11% Святы і традыцыі Вынікі
Famous people Тэма. Мэта Theme. Purpose Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Public health services Famous people Sport Holidays and traditions Conclusion The Beatles were an English rock band that formed in Liverpool, in 1960. The band consisted of John Lennon, Paul Mc. Cartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. Pesniary (also spelled Pesnyary) was a popular Soviet Belarusian folk rock VIA. It was founded in 1969 by guitarist Vladimir Mulyavin. Адукацыя Ахова здароўя Знамянітасці Спорт Святы і традыцыі Вынікі
Famous people Тэма. Мэта Theme. Purpose Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Famous people Sport Holidays and traditions Conclusion William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. Janka Kupala ( July 7 1882 – June 28, 1942) – was the pen name of Ivan Daminikavich Lutsevich, a Belarusian poet and writer. Kupala is considered one of the greatest Belarusianlanguage writers of the 20 th century. Ахова здароўя Знамянітасці Спорт Святы і традыцыі Вынікі
Famous people Тэма. Мэта Theme. Purpose Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Famous people Sport Holidays and traditions Conclusion Robert Burns (25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796) (also known as Robbie Burns) was a Scottish poet and lyricist. Adam Bernard Mickiewicz (24 December 1798 - 26 November 1855) - Polish poet and political publicist leader of the national liberation movement. Ахова здароўя Знамянітасці Спорт Святы і традыцыі Вынікі
Famous people Тэма. Мэта Theme. Purpose Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Famous people Sport Holidays and traditions Conclusion Charles Robert Darwin, (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882) was an English naturalist and geologist, best known for his contributions to evolutionary theory. Isaac Asimov (born Isaak Yudovich Ozimov; c. January 2, 1920 – April 6, 1992) was an American author and professor of biochemistry at Boston University, best known for his works of science fiction and for his popular science books. Ахова здароўя Знамянітасці Спорт Святы і традыцыі Вынікі
Famous people Theme. Purpose Тэма. Мэта Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
• 9 Sport Тэма. Мэта Theme. Purpose Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Education Public health services Famous people Sport Holidays and traditions Conclusion Andrew Barron "Andy" Murray (born 15 May 1987) is a Scottish professional tennis player, ranked World No. 4 and British No. 1. Maxim Mirnyi ( born 6 July 1977 in Minsk) is a professional tennis player from Belarus. Today Mirnyi is a doubles specialist, but he also enjoyed a good singles career, reaching a careerhigh of World No. 18 (August 2003). Палітычная сістэма Адукацыя Ахова здароўя Знамянітасці Спорт Святы і традыцыі Вынікі
Sport Тэма. Мэта Theme. Purpose Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Public health services Famous people Sport Holidays and traditions Conclusion Ruslan Albertovich "Rusty" Salei ( November 2, 1974 – September 7, 2011) was a Belarusian professional ice hockey player. Salei played 14 seasons in the National Hockey League (NHL) for the Detroit Red Wings, Colorado Avalanche, Florida Panthers and the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim. Адукацыя Ахова здароўя Знамянітасці Спорт Святы і традыцыі Вынікі
Sport Тэма. Мэта Theme. Purpose Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Famous people Sport Holidays and traditions Conclusion Laura Robson (born 21 January 1994) is a British tennis player, who is the current No. 1 ranked female player in the United Kingdom. Victoria Azarenka ( born 31 July 1989) is a Belarusian professional tennis player. She is a former World No. 1 and she is currently World No. 2 as of 5 August 2013. Ахова здароўя Знамянітасці Спорт Святы і традыцыі Вынікі
• 10 Traditions Тэма. Мэта Theme. Purpose Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Public health services Famous people Sport Holidays and traditions Conclusion Double decker tour bus began operating in Minsk City Tour - a joint project of Drom Tour tourism and tourist information center "Minsk". Double-decker buses are in common use throughout the United Kingdom, and have been favoured over articulated buses by many operators because of the shorter length of double-deckers, and less need to have standing capacity. Адукацыя Ахова здароўя Знамянітасці Спорт Святы і традыцыі Вынікі
National costumes Theme. Purpose Тэма. Мэта Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
Theme. Purpose Huposesis Our pupils took part in the opening of the tourist route “Minsk City Tour” bus Тэма. Мэта Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі
• 11 Theme. Purpose Тэма. Мэта Huposesis Гіпотэза Values Задачы Geography Геаграфія Political system Палітычная сістэма Education Адукацыя Public health services Ахова здароўя Famous people Знамянітасці Sport Спорт Holidays and traditions Святы і традыцыі Conclusion Вынікі