The town of Abakan
Abakan is the administrative, economic and cultural centre of the Khakass Republic.
The town is situated at the place where the Abakan river runs into the Yenisei.
Today Abakan is a beautiful modern town with a developed industry and culture.
There is furniture factory Foot wear factory
Knitwear factory Meat-packing plant
Diary products factory
Abakan is also an important transport junction. It has a railway station, a long distance bus station, a river port and airport.
The town transport has greatly improved too. Buses, trolley-buses, taxis. Buses taxis trolley-buses
Polytechnical Institure
University, the Khakas Scientific Research
Institure of Language
Institure of Literature and History
Children's Art school
Musical school
The number of secondary schools grows with every year. Among them is the National gymnasium.
Cinemas, theatres, exhibitions, halls for dancing, sport halls are open for public.
Nautilus Film Center
Victory park
Transfiguration park
Exhibitions Chyltys
Club Iceberg
In summer green trees and bright carpets of flower-beds make the town still more beautiful.