The Tower of London Пожаловаться
The tower of London is the main symbol of the United Kingdom the symbol of the most powerful countries of the Old Light tower was not so much because of the style in which it was built over 900-one years ago, but because of his dark history. The tower of London, which is in the shape of a fortress was not only a fortification, but also by a grim prison, where executions of death penalty sentences, a repository of public property, a huge Arsenal and gigantic workshop where coins were minted. However, it is not all functions that have been at different times entrusted with the building of the tower of London: during his long history he had visited the main residence of the kings Observatory, where astronomers watched the movements of the cosmic bodies, and even a zoo.
Beefeaters The tower has two special, live attractions – the guards and the ravens. It is worth noting that the tower is still considered the official residence of the monarch, and the functions of a fortress and a prison it has not been removed. So the castle always serve the guard, the yeoman, who are called "Beefeaters". To become a Beefeater only a retired soldier who served in the army for at least 22 years, received a special award for years of service and had the rank of a senior non-commissioned officer or above. This was an interesting incident – the sailors had no right to serve in the tower as they swear allegiance not to the crown, and Lord of the Admiralty. But Elizabeth II has changed this order, having given the post of Lord husband, Prince Philip, who, as you know, was a sailor in the Navy and went through the entire Second world war. As a result, in 2011, the tower received the first sailor. In 2007, the first time a woman was able to become a Beefeater. She met all the requirements, because the appointment was legal. But an unpleasant incident happened – after 2 years, three of the guards were sentenced for "baiting", one was acquitted, but the other two dismissed.
Ravens Six crows second live attraction of the castle and a centuries-old tradition. In the tower, for various reasons, has always been inhabited by crows and fell for the legend that when the ravens leave the tower will fall and the British monarchy. The most common version, king Charles II issued an interesting decree according to which the castle should always live at least 6 crows, and so they do not slide they should clip the wings. So it was or not, but a long time ago, this tradition is maintained. Usually crows live for 10-15 years, but in captivity, their lifespan is much longer than the one of the Tower ravens lived for 44 years. Replace dead crow found in nurseries or take someone from their offspring. This crow is not guaranteed lifelong residence in the castle, some birds literally fired for misconduct. For example, in 1986, George Crow went to the zoo for the fact that he attacked a TV antenna.