1 3 2 4 5
What time is it? It’s 5 a. m. 5 утра (а. m. -до 12 дня) It’s 10 p. m. It’s 10 o’clock 10 вечера (р. m. -после 12 дня) WHAT TIME IS IT? It’s 5 o’clock.
A. M. OR P. M. ? 1. It’s morning now. It’s 8. . Let’s go to school! 2. In the afternoon the pupils come from school. It’s 3. We do homework in the evening. It’s 6 … 4. It’ s very late now – it’s 1. . Why are you not sleeping?
A. M. OR P. M. ? 1. It’s morning now. It’s 8 a. m. Let’s go to school! 2. In the afternoon the pupils come from school. It’s 3 p. m. 3. We do homework in the evening. It’s 6 p. m. 4. It’ s very late now – it’s 1 a. m. Why are you not sleeping?
МИНУТЫ ПОСЛЕ ЦЕЛОГО ЧАСА 7. 10 -It’s 10 (minutes) past 7 ü 8. 15 - It’s a quarter past 8 ü 9. 25 - It’s 25 past 9 ( a. m. )/(p. m. ) ü 3. 30 – It’s half past 3 past
МИНУТЫ ДО ЦЕЛОГО ЧАСА 7. 35 –It’s 25 (minutes) to 8 8. 45 –It’s a quarter to 9 to
DRAW THE HANDS ON THE CLOCK FACE! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. It’s five minutes past two. It’s a quarter to nine. It’s twenty-five minutes to four. It’s a quarter past eleven. It’s twenty minutes to twelve. It’s half past seven. It’s ten minutes to one. It’s twenty minutes past five.
CHECK YOURSELVES! 2. It’s a quarter to nine. 1. It’s five minutes past two. 3. It’s twenty-five minutes to four. 4. It’s a quarter past eleven. 6. It’s half past seven. 5. It’s twenty minutes to twelve. 7. It’s ten minutes to one. 8. It’s twenty minutes past five
IN – ON – AT № 1. 1. The pupils go to school in the morning. 2. At night we are free. 3. The New Year is on the 1 st of January. № 3. 1. I help my mother in the afternoon. 2. The students have no lessons on Saturday. 3. Today I am busy at 4 o’clock. № 2. 1. The first lesson begins at 9 o’clock. 2. There are 28 days in February. 3. The children do not go to school on Sunday. № 4. 1. The film begins at 10 p. m. 2. We have English lessons on Thursday. 3. My sister does her homework in the evening.