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The theory of effective management Fred Fielder The theory of effective management Fred Fielder

Fred Fiedler (1922)– the first management experts He was business and management psychologist at Fred Fiedler (1922)– the first management experts He was business and management psychologist at the University of Washington. The Fiedler contingency model is a leadership theory of industrial and organizational psychology developed. He worked on research of traits and personal characteristics of leaders to leadership styles and behaviors.

He believed that the success or effectiveness of a management style depends on 3 He believed that the success or effectiveness of a management style depends on 3 factors: -the relationship of the head with a subordinate; -structure of production targets; -the level of power of the executive.

1. The relations of the manager and subordinates. The degree of loyalty of the 1. The relations of the manager and subordinates. The degree of loyalty of the leader to the team members. Close relationship-leader can count on the support and understanding at any time; Not close relationship – power has reduced

2. Structure of production targets Structure of production target Performing simple tasks does not 2. Structure of production targets Structure of production target Performing simple tasks does not demand high level of group work. No independence and initiatives of a team. It demands less responsibility and it leads to using the dominant style of ruling Performing complicated tasks demands high level of group work, initiative, flexibility of the team and the leader. It demands responsibility and it leads to using the democratic style of ruling

3. The level of power of the executive. Amount of power is measured by 3. The level of power of the executive. Amount of power is measured by the authority head. This power allows him or her to give orders, encourage or punish. The high level of government allows for authoritarian methods and vice versa.

"the performance of the group depends on the interaction of leadership style and the ease of the situation. “ F. Fidler Effective leadership - is a matter of personality and the ability to relate to other human beings

theory of effective leadership (1967) styles of leadership hard style soft style Leader establishes theory of effective leadership (1967) styles of leadership hard style soft style Leader establishes and maintains good interpersonal relationships and enhances personal situation Leader is focused primarily on the achievement of the objectives, the implementation of the decisions taken