Скачать презентацию The teenage aggression When there is no pressure Скачать презентацию The teenage aggression When there is no pressure

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The teenage aggression. “When there is no pressure of fear and discipline, children do The teenage aggression. “When there is no pressure of fear and discipline, children do not show aggression”. Alexander Neill.

On February 3, 2014 a tragedyhappened in one of Moscow schools. The 10 th On February 3, 2014 a tragedyhappened in one of Moscow schools. The 10 th grade pupil Sergey Gordeev opened fire at the school and killed a teacher of geography Andrew Kirillov and the police senior sergeant. Sergey Bushuev. Gordeev held his classmateshostage, but, fortunately, nobody suffered. Psychologists had a talk with the killerto reveal the motivesof the crime. At present, Sergey Gordeev is being under arrest before sentencing.

What is aggression? Aggression is behavior, or a disposition, that is forceful, hostile or What is aggression? Aggression is behavior, or a disposition, that is forceful, hostile or attacking. It may occur either in retaliation or without provocation. In narrower definitions that are used in social sciences and behavioral sciences, aggression is a response of an individual that delivers something unpleasant to another person.

There are several factors that determine aggressive behavior in a human: 1. Intention • There are several factors that determine aggressive behavior in a human: 1. Intention • when a person sees that the other one is going to attack him or stop him, the critical fact is whether aggressive intentions are concerned to the other. 2. Key aggression exciters • the feature of context influences the evaluation of the situation, pointing the subject to what meaning should be ascribed to it. 3. Satisfaction of a result reached by aggression • the most immediate satisfaction is brought by any reaction of the victim, expressing his or her suffering. 4. Self-rating • the level of self-appraisal regulates internal normative standards.

Adolescence is a boundary between childhood and adulthood, related with a human’s participation in Adolescence is a boundary between childhood and adulthood, related with a human’s participation in public life. The special position of adolescence in child development is reflected in its title: "transition", "turning ", "difficulty", " crucial point ". They fix the complexity and importance of development processes associated with the transition from one period of life to another one. This is the main content and the specific difference of all aspects of the development in this period physical, mental, moral & social.

The main characteristics of adolescence. The first general rule and the crucial problem of The main characteristics of adolescence. The first general rule and the crucial problem of teenage period, as we have already noted is restructuring of relations with parents, the transition from childhood dependence to relations based on mutual respect and equality. Yeah. . yeah. .

The end of childhood and the transition to the world of adults is also The end of childhood and the transition to the world of adults is also associated with the development of a teenager critical reflective thinking. But though a teenager has a logical thinking equal to an adult, he is still a child as to his life experience. Protesting against lies, hypocrisy and dominance of the adult world over him, a teenager at the same time needs warmth, kindness, understanding and forgiveness of adult.

Self-contradiction. Being a teenager person desires to learn himself, his abilities, search himself in Self-contradiction. Being a teenager person desires to learn himself, his abilities, search himself in a relationship with others. Opening his inner world is a very important, joyful and exciting process but it also causes a lot of dramatic circumstances. Together with the consciousness of his uniqueness, originality, diversity a sense of loneliness comes. Teenager’s need of communication is growing while the selectivity of communication, the need for privacy are increasing. Formation of identity especially during the adolescence and early adulthood is impossible without changing the system of social relations, and the growing person must develop certain attitude to it.

Prevention from aggression. Support Punishment Ignoring Children learn to be of interest, attention and Prevention from aggression. Support Punishment Ignoring Children learn to be of interest, attention and approval of others, especially their own parents; they also learn to work in team, communicate in a positive way. Aggressive reaction won’t necessarily disappear, and may occur in situations where threat of punishment will be weaker. Such acts are doubtful, and even alarming, they are fraught with dangerous results and may lead to further increase of aggressive behavior, turning it into a familiar form of individual behavior.

The main factors determining the formation of children's aggression are: family, peers, the massmedia, The main factors determining the formation of children's aggression are: family, peers, the massmedia, etc. Children learn aggressive behavior through a direct contact with aggressors as well as by observing aggressive actions. Society morbid aggression and intolerance infect its younger generation. The danger is that the disease of the new generation may become innate and mass, turn from social pathology into the social norm, so it is necessary to continue a more detailed and indepth consideration of the subject, both at the level of psychological and pedagogical sciences, and at the level of practical work with teenagers.

Children are our future… take care of them. Thank you for your attention. Children are our future… take care of them. Thank you for your attention.