The Tasmanian devil
Appearance • The Tasmanian devil is the largest of the modern carnivorous marsupials. An animal is the size of a small dog, but of the strong build and dark coloration, more reminding a tiny bear. The length of its body is about 50 -80 sm. , and its tail is 23– 30 sm. The size of its body depends on its age, habitat and food. Males are larger than females. Large males weigh up to 12 kg and their height at the shoulder is up to 30 sm.
APPEARANCE • The body of the Tasmanian devil is clumsy and massive. Extremities are strong, truncated; forepaws aren’t much longer than the back. A head is disproportionately big, with a dulled muzzle. Ears are small and pink. Wool is short and black. There are usually white spots on its breast and sacrum and sometimes on its sides. A tail is short and thick. There are stocks of fat in it. And when an animal is sick or starving, the tail becomes thin. It is also covered with long hair which is often rubbed away and then the tail becomes almost bare. The first finger on its hind legs is absent and claws are large.
APPEARANCE • Its molars are adapted to cut through and to crush bones. One bite is enough for the marsupial devil to bite through a spine or a skull of its prey. The force of its bite according to its weight is the highest among the mammals.
Area of distribution • Nowadays the marsupial devil can be found only on the island Tasmania though it also could be found in Australia. It has disappeared approximately 600 years ago from the continent. In Tasmania the European settlers also exterminated the Tasmanian devils because they ravaged their hen coops. As a result, marsupial devils were going away farther to the undeveloped forests and mountain areas of Tasmania. So, its quantity had been decreasing until the hunting of it wasn’t officially banned. In general the Tasmanian devils feed on carrion, small animals, such as rabbits and rats, and birds. They also can eat insects, snakes and amphibians.