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The Swedish Monopoly - age control 4 th European Alcohol Policy Conference June 22
SWEDEN • Population: 9, 256, 000 • Name: Systembolaget • Opinion support: 64% • Skriv tekst her… • Customer satisfaction: 77% • Age limit: 20 years • Consumption per capita*): 7. 1 liters • Sales volume**): 417, 267, 000 liters • Turnover: USD 3, 236, 100, 000 *) Registered and unregistered consumption of pure alcohol, including tax free, own brewing and smuggling. *) Including beer < 4. 75 alc % 2
0 3 6 Iceland Norway 6. 86 Slovakia 8 Sweden Bulgaria Romania Belarus Canada 10 United States Poland Italy Australia Greece Latvia Netherlands Estonia Belgium United Kingdom 12 Finland Russia Switzerland Hungary Denmark Spain Lithuania Slovakia Portugal Austria Croatia Germany France Ireland Czech Republic Luxenbourg Registered alcohol consumption in Europe, Canada and the US Measured in liters of pure alcohol consumed per capita in a given year, according to the most recent data from the WHO (source: Wikipedia) 20 18 16 14 10. 43 8. 51 8. 26 5. 81 5. 71 4 2
The Nordic Solution Strong focus on restrictions • • • State owned companies with exclusive right to retail alcohol Absence of private profit motive Strong belief in limiting alcohol harm by restrictive accessibility thus limiting total alcohol consumption Brand neutral Limited number of stores and opening hours No sales to minors, intoxicated or anyone buying on behalf of minors/intoxicated Campaigns on preventing underage drinking with focus on producing ID when under 25 years of age No marketing allowed Information on the harm caused by alcohol Our citizens do not regard alcohol as an ordinary commodity and value social control more than convenience and free access to alcohol. 4
The Nordic Solution … and customer service Outstanding customer service Standards. Meeting customer need based on expert advise. Education of staff Modern shopconcept Tidy self-service stores Modern and responsible image Nice ambiance Fierce internal competition Limiting harm while providing outstanding service Store of the year Balanced scorecard Mystery shoppers Strict productivity goals Broad product range Depth and breatdh All wine regions represented Profitable Product quality Corporate Social Responsibility Mulitichannel retailing Absence of profit motive. Ethical Trade (Nordic cooperation) Environment. Integrated multichannel concept Easy to shop Easy yo navigate
The most important job is done in our stores • Before selling alcohol we request ID if the customer appears to be younger than 25 years of age • We only sell when the customer can verify his or her age • We question or deny purchase if we suspect that the products will be resold to young people
We measure how well we accomplish to request ID from young customers • Independent company • The result is a key figure in our balanced scorecard • The mystery shoppers are 20 -24 years of age • 6300 tests and feedback from each one
Our training and how we maintain good results • Training new employees • Introduction program during the first year consisting of theoretical and practical training • Interactive course on the computer • Test on the alcohol policy and how to manage situations involving our selling rules • Training all employees • Information on the intranet • Competitions in guessing peoples age from pictures • Continuously transparent reporting of results from the mystery shopping, feedback and coaching individually • Cooperation with the police and in some cases, social workers
Our ambition is also to inform the public and change attitudes towards drinking • Ads in daily papers • TV commercials • Posters on a special wall in all our stores • Printed information in every store Do you want help to • Cinema commercials resist any attempt to get You to buy alcohol • www. systembolaget. se to a teenager? Visit www. systembolaget. se
Teenagers and alcohol Systembolaget, the Swedish Alcohol Retail Monopoly, exists for one reason only: To minimize alcohol-related problems by selling alcohol in a responsible way Our most important task is to prevent people younger than 20 years of age from buying alcohol.
Systembolaget, utveckling nyckeltal Opinionsindex – stödet för Systembolaget ökar Nöjd Medarbetar-index ökar Nöjd Kund-index – Kunderna allt nöjdare Ålderskontroll – ny metod 2007 Produktiviteten i butik ökar (arbetsenheter per dagsverke) Nöjd Kund-index – Jämförelse dagligvarubutik 2009) Systembolaget Willys VI ICA Hemköp Coop