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The status of gis application in urban development and management in vietnam M. Sc – Arch Tran Anh TUAN Director of Center for Urban Development Information, International Cooperation and Consultation Urban Development Agency Ministry of Construction
CONTENTS: 1. The current situation of GIS application in Vietnam. 2. GIS application for urban management and development in ministries and municipalities. 3. The project of GIS application into urban development and management.
1. THE CURRENT SITUATION OF THE GIS APPLICATION IN VIETNAM. • The GIS application in urban development brings many benefits to policy makers, investors and citizen. • It have been implemented officially for over 10 years in the fields of Construction, Transportation, Nature resources and Environment, ect. • After 10 years, almost the GIS application projects were pilot projects. Especially, the planning management and urban development management have not been standardized. • Database sources are asynchronous. • Lack of cooperation of line-ministries to process information. While urban development is an interdisciplinary field which gathers data from various sectors. • In terms of urban development, GIS application finds many difficulties due to an urban database is unavailable in Vietnam.
2. GIS APPLICATION FOR URBAN MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT IN MINISTRIES AND MUNICIPALITIES Decision No. 1605/QD-TTg in August 27 th, 2010 of the Prime Minister approving the national program on application of IT to operate state agencies during 2011 -2015. IN THE FIELD OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES • At the end of 1980 s, GIS and remote sensing have been applied to the field of environment and resources for monitoring by the international cooperation projects. GIS have been run individually without a link with line-ministries. • The maps system has not been standardized follow the fixed coordinate. There are many kinds of maps. Organizations or companies have been done them by dissimilar ways.
2. GIS APPLICATION FOR URBAN MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT IN MINISTRIES AND MUNICIPALITIES THE FIELD OF TRANSPORTATION The GIS has been applied to some transport infrastructure management requirement, also to manage the transport in real time. Mapinfo has been become a popular software. Green map in GIS system with information of different attribute name Bus route map in Hanoi, Interface on the Internet
2. GIS APPLICATION FOR URBAN MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT IN MINISTRIES AND MUNICIPALITIES THE FILED OF CONSTRUCTION • The IT in construction has been approached more in professional works. • Popular softwares has been used to support such as Auto. Cad, Photoshop, MS Excel, ect. • Database software and GIS application software such as: MS Access, SQL server, Map. Info, Arc. View, ect. Most of them are used limited.
2. GIS APPLICATION FOR URBAN MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT IN MINISTRIES AND MUNICIPALITIES THE FILED OF CONSTRUCTION • Results: + Atlas of Urban Planning in Vietnam period 1996 – 2020. + Atlas of Industrial zone planning in Vietnam period 1997 – 1999. + Urban Planning & Urban Construction Management Applications of GIS period 2000 – 2001. + The Hanoi Capital Construction Master Plan. + City Development Strategies (CDS). + GIS became a regular topic in Hanoi Architectural University (HAU). GIS is also applied in the research center of HAU.
2. GIS APPLICATION FOR URBAN MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT IN MINISTRIES AND MUNICIPALITIES GIS have been applied since 2003 in some cities such as Ho Chi Minh city, Can Tho city, Nam Dinh city, ect. HO CHI MINH CITY. • Objects of GIS : housing and household management in Vo Vap district • Results: + Calculate exactly areas and money which will be compensated for urban citizen. Allow for re-checking. + Citizen is able to check the status of their own profile for how’s done, where’s stage by phoning and getting answer immediately. + Go Vap People Committee: in 2003 issed 23. 000 certificates of housing property with less mistake than using manual way.
2. GIS APPLICATION FOR URBAN MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT IN MINISTRIES AND MUNICIPALITIES NAM ĐINH CITY • A sponsor program from Canada through ACVN-Association Cities of Viet Nam about “Improving capacity in planning and urban development control”. • Expect to moderned to solve: + Building land maps for assessing and identifying house locations and numbering house number. + Using info of house and land for purchasing. + Supplying info of house, land plans. + Managing land profiles. + Maximizing time for identifying redline and linking to bank for credit loans.
3. THE PROJECT OF GIS APPLICATION INTO URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT Urban Development Agency is a state organization to support Ministry of Construction “to monitor, systhesis, assess and report about urban development over the country; to set up and control urban database and supply information on urban development”. Implementation agency: • Urban Development Agency - Investor • Municipal administration will be chosen to be the pilot • Consulting companies will be chosen to deploy technology.
3. THE PROJECT OF GIS APPLICATION INTO URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE • There are more 750 cities, from 5 th to special level, take more than 70% of the national GDP with urbanization rate more than 31% • According The Master Plan of Viet Nam's Urban System to 2025 and vision to 2050, total of cities is expected approximately 1000, the urban population is about 52 million people, the urbanization rate is 50%. • A system of urban database is needed to set up and update usually. • Few local governments in Vietnam actively collect and supply data while others do not pay much attention.
3. THE PROJECT OF GIS APPLICATION INTO URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT • BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE • The local authorities need to be guided and supported in coordinating and managing the implementation of investment projects for urban development • Centrally-controlled authorities always demand to get accurate reports to advice the Government, ministries and central departments to give directions and policies for urban development and management. • The process of applying GIS to manage urban databases has been started in Vietnam for some years but the different initiatives were incohensive and have not been synchronized between the central and local level yet.
3. THE PROJECT OF GIS APPLICATION INTO URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT Department of Construction/ Department of Planning and Architecture (63 centrallygoverned cities and provinces) Government Information Report MISNISTRY OF CONSTRUCTIO N (MOC) Information Report Urban Development Agency (UDA) Urban authorities Other believable information sources Congressment Politburo MOC’s Department, Agencies Other organizations • The current exploitation and management of urban development database at UDA
3. THE PROJECT OF GIS APPLICATION INTO URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES: 1. General objectives: • To create an urban database which supports the MOC and governmental agencies. • To direct the implementation of strategies, the master plan for developing the Vietnamese urban system, projects on key national of urban development • Contribute to the creation of the E - Government National urban development model until 2025
3. THE PROJECT OF GIS APPLICATION INTO URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES: 2. Specific objectives: • To build the criterion systems on urban development and management, the standards of urban management data. • To build the urban database system including GIS spatial database and attribution database (fifty percent of the work) • To build information system software of urban development and management and Standardize this software nationwide. • To build the GIS system for urban development and management • To purchase GIS and database software copyright. • To deploy applications and improve information system at UDA.
3. THE PROJECT OF GIS APPLICATION INTO URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT VISION of THE PROJECT SCOPE: The whole system will be deployed at UDA. Then UDA will transfer this system to others departerments and municipal administrations along the training courses. 2012 2013 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT PHASE • To focus on about 100 cities (urban level IV above). • Database and informaion systems will be built with the basic features 2014 ONGOINGS PHASE • To apply for the others cities in Vietnam. • To expand the scope of project: update database, upgrade new features to the information system
3. THE PROJECT OF GIS APPLICATION INTO URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT WHO ARE BENEFIT FROM THE PROJECT? • The governmental agencies both central and local • Municipalities both central and local. • Others such as investors, citizens, etc. TOTAL INVESTMENT : 9, 7 billion VND CURRENT STATUS : Feasibility report TIMELINE from 2011 to 2013 :
3. THE PROJECT OF GIS APPLICATION INTO URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT URBAN DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Develop the database framework (attribute and spatial) Software for information system and urban development (70% applications of the whole project) GIS database (map with scale of 1/25000 and 1/10000) Operate the system on Group 1 8 – 10 cities (level I, II) Operate the system on Group 2 20 – 25 cities (level III, IV) Operate the system on Group 3 65 - 70 Cities (level III, IV) Empirically apply for 01 urban area Calibrate the software and database Continue calibrating and developing the software 2012 2013 DIAGRAM OF THE PROJECT SCALE
3. THE PROJECT OF GIS APPLICATION INTO URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT Urban Development Agency (manage and operate) Individuals and organizations Information center MOC (technical support) Information system for construction and urban development Municipal adminitrations (Urban Management Division) Department of Construction/ Department of Planning and Architecture Update the database Utilize the database in information system Technical support Individuals and organizations
3. THE PROJECT OF GIS APPLICATION INTO URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT THE EXPECTATION OF RESULT FROM THE PROJECT A. CRITERIA ON URBAN CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGEMENT, WHICH CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: + Criteria on management of nation-wide urban areas + Criteria on the quality of urban areas + Criteria on new urban areas + Criteria on the improving - urban areas + Criteria on the projects of urban improvement which are used ODA resource + Criteria of assessment
3. THE PROJECT OF GIS APPLICATION INTO URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT THE EXPECTATION OF RESULT FROM THE PROJECT B. URBAN DATABASE IN VIETNAM. 1. Attribute database: • Attribute database which are categorized • Attribute database stored at administration system • To build up the software to update and process the information, which is named ‘Urbandatabase’
3. THE PROJECT OF GIS APPLICATION INTO URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT THE EXPECTATION OF RESULT FROM THE PROJECT B. URBAN DATABASE IN VIETNAM. 2. Spatial database: • There are complete application requirements of map to exploiting. + Regional and provincial administration maps (Scale of 1/25. 000; 1/10. 000). + Technical layouts of the map: printout maps, digital maps (cad, pdf, jpg, etc) • Capability of sharing and distributing the information as Open. GIS, WMS standards. • The output will be numbers, tables,
3. THE PROJECT OF GIS APPLICATION INTO URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT THE EXPECTATION OF RESULT FROM THE PROJECT C. THE APPLICATION FOR INTEGRATION AND INTEGRATED INFORMATION ON THE SYSTEM SOFTWARE To build a specific software, named Urbanlegal, to manage the administration documents in the project. D. THE APPLICATIONS THAT USED GIS FOR THE INFORMATION INTEGRATION, THE EXPORT DATA AND THE BROWSER. To build the applications that used GIS for the information integration, the export data and the browser, named Urban. GIS. E. APPLICATIONS THAT HELP TO OUTPUT THE REPORTS IN ORDER TO SUPPORT FOR THE GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT. To build the applications that support the government managements. This software is named Urban. Dev. Re. The report standard will be designed as the requirement from the Urban Development Agency.
Diagram of the information system for urban development and management
THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION For any question please contact us at: TRAN ANH TUAN – DIRECTOR Ministry of Construction - Urban Development Agency Center for Urban Development Information, International Cooperation and Consultation Email: trantuan. icc@gmail. com icc. uda@gmail. com