презентация по англ. Омирзак А. хт-11-5р.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 10
The spheres of biotechnological application and biotechnological process Omirzak Aigerim хт-11 -5 р
Biotechnology is necessary for people manufacturing products and materials with living organisms, cultured cells and biological processes.
Since ancient times, known for some biotechnological processes used in the various fields of practical human activity. These include baking, wine, cooking and sour milk products.
In the first half of the XX century, the scope of application of biotechnology enriched microbial production of acetone and butanol, antibiotics, organic acids, vitamins, protein feed. Through biology to biotechnology affect chemistry, physics, mathematics, cybernetics, mechanical. Modern biotechnology is also in dire need of elaboration of science-based technologies and hardware design.
Biotechnological process involves several stages: preparation of the object, its cultivation, isolation, purification, modification and use of the products.
In modern biotechnology, in accordance with the specific areas of application as appropriate to allocate a number of separate sections as follows: -Industrial Microbiology; -Food Biotechnology -Medical Biotechnology; -Technological bioenergy, -Agricultural biotechnology; -Biohydrometallurgy; -Engineering enzymology; -Cell and Genetic Engineering; -Environmental Biotechnology.
Food Biotechnology - is the oldest and traditional use of the ability of microorganisms to obtain beer, wine, dairy products and yeast.
Medical biotechnology - has been developed thanks to the achievements of genetic engineering. Preparation interferon, insulin, antibiotics, hormones, enzymes and vaccines.
Agricultural biotechnology. In this case, the application is very diverse: - The use of products and agricultural waste as raw material for biotechnology products: alcohol, wine, beer, energy. - The use of biotechnology in veterinary medicine for the production of vaccines and serums The future of agricultural biotechnology - is to improve the properties of plants using genetic engineering.
Currently in biotechnology perspective to use in the following industries: - Industry (chemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical, food); - In ecology; - Energy; - In agriculture; - In medicine.
презентация по англ. Омирзак А. хт-11-5р.ppt