- Количество слайдов: 174
The Solar System • Inner planets; geology, atmosphere evolution • The asteroids – scrambled and fried • Outer planets and their mini-solar systems of moons • Comets: icy dirtballs or dirty iceballs?
Inner vs. Outer Planets characteristics
Temp vs distance in solar system
All planets and the sun, sizes
How Does a Planet Retain an Atmosphere? • Surface gravity must be high enough and surface temperature must be low enough that the atmosphere molecules don’t leak away during the 4. 6 billion years since formation.
Two Ways a Planet Loses Atmosphere: First… • Lighter molecules move faster, because on average Kinetic Energy = Thermal Energy • (½)m
The Second way to Lose Atmosphere… • …maybe easier to understand - Impact Cratering! Big comets and asteroids hitting the planet will deposit a lot of kinetic energy which becomes heat, blowing off a significant amount of atmosphere all at once. • This is a Big issue especially in dense areas (inner solar system), and dense times (soon after formation).
The Inner Planets • It’s hot close to the sun. No ices. So only the rocky material (~3% of the solar nebula) could collect. Not hydrogen and helium since escape velocities that are too low for these • Atmosphere histories for each planet are unique…as we’ll see
Early inner planet; a ball of lava
Inner planet interiors; summary
Mercury mariner
Mercury mud cracks
Mercury fault
Mercury • Smallest planet, only 3, 000 mi across. • 600 F on daylight side, too hot to retain any atmospheric molecules at all. Probably doesn’t help that the sun is so close and solar storms can rack the planet and help carry off any atmosphere too. • Cratering shows it hasn’t had atmosphere for most of solar system’s history
venus. HST
Venus lava flows
Venus-surface 1
Venus-surface 2
Venus-surface 4
Venus • Has thick CO 2 atmosphere, 100 times denser than earth’s. CO 2 is the heaviest common molecule. • Greenhouse effect – CO 2 transparent to visible light coming down from the sun, but opaque to infrared coming back off the surface, hence heat comes in but can’t easily escape. 900 K on surface!! • Let me draw you a picture…
Greenhouse effect
Earth – largest inner planet • Crust divided into tectonic plates which move due to friction against the moving molten mantle underneath. Continental drift animation • . Click here for animation website. • This likely explains why the earth has so little atmosphere. That’s one heck of an impact event.
Atmosphere; initially rich in CO 2, methane, no oxygen Why so little atmosphere, and why is CO 2 such a tiny % (~0. 3% today)? 1. Life took out CO 2 and produced O 2, and organic and inorganic processes produced Ca. CO 3. Nice! This has been lowering greenhouse gases at the same time the sun has been increasing its luminosity – balance! 2. Moon created by Mars-sized planet impacting early Earth. Evidence: (1) moon crustal age is a little younger than Earth’s, (2) moon composition = Earth mantel composition, (3) moon orbits ~in ecliptic, not equator plane as you would expect if it was formed with the earth.
Folded mountains – earth and Venus
Aurora, iceland volcano
Mt. Aetna in italy
Ozone hole
moon. Plieades
Moon’s surface; maria vs highlands
Mare humorum,
Clavius 160 mi across
Apollo 15 on moon 1
Apollo 15 on moon
Graze reduction
mars. HS
Mars globe, big craters
Mars globe, w/ v. marinaris
Olympic mons caldera
Mars valle marinaris
Mars continents
Mars solis plenum
Martian sand dunes
Mars gullies
Martian surface; pathfinder
Spirit track
Mars mud cracks
Martian rock; blueberries, razorback
Mars crater edge - rover
Mars Burns. Cliffs
Mars drilling rock
Mars frozen ice floes
Mars heart-shaped crater
Phobos mars orbiter
Asteroids – Remnants of planet(s) roughed up by Jupiter? • Giant gap from Mars to Jupiter, plenty big enough to house another planet. But instead… • Thousands of bits and pieces of rock • Resonances and orbit crossings led to collisions, or maybe never came together in the first place (tidal stretching) • Total mass is less than that of Mars
The Outer Plants: Hydrogen/Helium Giants • 97% of early solar nebula was hydrogen and helium, roughly the composition of the outer planets • Cold temperatures, high mass allow these light atoms to be held by gravity for these 4. 6 billion years • Rocky cores surrounded by deep layers of H, He.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune lineup
Jupiter layers
Jupiter redspots
Jupiter storms
Jupiter IR, excess heat
Jupiter + Io
Io globe
Io globe closer in
Io volcano
Io pele
Io volcano closeup
Io surface hi res
Io cutaway
Europa cracks
Europa interior cutaway
Lake Vida Antarctic
Callisto ice spires
Ganymede globe gray
Callisto globe
Callisto cratering
Jupiter small rocky moons
saturn. HST
Saturn hst 2
Saturn rings
Mimas and rings
Cassini division close up
Saturn dragon storm
Saturn aurorae
Saturn aurorae sequence
Titan haze from side
Titan color
Titan b&w oceans
Titan shorelines
Titan ocean+canyon
Titan impact crater
Titan boulders. Color
Enceladus surface wedge
Enceladus surface
Enceladus surface 2
Enceladus cracks
Rhea cassini
iapetus. Walnut
saturn. Moon. Epithemus
Uranus, rings in ir
Uranus, rings. HST
Miranda lowres
Miranda hi res
Miranda bullseye
Miranda cliff
Neptune HST
Neptune great dark spot
Beyond Neptune – cold and dark! • No planets beyond Neptune, instead, the Kuiper Belt of large comets… • “rocks” of light elements (hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, chlorine…) are called “ice” and melt at very low temperatures. • Globs of this stuff, mixed with plenty of dust and dirt, are called “Comets”!
Hyakutake sahuaro
Hyakutake fisheye
Hyakutake long fl lens
K 4 LINEAR; longer exposure
Comets – A Tale of Two Tails • Comets swing by the sun on big arcing orbits. • The gas is blown back rapidly, since gas atoms are very light. Gas tail is very straight and moves very fast – gas atoms left comet very recently. • Dust tail is yellowish and often curved, as the dust grains move very slowly, showing the history of the comets path over a longer history.
C/Hale-Bopp Jtree
C/Bradfield & LINEAR T 7
C/Ikeya. Zhang and M 31
Comet surface - artist
Halley closeup
C/Borrelly closeup
C/Wile closeup/ composite
Comet P 57 breaking up
S 4 LINEAR breakup b&w
S 4 LINEAR breaking up
S 4 LINEAR up close
S 4 pieces
SL 9 string of comets
Crater chain on moon
Comet Temple. Tuttle; Leonids parent
Uniform vs Leonid meteor streams
Leonids ’ 99 Ayers antiradiant
Leonids ‘ 01
Leonids ’ 01 fisheye
Leonids ’ 01 fisheye 2
Leonids ‘ 02
Leonids Jtree
Leonids ’ 02 anti radiant
Leonids ’ 02 from space
Leonids ‘ 02, lake moon
Deep. Impact
Sedna, quaoar, pluto, earth/moon
Asteroids – Remnants of planet(s) roughed up by Jupiter? • Giant gap from Mars to Jupiter, plenty big enough to house another planet. But instead… • Thousands of bits and pieces of rock • Resonances and orbit crossings led to collisions, or maybe never came together in the first place (tidal stretching) • Total mass is less than that of Mars
asteroid. Trails
Inner SS known asteroids all
Pallas occultation
Radar of 3. 5 km NEO
Ann. Frank from Stardust
Eros, whole thing
Eros Landing Site
Eros surface
Ida and Dactyl to scale
Asteroid close encounters have changed some orbits, creating a population of earth-crossing asteroids. Those that haven’t already hit us, probably will in the (hopefully distant) future, Causing…. Trouble!
Daylight fireball
Michelle’s car
Fresh Russian Crater
Meteor. Crater, Arizona
Chixilub crater